
The journey of a goddess

Please don’t read this if you don’t like extremely dark novels. My new novel memories undone will be no where near as dark as this novel and I don’t want this novel to turn you away from my new book . (Warning this is a dark Gods Novel. .It is a book that takes you through a fight between dark and light Gods fighting for power. It stems around a romance that is in the middle of it all. It will have violence, sex, suicide, cheating and extremely dark scenes in it. Read at your own discretion. This is a dark Gods war and romance book, it is not your typical heart felt romance. It will pass border line dark at times. The book will take you through a war over all magic. At times you will questions things. The more you read the more it will help you understand how the war started and how things truly turned out to be. I hope anyone reading enjoys it even though it’s unconventional. Also I have been editing and soon will be posting more chapter.) This is a continuation to The Goddess of wisdom and creation. It can be read as a stand-alone and I hope you give this book a chance if you don’t prefer my first one. My writing improved in this one and the storyline is amazing even through my unconventional writing style. Ariella is a powerless Goddess who has been locked away from exploring the royal realm since she was born. For years she begged her father to allow her to go to the royal academy but he never seemed to budge. After what seemed like an eternity her dream finally became reality. She was enrolled in the most sought out school for Gods and Goddesses. She would finally be set free of her chains. The life she wanted was in her grasp. All dreams were possible, the fear of not fitting in was squashed instantly and everything seemed perfect. Everything was perfect but what happens when word goes around that the Goddess who teaches royal laws is being replaced by none other than the high king himself? Ariella rolls her eyes and keeps walking, that's what happens. That is until she's proven wrong the moment she walks right into the most addicting and magnificent God she had ever laid eyes on. The high king to be specific. All the promises she made, all the rules she followed were pushed aside as soon as she realized that her crush was more than a simple crush. The high king consumed her mind and every other part of her. A simple obsession you say? Well she's in for a rude awakening when the simple life she had, turns into a neverending roller coaster when secrets of the past threaten to take away everything. From her freedom to her sanity. Will Ariella be able to escape the ghosts of a past she doesn’t remember or will everything come crumbling down with every turn she takes. Join Ariella on her journey as she gets thrown into a world of war, manipulation, and complete darkness.

Ashley_loo · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
28 Chs

Restricted area

Ariellas pov

"You know what, who would've thought we would become bff's over tacos and squid." Alax mocked me for what seemed like the millionth time.

"It's been a week. It's getting old." I groaned as I shoved another fry in my mouth. I actually regretted saying that the moment it came out my mouth. Alax was immature and petty at times. I should've known he would take pleasure in teasing me.

"You two act like siblings at times." Blake absentmindedly said as he shoved a piece of pizza In his mouth. I doubt he even chewed the way he took a bite and swallowed.

"You know both of you are rude." I said as I looked though my classwork for the hundredth time. I could bang my head against this book. None of these laws made any sense.

"You're on the council right. You know I bet if you." I Couldn't even get my full sentence out before he was grunting his disapproval.

"Nope." Blake said without giving me a chance to beg. "What's the point of being on the council if you can't use it to your advantage?" I asked with a groan.

"I use the advantages daily. I'm just not giving you those advantages." His reply had me wondering if he was just being nice to me or if we were really friends.

"Eat." Alax said as he stole one of my fries with a smirk. I could only roll my eyes before going back to reading this book that was like a riddle.

"Can you just help me out than. This whole section makes no sense. Just explain it to me?" I pleaded with hopefully eyes.

Alax paused and looked at me before smiling. His smile was contagious because I was smiling right back.

"Fine. What are you having trouble with?" Blake asked as he grabbed my book. His soft expression was replaced with a furrow of his eyebrows. It told me he felt the same way.

"What is this?" He asked more confused as he flipped through the book with a weird Expression on this face.

I couldn't help but snatch it back and sigh. "Obviously a book on laws that makes no sense at all." I said as I flipped through more of the pages from the section we are suppose to be looking at.

Blake cleared his throat and pulled out his book from thin air. "Here how about you take mine." He offered with a soft smile. It took a second to look at the book he offered and back up at him to figure out if he was serious or not.

"You do know that taking your book won't make it easier. Unless you have the answers in there." I stated with a huge smile. Blake's blank Expression had me frowning.

"Why offer your book if it doesn't have the answers in it. I mean they are the same." I sighed as I skimmed through the chapter that I was struggling with forever.

"Here let me see." Alax requested as he grabbed my stupid book and skimmed through the same chapter I was looking through.

His expression was blank the whole time he read it. "Where did you get this?" He asked with a raised eyebrow. I couldn't help going stiff with the memory of ruining my book in the tub before going to the library to find a new one. Would I get in trouble for taking it out the restricted area? It was the same edition.

"Read to me what you are struggling with." Alax finally agreed to help. A week of telling me it was simple and now they finally understood.

I snatched the book quickly with a huge smile. "Okay. Well I need help with the whole chapter, maybe the whole book but." My hand was grabbed by Blake who was telling me to get going. He always kept quiet when he was being serious.

"Sorry. Okay so the first paragraph says. Thou shall not read this book outloud if one has the knowledge to do so in their mind, don't read this outloud or force the end of time, of all light and all things bright. The law forbids a evil soul to know the secrets that behold. One soul so strong so super bright is the only one who holds the light. But behold the secrets within will make your soul belong to him." I finished the first paragraph with a cringe.

Both Alax and Blake were quiet which had me groaning inside. "You didn't get that either?" I asked through a sigh. Right as I went to close the book Alax grabbed my hand.

"I get it but read more and I can explain." He said which had me excited.

"I knew you understood it because everyone's answers this week just added more confusion. I felt like we were reading different books." I rushed out. Alax didn't even allow me to be excited. He just stared at me like he was waiting.

"Oh umm okay. Well there are all kinds of weird symbols but then it says. The law forbids light in the dark but it does not forbid dark in the light. So read this right take a night to read it like you have one life. Never read this book outloud it is against the law to tell. Remember to keep it safe. Her soul is the only one to keep the secrets that we seek, so if you read this just know that you are that very soul to keep." As I finished reading something in my gut twisted. I don't know why but something didn't feel right.

A clearing of a throat had me pausing and looking up at Alax. "Rumor has it that the high king will be coming to take over for this class. Honestly I think it would be better if he explained it because I definitely wouldn't explain it like him." Alax said with a small smile.

"You said you got it though. Is the high king really coming?" I asked with doubt lacing my voice. Blake shrugged his shoulder and went back to his pizza that he was eating. This was not helpful. I could only sigh while rolling my eyes at the whole situation.