
The journey of a goddess

Please don’t read this if you don’t like extremely dark novels. My new novel memories undone will be no where near as dark as this novel and I don’t want this novel to turn you away from my new book . (Warning this is a dark Gods Novel. .It is a book that takes you through a fight between dark and light Gods fighting for power. It stems around a romance that is in the middle of it all. It will have violence, sex, suicide, cheating and extremely dark scenes in it. Read at your own discretion. This is a dark Gods war and romance book, it is not your typical heart felt romance. It will pass border line dark at times. The book will take you through a war over all magic. At times you will questions things. The more you read the more it will help you understand how the war started and how things truly turned out to be. I hope anyone reading enjoys it even though it’s unconventional. Also I have been editing and soon will be posting more chapter.) This is a continuation to The Goddess of wisdom and creation. It can be read as a stand-alone and I hope you give this book a chance if you don’t prefer my first one. My writing improved in this one and the storyline is amazing even through my unconventional writing style. Ariella is a powerless Goddess who has been locked away from exploring the royal realm since she was born. For years she begged her father to allow her to go to the royal academy but he never seemed to budge. After what seemed like an eternity her dream finally became reality. She was enrolled in the most sought out school for Gods and Goddesses. She would finally be set free of her chains. The life she wanted was in her grasp. All dreams were possible, the fear of not fitting in was squashed instantly and everything seemed perfect. Everything was perfect but what happens when word goes around that the Goddess who teaches royal laws is being replaced by none other than the high king himself? Ariella rolls her eyes and keeps walking, that's what happens. That is until she's proven wrong the moment she walks right into the most addicting and magnificent God she had ever laid eyes on. The high king to be specific. All the promises she made, all the rules she followed were pushed aside as soon as she realized that her crush was more than a simple crush. The high king consumed her mind and every other part of her. A simple obsession you say? Well she's in for a rude awakening when the simple life she had, turns into a neverending roller coaster when secrets of the past threaten to take away everything. From her freedom to her sanity. Will Ariella be able to escape the ghosts of a past she doesn’t remember or will everything come crumbling down with every turn she takes. Join Ariella on her journey as she gets thrown into a world of war, manipulation, and complete darkness.

Ashley_loo · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
28 Chs

Drink this

Ariellas pov

"But they, they inhaled the straw too." I rushed to defend myself. I couldn't get in trouble if everyone else did it to right?

Alax chucked before shaking his head. "A straw you say?" He asked like what I said was the funniest thing he ever heard.

"This. This is not a joke. I didn't know what it was and I won't do it again." I stuttered. The realization that I might make my dad suffer was taking away the fun of having friends and being here all together.

"It doesn't matter, you did it and if you were to go to your next class like this consequences would've been severe. Drugs are forbidden on campus." I felt light headed as I realized what I had done. Drugs?

I had heard of drugs but all I knew was mortals took them to get high and sometimes they made them do crazy things. Every kind had a different effect and some could be deadly. The high king actually made them illegal recently to any low rank God.

"Am I going to get arrested?" I asked as I came to realize my mistakes. I was defenseless, they would hurt me if I got put in a dungeon .I could cry right now but it was like I was tearless.

Alax sighed before he slowly stood up to his full height. I would've followed his lead but my balance was still off even though my mind was alittle clearer.

"You won't get imprisoned but if you do it again I'll have no choice but to tell my father." I couldn't help but feel relieved.

"I won't do it again I promise." I quickly said. I tried to get off the ground but instantly fell back down. Nothing could ruin my mood right now because I wasn't going to be put in a dungeon.

"If you do, I won't be able to save you from my father's wrath. So let's hope you keep that promise." Alax sighed as he helped me to a standing position.

"Who's your father?" I asked now more intrigued than ever. Whatever they gave me wasn't that bad since it seemed like the only thing affected was my balance now.

"Oh yea you are new. Well let me introduce myself officially than." He said with a chuckle. I looked into his now grey eyes and watched them swirl as I waited for him to tell.

"I am Alax descendant of Alexander the High king." Alax proudly stated. I was frozen in time as I slowly took what he said in. The high king was his father and I had just done something illegal.

"Let's pray to the God creaters that you never do something so dumb again because I can promise you that my father will never be as forgiving." I couldn't even comprehend how I got into this situation. It was like a switch was turned off in me.

"Now let's get you to your dorm so you can sleep this off. I'll be nice and help you get a pass this one time but next time consequences will be dire." Alax stated right as he grabbed me and teleported out.

I would've asked how he knew where my room was but it was obvious that he was someone of importance here.

"Drink this now." Alax ordered as he handed me a clear drink. I didn't even get a chance to look around my room before he was making orders.

I couldn't even argue because nomatter how much I wanted to say he was lying I knew that it was all true. Room locations were confidential to anyone who wasn't on the royal council. Even faculty members here didn't know where our rooms were.

All the info we got was in our packets the counsil sent home. "Do you have an extra packet for me because my dad forgot to give it to me." I asked as I slowly put the drink up to my lips.

A quick look around the room told me we were definitely in the right place. All my stuffed animals were placed nicely on the queen sized bed that was bigger then the one I had at home.

"Drink." He ordered again. After all my offenses I had no choice but to slowly drink the drink he gave me while keeping eye contact with him. I was not really worried because if he wanted to do something to me he wouldn't have sobered me up.

"You won't need your packet because as of today only counsil members will be escorting you to any place you need to go. You are not to leave out this door and to make sure you follow instructions I magically locked it." He declared as I finished up the drink that tasted sweet.

The glass bottle he gave me fell to the floor with a loud shatter and I went ridgid from his words.

"You can't. You. You. You can't." I tried to talk full sentences but my tongue felt like it was stuck to the roof of my mouth.

"I can't what?" He asked with a smirk. His face was slowly going in and out. I tried to steady myself but my body felt heavy and my legs gave out instantly. I had to grab his shoulders but even my hands were losing the ability to function.

"Whoa there. How about we get you to the bed because you seem pretty tired. I'm guessing whatever you inhaled from that straw just hit you." He laughed out loud. Atleast I could still hear.

My eyes got heavy though so I allowed them to close completely. I felt softness surround me and something warm and heavy cover me. I could feel the softness of the blanket which indicated he covered me up.

"Sweet dreams little butterfly. It was nice meeting you. To bad you wont remember me. Actually You won't remember anything that happened after Aries class but I promise you that I'll be watching. So Take care." He whispered next to my ear. It was like he timed it just right because right at that moment I slowly lost consciousness.