
The journey of two lifetimes

Looking at the full moon she felt said all over again. "it's not too much to wish for love, is it? I haven't wished for anything for the past seventeen years but I feel like making a wish now ... but it will be selfish of me to force love on someone" The moon glowed and it's shine surrounded her. Tiny flickering lights carried her in the air as she made a wish "I wish to forget all the love I have for Liam.. I wish to go back to my normal self .. it's hurting me so bad I wanna die... please take it away" The skies rumbled and a blinding light covered Layna as she transformed into a white wolf with good streaks on its head. "awoo!..... awooo!" she howled After some time, she transformed back to her human form and walked back home. Liam who was watching her from the shadows came out and stared at the moon, his eyes red. He pondered on all she had said, ' I wish to forget all the love I had for Liam ... I am not a pushover... I let you hurt me ... who loves someone like this?' "why?" he asked himself Later that night after the party, May slept over at Layna's house because she was drunk. " oh Layna.. your party was lit... it was like the best party of the. . Layna are you listening... Layna! " May yelled " yes... May" Layna sighed "what's wrong? are you okay? you don't seem well" " I have a problem May " " what is it? you know you can tell me anything right? " " it's different May" " Layna.. you're scaring me " " promise you won't tell anyone " " cross my heart " " ha.... " Layna sighed " I'm a werewolf " " what? when did you start to believe in such things Layna? who is putting such ideas in your head? " " just watch" Layna's eyes turned gold and her ears grew to a sharp end " Oh my goodness.... Layna .. the your parents " " they're not my parents " " my God " " I don't know what to do May... I'm like the only one of my kind.. why did they leave me? why abandon me?" " Layna.... " May hugged her" it'll be okay" The next day Layna went back to school and continued avoiding Liam. After their little encounter he pretty much stayed away from her. Liam watched Layna from afar and wondered if she had truly forgotten him. 'hmmm.. love indeed ' he thought He flirted with all other girls while making sure Layna saw him. Contrary to his thoughts, Layna remained unconcerned and her expression was as calm as a lake. It seemed like she had totally forgotten Liam and didn't even know who he was. This continued for a few more weeks till Liam approached her again. "Layna! what the heck! why are you acting like you don't know me? I get it I said some harsh words but couldn't you just let it go?" For some reason Layna felt hurt by what this person said but she didn't know him. 'who goes about talking to strangers?' she thought The whole class stared at them with varying expressions especially May who had been suspecting that something was off about Layna. Layna looking around realised she thought out loud, an embarrassed smile on her face, she asked Liam, "I'm sorry if I sounded rude but you look like a pervert, staring at me all day long when we don't even know each other" "What?!" Liam exclaimed wide eyed "you don't know me?" A friend of Liam approached her asking, "you don't know Liam? your friend?" "we're friends?" she asked confused "but I really don't know you? It's not like I got into an accident" May who was determined to use layna's amnesia so that she won't ever remember all the pain Liam caused her replied, "of course not.... don't listen to them. it's a prank... this is actually my first time talking to him too and we're always together so where could you have met him?" Liam stared at May and realised that layna had lost her memory, not just any memory but every existence of him!

Lover_of_chaos · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
24 Chs

I don't love you and I never will

Liam sighed obviously relieved as the girls left. He turned to Layna as he felt her stiffen

"I'm so sorry for using you like this ... I just needed to get rid of those girls.... Just consider my words earlier a joke"

Layna balled up her hands, her knuckles white. She did not know why this was affecting her but she could feel a whole a whole myriad of emotions; anger, sadness, heartbreak, self-pity and hate.

Liam noticed her breath turned erratic and bent to look at her.

"are you o...." His breath hitched as he saw her eyes flashing between gold and it's normal green color.

"Layna" he called out

She seemed to have snapped out of her reverie as she stared at him,

"let go of me" she said her eyes still flashing

"you.... are you...."

Layna flung his hands away and scurried out to her usual spot in Yellowstone garden. Liam followed right behind her and immediately caught up to her. Grabbing her wrist he turned her to face him.

"What's wrong with you Layna?"

"I don't know!!" she yelled her irises completely gold "I don't know! I'm just..... I'm affected by everything you do Liam.... that night I was sober when I confessed to you and I remember very clearly how you rejected me without hesitation....."

"how is that possible?" Liam asked surprised

"I wish the hypnosis worked" she smiled bitterly "I know you're not obliged to reciprocate my feelings and I tried to be rational about it but it hurts so bad..... it hurts..... everytime you take me to the clouds you throw me back down...." she cried tears clouding her eyes

"I'm sorry for making you feel that way Layna but..... " he clenched his fists

"What's wrong with me? why can't you like me? why?... " she asked grabbing his hands "tell me what you don't like.... I promise I'll change " she said holding his hands tight

Taking his hands out of hers Liam clenched his jaws and said,

" you're okay Layna.... but I just can't.... I don't love you and I will never love you so stop embarrassing yourself.... I thought you were different from those girls but it turns out you're just so-so"

Saying that he left. Layna felt like a thousand knives were piercing her heart. She couldn't breathe, hot tears stung her eyes and poured down like a broken tap. She tried grabbing onto something as she felt her knees buckle but she somehow ended up on the ground, her head buried between her knees. After what seemed like forever she got up and left the garden only to find May looking for her.

"Layna!" May exclaimed looking at her sorry state "what did that jerk do to you? They said you went out with him so why are you like this?" she asked worried

"I'm fine May" she said, her voice hoarse from crying "let's go home.... I'm tired"

I recommend listening to 'Devil doesn't bargain' by Alec Benjamin while reading this chapter

Oh.... poor Layna ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ

Lover_of_chaoscreators' thoughts