Oh, so he thought I have no fashion sense at all, I might've blown my first impression but he is really ballsy talking to me like that. "Actually I do-" he raised his eyes and cut me short."Save it. Tell her Hunter stopped by, Hunter Stone ". With that, he turned on his heel and disappeared into the hall. That is Hailey's brother? It can't be. They look nothing alike. He is probably playing mind games on me. Why the heck was he so rude to me. Have I lost my flair? Whether or not he will have to deal with my attitude too. "You wanna play Barbie, let's play," I said slamming the door.

I took my phone from the nightstand to check the time,2:30, ah geez, it is going to be a long-ass afternoon. I really wasn't planning on going out again but I was so hungry I decided to change into some dark jeans and throw on a purple hoodie so I could go down to the cafeteria for a bite. I took my phone, keys, and credit card and stuffed them all in my pockets, and left heading for the cafeteria. I was surprised at how packed the place was, I mean, it's almost three.

I approached th counter getting my order of fries and a chocolate milkshake and paying for them. Surveying the room for an empty table I found none. But I decided to sit with the white-haired boy by the window. Hopefully, small talk would make things a little less awkward. "Hey, is this seat taken". He looked up to me with his piercing blue eyes and I could see his cheeks turn red as if he was...shy? I don't know. He quickly looked down at his plate with a slight nod " no. You can have it if you'd like". I sat down slowly my eyes never leaving the boy. I was intrigued by his peculiar behavior.

"I'm Samantha Summers by the way, but you can call me Sam" he looked at me with a slight smile "nice to meet you, Sam, I'm Chase Hanning's, you can call me Chase" I giggled and he looked away. "Did I do something wrong?" He let out a sigh still looking out the window "I just want to say if you are going to make fun of me for being gay I'd rather you leave cause I've had enough of that". I laughed at this finding it amusing that he's assuming the worst of me without getting to know me first. He looked at me confused. " Chill out Chase, I am not some homophobic judgy bitch, we're cool" I practically saw relief flash over his features as he turned to me a grin plastered on his face.

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