

In a world brimming with dangers and opportunities, RA is born. His birth shrouded in mystery, he embarks on a journey of self-discovery and exploration. As he navigates the unknown, a unique ability accompanies him—a sentient system designed to aid him on his path as is nothing but his own unique ability. Together, they unravel the secrets of their surroundings and confront the challenges that lie ahead. Will RA uncover all the mysteries that surround him, or will he succumb to the perils that awaits? Join him as he embarks on a journey filled with discovery, adversity, and the pursuit of truth. --- i will try to add new concepts to the story as it will be different from other stories you have read previously . if their is any issue you can contact me for it as I will try to correct & improve myself .

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1 Chs


Chapter 1: The Big Shiny Treasure

"Haa..haa..haaha," panted the figure, "Why the heck is there a dragon here, and what is 'this' that even a dragon is chasing after me?" Just as he was pondering this, a voice came from behind the figure.

"Stop right there, you puny insect. That's my treasure," the voice bellowed.

Just after saying this, a massive fire beam was launched towards the running figure. With swift agility, the figure leaped out of harm's way just before the beam could make contact.

"Dragon, this treasure was found by me, so it's mine. I cannot give it to you. Also, if you attack me once more, I will fight you until one of us dies. And you should know, there are others coming for this treasure. Once they arrive, neither of us will have a chance at it," declared the figure, halting in his tracks.

"Oh, do you think I care about those insects who are coming here? They are nothing but slightly bigger insects," scoffed the dragon.

At that moment, the figure, who had seemingly appeared out of nowhere, brandished a weapon and aimed it at the dragon.

"You leave me no other choice, dragon," the figure proclaimed.

Simultaneously, a heavy boom resonated through the area as the attack on the dragon was executed. However, the attack was not entirely successful.

Reacting swiftly, the dragon managed to evade most of the attack, sustaining only a slight cut on its wing, which was not too serious. Enraged by the attempt on its life, the dragon let out a deafening roar.

It attacked the new figure with its massive claws, which were blocked by the figure holding the big shiny treasure. The treasure looked like a massive crystal made from different colors, held in one hand, while the other hand had a massive shield which blocked the dragon's attack.

After blocking the attack, the two figures stood side by side, staring at the dragon.

"Taz, what are you doing here, and where are the tribe members?" said Azax, who was holding the treasure.

"Chief Azax, all tribe members are being teleported to the Jaguar Jungle for safety."

The dragon, after seeing its attack being deflected, rose into the sky and started gathering fire in its mouth. Seeing this, Azax and Taz both started running in different directions, as if they knew what to do.

The dragon aimed his attack at Taz, who was running to its right side. Just as the dragon launched its attack on Taz, Azax attacked the dragon from the left with all his strength. His weapon was smeared with red lava.

The attack left a deep wound on the dragons left wing , and a massive amount of blood flowed from it. The dragon, not caring about its wound, pointed both its paws towards the two figures, launching extremely sharp winds at them. Both Azax and Taz were launched backwards, unable to stop the wind completely.

The dragon took advantage of this and attacked Taz, who was not shielded from its attack. It closed in on him with its massive claws.

Azax saw this attack the dragon with the lava sword he had taken from out from the empty air.

The dragon, after seeing this, tried to create distance from its enemies but was not given the opportunity to as the hooded figure who had appeared out of nowhere created a binding on it's legs and trapped the dragon.

"You.. insects.." as the dragon was stabilizing itself, it was attacked from both sides by Azax and the hooded figure.

The dragon, seeing this, started to go wild and attacked them.

Azax and the hooded figure, not going too close to the dragon, started wearing it out.

After some time, the two figures and the dragon stopped fighting, as the dragon had Taz in its hands.

"Dragon, release my brother, and I will let you go out of here alive," said Azax.

"You filthy ORCS if you don't want this insect to die too then hand over the treasure to me."

After hearing this, the hooded figure stared at the dragon and told Azax to give the treasure to the dragon.

"Dragon, we are giving the treasure to you, but you have to give Taz at the same time, or you can forget about getting out alive." said the hooded figure.

The dragon nodded after hearing this, and the treasure and Taz both started floating towards the dragon and Azax respectively.

The dragon, seeing the treasure halfway towards him, had a crazed expression as it started preparing to fire an attack from its mouth.

The hooded figure was terrified after seeing this as it started preparing a spell with its wand. After a while, both stared at each other with crazy expressions and released their attacks simultaneously towards each other.

The impact of the attack was massive, as both the dragon and the hooded figure were thrown back with explosive speed.

After the surroundings calmed down, Azax, who was soaked in blood, appeared in front of the dragon and swung his sword towards the dragon's neck, not able to sever it entirely from the body but killing the dragon.

After killing the dragon, Azax quickly searched for Taz and the hooded figure, who was the shaman of the tribe and also his mother, Shurl.

He found Taz buried in the debris, with most of his bones broken and unconscious.

After checking his condition, Azax noticed a figure coming towards him, who was none other than Shurl.

"How is his condition?"

"Healing is needed for him immediately, and we should get out of here, as others are also coming here for this treasure," said Azax after taking Taz on his shoulder and started walking away from the scene.

Shurl, after hearing this, looked towards the dragon corpse with a regretful expression as she thought, "what a waste of such good material."

She, after taking the heart, claws, and the scales of the dragon, quickly caught up with Azax, who was running with extreme speed, and said,

"We should find a place for resting for a while so that both of us can regain our mana to recover from our injuries."

Azax started looking around for a safe place for them to rest and said, "we can't stay for too long, or our tribe will be in danger, and Taz's condition is also declining, recover enough mana for us to reach the tribe first."

Shurl nodded as they stopped in a small-looking cave. Some time later, Shurl was done with her recovery and started activating teleportation magic, which, after activation, released a blinding light.

In an ancient-looking forest, in the middle was a large tree surrounded by trees of the same size. Suddenly, a light shone, and three figures appeared from it.

Azax, after returning to the tribe, gave healers orders to heal Taz and started preparing for moving the tribe to a different location.

Shurl, after entering, locked the tree door behind her as she started taking out the dragon heart and other things. After that, she started sorting it out as she placed the dragon heart in a box and sealed it using her magic. Her gaze was attracted towards the big shiny rock, as it was looking like it was made up of the purest form of mana.

There was greed in her eyes, but as she thought about her granddaughter, who was sleeping on a bed made of tree leaves, the greed quickly faded from her mind.

Thinking of her granddaughters situation, she thought, "the treasure made of pure mana should help her greatly."

After giving some care to her granddaughter, Shurl was called by Azax for a discussion about their tribe's relocation. As she didn't even sense the minuscule amount of mana movement that was happening around the shiny treasure.

The shiny treasure, which was placed near the dragon heart, was absorbing small amounts of mana from the seal as a blinding light was released from it as



Hello dear reader's,

I am the author of this book .

English is not my primary language but I will try my best to not make any mistakes in the book.

I will try adding new concept to the book which will make it more enjoyable for all of us .

If their is any issue i welcome you to share it with me as I will try to improve myself.

Theirs a lot I want to talk about but .. let's keep it this way for now .

And please support my work so I can give you more exciting chapters to read.

Hope you all have a good read 😊.

THE main story starts from 2nd chapter as it will be more interesting from their , please drop any review for me to understand if you enjoyed the chapter.

THE_INFEINITYcreators' thoughts