
The Journey

They say you will only know true peace once you learn true pain…

He was still so young...

"Damn it, why did I listen to them?"

"I should've just stayed at the village."

Biting his bottom lip, he continued to row his boat on what seemed to be an infinite scape of the ocean.

In the distance you could see an island, the clueless yet frustrated boy headed to it grunting as he moved the rows up and down in the violent water. The ocean was dark reflecting the grey, thunderous clouds above it; it was violently roaring and its waves crashing up and down, rocking the boat side to side. After several hours of grit and effort, he exhaustedly parked the now tattered-up boat next to the island. His eyes felt heavy, and they slowly closed as he fell into a deep sleep lying down in the oak boat.

He woke up yawning and stretching, with the sudden memory of what his peers had forced him to do greeting him. As he stepped a foot onto the island he saw the beauty of the trees swaying in the soft wind and the birds chirping, flying to and from the island. The butterfly's fluttered in the flower fields and the oasis glistened feeding all this wildlife.

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