
The Journey of The Supreme God emperor

What do you will do after getting is isekai'd? The situation is similar to Mizuki.but he was thrown out in a dungeon by the Mia( The Supreme goddess of light).but everything is not simple.what do you think ? Will mc come back OP and take revenge? What abnormal with his status?watch and see [one thing people who think how op is mc so let me tell you. [he can destroy galaxy and planets with his thoughts and also create it or can **********" read to know censorerd powers of his ] let me tell you something that you will surely know of but it's a little different in this [Status Board] consists of: Name: Race: Class: Stats: strength(), endurance(), speed(), vitality(), luck(), Mana(). Skills: Authority: Skill point(SP): Stats point(TP): ENJOY READING IT.

PNW_ZAID · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs


In the shadowed recesses of his tumultuous existence, where the absence of parental love, the tragic demise of his childhood companion, and the cruel brand of uselessness had cast their somber shroud, a solitary flame persisted—the Flame of Revenge. The stage was set for the genesis of his Villain Arc, an inevitable descent into the abyss of his own making.

As his eyes fluttered open, Takashi found himself ensnared within the grim confines of a dungeon known as THE ABYSS. The air was thick with an ominous foreboding as he struggled to rise from his dismal repose. However, before he could muster any coherent movement, a colossal entity, identified as an ORC, loomed menacingly before him.

In the violent onslaught that ensued, Takashi bore the brunt of the ORC's ferocity. Bones shattered, skin pierced, and with the grotesque loss of his left eye, the excruciating pain eclipsed the trials he had endured thus far. The pungent scent of his blood, a cruel beacon, attracted other malevolent denizens of the abyss. To thwart the impending threat of theft, the ORC engaged in a frenzied battle with the encroaching monsters.

Amidst the pandemonium, teetering on the precipice of life and death, Takashi, with a body mangled and broken, clung to survival. In the throes of his agony, he sought refuge within a crack in the dungeon's wall, his sanctuary of fleeting respite. A contemplative whisper echoed within the recesses of his tormented mind, questioning his own weakness.

To this, a voice hitherto unfamiliar interjected, "You are the strongest." Bewildered, Takashi implored, "Who are you?" The mysterious voice revealed its identity, "I am the Authority of Knowledge. You shall possess all information within your domain."

As the imminent specter of death loomed, Takashi, on the brink of surrender, beseeched the Authority of Knowledge for guidance. The entity instructed him to invoke the Authority of Life and subsequently issue the command for self-healing. In a miraculous turn of events, his ravaged body mended, leaving no trace of the preceding torment.

Astonished by this newfound power, Takashi queried the Authority of Knowledge, "How is this possible?" The entity calmly elucidated, guiding him to utter the command "open status." A luminous blue screen materialized before him, unveiling the intricacies of his newfound existence.


- **Name:** Takashi

- **Race:** Gods

- **Class:** SGE (Supreme God Emperor)

- **Stats:** STR(10), END(10), VIT(10), SPD(10), MNA(2), LUK(10)

- **Skills:** Creation(SGE), Destruction(SGE), Edit(SGE)

- **Authority:** Authority of Everything (SGE)

- **SP:** 0

- **TP:** 0

The meaning of each facet of his status was meticulously explained, unraveling the vast tapestry of his divine attributes. Takashi, now equipped with an unparalleled arsenal of abilities, faced the profound realization that he was no longer shackled by the constraints of his former self.

As the pangs of hunger gnawed at him, Takashi sought the wisdom of the Authority of Knowledge. Could he, with his Creation skill, conjure sustenance? The affirmative response spurred him to utter the command "Creation skill (ON)." However, the bliss of nourishment was short-lived as dizziness enveloped him, threatening to plunge him into the abyss once more.

In this desperate juncture, Takashi implored the Authority of Knowledge for a means of sustenance. AOK granted permission, but the creation of sustenance required the invocation of the Creation skill. Takashi's hunger became an adversary in itself, and he yearned to forge a path of survival, to exact revenge and repay the agony he had endured a hundredfold.



Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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