
The Infinite Tower : Myriad Realms

Mika at the brink of death , receives an invitation from a mysterious entity. Tired and hopeful he accepts the offer . Now with his ambition re-awakened he wishes to overcome his inner traumas while also ascending to supremacy. "At the end of these war , only the winner will get to decide what JUSTICE represents . Fortunately for you , I WILL BE THAT VICTOR !!" [INSPIRED by other multiverse fanfic like TERROR INFINITY , ULTIMATE EVOLUTION AND DEMONIC RESURRECTION ] ************ Hello to anyone who is interested in my work I`m new to this whole writing thing but be assured I will do my best For anyone wishing to support me on this journey my KO-FI is below https://ko-fi.com/prof_nuclear started a discord. For anyone interested go check it out . https://discord.com/invite/B6PSXSrY68 I have also managed to start a patron , all interested for early chapters please check it out . At a price of course patreon.com/Prof_Nuclear Disclaimer : Other than my OCs , I don`t own any character . THANK YOU !!! ALSO LEAVE A COMMENT , REVIEW AND DROP YOUR POWERSTONES ...

prof_Nuclear · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
49 Chs

34 . Metal Skull Faction

POV : Mikael 

Mika could instantly recognize the shift in the environment as soon as he made his choice . For instance , the once silent room quickly disappeared only to be broken by the noise from the outside , the warm sunlight for some reason felt warmer and even the dull room seemed to come alive .

It felt like he had been isolated for that specified moment but now he had finally arrived into the random world . And it was an interesting concept to Mikael . To create an entire separate dimension in order to isolate a contestant . Did the system have any limitations . 

From this small move , Mika had already come to a conclusion . What was the point of cutting of one of a contestant senses . In fact doing so had no benefit at all apart from making the contestant panicked . 

A normal person if they were in the same scenario that Mika was , they would have probably experienced varying symptoms of nausea and imbalance if they stayed in that room for as long as Mika had done .

The system in Mika's own reasoning wanted to make the contestants to pick a side without thinking over it thoroughly because realistically , who could make a solid deduction of a situation while their own body was working against them . Not many could do so .

Mika did not mind though . The end results would not matter despite which side had more people . As long as they were his enemies , they would lose . That was a predetermined destiny for all who would go against him in the tower and outside .

His fist was clenched tightly as he smiled at the possible future challenge . Mika was excited with the possibility , the adventure , the shear unpredictability of the situation . The danger of dying at any possible time . It was exhilarating to him !

He picked up once more the piece of paper that had some last words written on it . 







Going over the information the system had given him , Mika was a little worried but not that much . The only thing that was against his calculation was the presence of magic in this random world . The information had hinted at it but anythig else specific was not given . 

The information did go with the story he had in his head . All parts that he remembered were there as he remembered , from the sick grand mother to the presence of a wolf . And to Mika , the wolf was the last of his worries . But the note of magic was worrying . Anything could happen . He just had to act as the situation presented itself .

 Mika did not choose to change his appearance for now . It did not hold any purpose in doing so but he felt the time when he would do so was arriving . Like a creeping prediction he knew would happen soon . Sooner than later . He was not sure . 

He stepped out from the room he was still staying in and wondered why no none came to check for his presence but immediately he walked out , he noticed the difference .

It seemed that the system still offered a form of protection until he left the room and when he left , that protection disappeared in the form of a white barrier . 

" Renny , the last one is out , " A male voice belonging to one of the two people in the room called out . " Okay , give a minute I'm coming . " another male voice replied further back in the house in answer . 

The male that had called out moved towards him and brought his hand for a hand shake . Mika replied with the same energy . The guy was smiling brightly the whole time and his handshake was even more enthusiastic .

He had nothing too striking about him apart from a red and white round sphere that was hung at his waist openly . There was also a charcoal colored skull tattoo exposed on his arm which was clearly visible due to his lack of any sleeves . 

Mika was confused by the item but he would not lower his guard . He felt a rising tension in himself as he looked at the ball but he did not know why . Was it something dangerous , he could not tell and that only made him more cautious . There was no reason to act without knowing the danger a person possessed

" Hey new guy , my name is Vonack but you can call me von . Now that you're here we can start the mission . I'm already bored of staying here . " The handshake that was supposed to end did not stop and Mika was looking at the smiling dude weirdly . 

" And by the way , I see you've also made use of the system's facial feature change . Don't worry , it's nothing to be ashamed of !! . Everyone uses it . Some more daringly than others but that is still okay !! " Von had let go of Mika's hand to give him a thumbs up with that stupid smile of his . 

Mika did not know whether to feel insulted by what the guy was implying or amused . The fact that he doubted his perfect features were natural was what made him feel insulted . But he would not correct that fact . It was in his favor in fact .

If his face was too perfect to the point people thought it was caused by the system , to him that was a win win scenario . It was a perfect disguise in fact . A disguise that many would question whether it was real or not but could not come to an answer .

Mika would not let go of such an opportunity presented to him. 

His otherwise amicable smile changed to a clearly embarresd one with a slight red dusting on his cheeks . He chuckled softly to emphasis being exposed and replied to the earlier greating . 

" Thank you for the welcome . You can call me Loan . " He did not talk much . A short introduction with a fake name was enough with the character he was building . 

One thing Mika remembered about giving out your name to strangers was what Zoe had told him back in the cave of genesis . About people being able to curse you with your name . It might have been a slip of the tongue on her part but to Mika those words were a warning and he would be foolish to dismiss them as simple paranoia .

He really needed to talk to Zoe 

Zoe to him was a very interesting person . The way she behaved and acted were mysterious and both conflicting in a sense . The knowledge she seemingly possessed was even more Mysterious to Mika . And that was why he would trust her for now . He would wait until he peeled back each and every one of the hidden layer until he got to the final fruit . 

She was just to interesting to let go and he was happy that he had found her depressed lonely self as soon as he had done so . It would make things easier for him

That was the main reason Mika would not give out his name so easily . He did not know what being cursed meant but he'd rather not find out so soon . 

" HA HA HA . Good , good . Let me introduce you to your fellow beginer contestant Loan , But don't mind his attitude , He's a shy one . HA HA HA . His name is Zen " Von said pointing at the remaining figure in the room . His voice booming outwards with his boisterous laugh 

How Mika knew he was Male , his sitting posture , it was that simple . The guy was covered fully in a black robe and hishead was lowered to the ground , possibly he preffered to keep to himself . 

When he was mentioned by Von , he lifted his head slightly and gave a slight nod before going back to his own thoughts . 

At that very moment , the final figure arrived into the room . His face looked like it was permanently serious and his walk was confident . He also had a similar tattoo of a skull on his arm but of a grey color same to the one as Von . Did it act as a form of ranking system . He could only guess

He walked until he was at the center of the room catching the whole of his attention . Even managing to stop Von from continuing to laugh . 

His focus finally zeroed in on him an Zen fully and his eyes almost seemed to narrow in deep contemplation . 

" Okay . The both of you will be assisting me and Von in compliting our main escort mission but before that . You will required to perform a chain of side quests which everyone will be asigned . But do not worry anything you aquire in tis side mission will remain yours , The Metal skull faction does not take the achievements of others . " Von clapped in agreement with Renny . 

Mika was interested in the part Renny had said side quests could be assigned . Could contestants do such a thing ? How was that possible . Did he not know this information because he had completed the mission by himself in the terminator world . Was this how things were supposed to be ? 

. . . . . . . . . . 



Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

prof_Nuclearcreators' thoughts