
The Indomitable Clan

Apollo was born to a well off family in a small village called Greenhaven. He led a happy life but his father, Chen, always desired more for him. Having been suppressed by various Clans and cultivators his whole life Chen had a burning desire for his son to lead a better life, and so with all his might he acquired enough resources to send Apollo on this path. When he turned 16 years old, Apollo's father Chen died, and thus he set off to Pentaarch City according to his father's plan

FoolsGambit · Oriental
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7 Chs

Chapter 7 Swift Victory



Sword and blade clashed mid air. The sheer power from their attacks, cause the air around them to billow.

Apollo swiftly pulled his blade back, before going for a horizontal slash aiming to quickly incapacitate the Azure Clan's guard. Likewise, the guard went for an overhead vertical slash. 'He's bluffing.' Apollo analysed as he channeled more of his flaming red Qi into the attack. 

As if Apollo could see the future, the guard in fact redirected his attack, knocking his sword against Apollo's blade. 


Sword against blade, metal against metal. The two weapons clashed once again, but this time it was clear who held the advantage. Despite having gravity on his side, the guard was forced back two steps while Apollo stood unfased.

'Tch! He didn't fall for my feint and caused me to fall into a disadvantage.' The guard complained before rushing at Apollo hoping to win back the initiative. Unfortunately for him, once one fell into a disadvantage in a fight, that was normally it for them.

Charging towards Apollo, the guard once again went for an overhead swing. His azure Qi roiling furiously, as his sword crashed down towards Apollo with immense power.

Seeing this the young man simply sneered before he too went for an overhead swing. His flaming red Qi causing the air around them to tremble from the heat.


Their weapons clashed once again, and this time the guard was sent flying back, his sword falling out of his hands. On the other hand Apollo stood there unfased, his palms merely trembling slightly.

"I think this should suffice. Now for my Spirit Stone." Apollo declared, gesturing towards the Azure Clan's Young Miss.

Seeing this Lapis was stunned. 'Aren't they in the same layer, how did my guard lose so easily?' Lapis was shocked, she couldn't fathom what was going on.

Simultaneously the crowd was going abuzz.

"That Elite Guard from the Burst Clan is really strong!"

"Ya to beat someone in his own Layer so easily is no easy feat."

"Actually, while I do agree it was impressive there's a few factors you have to consider."

"Which are?"

"I thought you'd never ask! Firstly the Azure Clan's guard is clearly a branch member, his Azure Wood Qi is likewise impure and weak and he doesn't train the Clan's true cultivation technique. On the other hand the Burst Clan's guard has fire Qi, directly countering the Azure Wood Qi and his Qi seems pure a robust."

"That makes a lot of sense."

"So if his opponent used water Qi its likely he'd lose."

"If only I knew that from before, I'd have bet money on his victory!"

The crowd discussed amongst themselves, while Apollo stood there waiting for his payment. "Just take it." A Spirit Stone flew towards the young man at high speed.

Using almost half of his strength Apollo caught the Spirit Stone before looking up at the carriage driver. 'He's strong.' Apollo noted before pocketing the stone.

"Well with that out of the way we'll be leaving. Young Miss why don't we continue on our way?" Apollo suggested as he turned towards Violet. The young girl merely nodded before following along with Grace.

Just as quickly as the scene started it ended. Lapis stood there still in shock not uttering a word, while Violet merely left behind one sentence. "See you at the next gathering! I hope you won't lose as easily as your guard."



"I didn't realise you were so strong!" Violet exclaimed once they were away from the crowds. Grace as well was deeply surprised with Apollo's skills. It was one thing to be a 4th Layer Qi Gatherer, and another to swiftly defeat your peers.

"It was nothing. This should be yours Young Miss." Apollo replied handing her the Spirit Stone. While technically he had won, the bet was in the Burst Clan's name and in reality he was simply doing his job.

"Keep it, you're growing on me Old Timer." Violet replied. Naturally Apollo appreciated the gesture, but upon hearing the nickname "Old Timer" his lip couldn't help but twitch.

"Ahem, all right. Do you still want to visit the Full Moon Pavilion?" Apollo asked. "Hmmm, no I am kind of tired and its already getting late. Lets go home for today." Violet declared, and the trio changed course back to the Burst Clan.

Fortunately they were already in the inner region of Pentaarch so the journey back to the compound wasn't very long. Along the way Grace and Violet chatted happily, while Apollo kept an eye out but nothing eventful happened.

Upon arriving at the gate of the Burst Clan Apollo parted ways with Violet and Grace. He then made his way back to his residence, where he found Little Blue waiting for him.

"Elite Apollo."

"Senior Brim."

The two greeted one another. "I am here to deliver your reward for today's special mission." He said before handing Apollo a small pouch. Within there were 2 Spirit Stones.

Apollo's eyes couldn't hide his joy, but he swiftly suppressed his emotions albeit poorly. "Thank you very much. And I hope you can express my thanks to Clan Head and the Elders."

"Don't worry about it. In fact I was told to inform you that the Clan Head was extremely pleased with your showings, and to keep up the good work." Brim replied with a thumbs up.

Hearing this Apollo nodded. After exchanging a few more words with one another Brim left. Apollo then entered his residence and only then did a true expression of happiness and joy grace his face.

"In one day I've made 3 Spirit Stones! A sum so large would take an average family multiple lifetimes to acquire!" He muttered to himself excitedly, before throwing all his Spirit Stones on his table.

The original Spirit Stone he bought had depleted by about 20%, which made sense since he used it for a breakthrough. It would last him about 9 months.

'But with these 3 Spirit Stones I can move ahead much faster.' With that thought Apollo began to devise his next steps.