
The Immortals System

Xavier Style. A Person who was born crippled. He started his life's journey with a deformity in his his lower body that hindered muscle growth by a large amount. Because of this he was only able to walk by the time he was 6. But just as things looked like they were gonna get better he suffered his first but not last bout of cancer. Over the next 18 years of his life he found himself in and out of hospitals struggling to survive. After his second bout of cancer he became paralyzed from the hip down. Crippled was all he knew at that point of his life. Besides the fact that he knew it was gonna end soon. He was slipping in and out of consciousness and could barely stomach food. But he wasn't sad. He wasn't angry. He was happy. He wanted it to end. This cursed life needed to end. But then he met him. Nik, he called himself. Offered him a second chance at life. A chance to become immortal and have fun with others who would be special just like he was. A second chance was what Nik offered. And it's what Xavier took without a moment's notice.

maddaug · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs


Xavier felt a cold breeze flow over his body. It felt strangely comforting. He opened his eyes to find himself in a field of tall grass. The grass seemed to bend and move in an enchanting manner from the presence of the wind.

Xavier felt refreshed. Alive. The first time he has felt alive for quite awhile...

'So this is Pharis.... It seems almost enchanting' Xavier thought to himself as he glanced around in his surroundings after sitting up.

He was in meadow in the center of a forest. The trees were a bright bluish green. They seemed surreal as they stood above him taller than any tree he had ever seen before though that wasn't saying much since he spent most his life inside.

He slowly tried standing up. It felt strange. His feet having strength for the first time in his life was a strange feeling. Even though he hadn't stood once in years he easily stood up on his feet. And if felt magical. There wasn't a single ounce of pain in his body and his legs worked once more. He wasn't cooped up in a room with medical equipment made to keep him alive. He no longer needed it. He was alive. He wasn't just a husk being pumped with life by metal machines.

Xavier took a deep breath of the refreshing forest air around him as he slowly put his hands into the pockets of a strangely loose and comfortable type of pants. He examined himself and found his body to be incredibly different than before. Though he expected that much the clothes he didn't expect.

They were old fashioned almost as if he was a peasant in the years of past. He felt strangely at home despite this change of scene.


<System Alert>

Quests: Tutorial Quest (1/4)

Increase your lifespan by 500 years by any method.

Reward: Unlock Inventory (10 Slots)

Please accomplish this as soon as possible. Failing to do so within a year of your time here will revoke your system privileges.


"I suppose it's time to get to work. To find civilization, to learn." He said with enthusiastically. He didn't have much time in his life for learning and every time he did it was a time he would look forward to. So to say the least he was excited.

He slowly took his time walking through the forest looking for signs of life and quickly found it. He could hear the Chorus of beautiful birds all around him as well as the symphony of bugs.

He could find strange and vibrant birds fluttering through the air and ants the size of his fingers walking in orderly lines. It was a life filled forest. But he couldn't see any humans around him for the time being.

But then he heard it. The first thing that made him truly snap to his new reality. A distant roar that made all the fluttering birds and skittering insects bolt. It was so strong that it shook the ground in which he was standing on.

"Crap" Xavier said before he started running as fast as he could but for some reason he felt like his body didn't want to work with him which was a feeling he was used to.

He felt stronger than ever but he still felt as if he was far slower compared to all the creatures he had seen so far. He was weak. And whatever was roaring knew that.

Moments later he heard another Roar. This time much closer than the previous one. He tried to keep running but he felt as if his energy was running away from him. He felt drained of gas. Then the system alerted him on what had happened.


<User has run out of Stamina Points. Please rest and eat to recover them.>


He knew he was in trouble after learning that his body was literally out of all energy. And the roar happened once more this time it was so close he felt as if his ears were on the edge of bursting.

Xavier swiveled his head around to make eye contact with a Lion but not just any lion. This thing was massive. It was at least 10 feet tall and it's fur was made out of a crimson radiance. It's eyes locked on to Xavier with a look of pure bloodlust. It bounded forwards at lightning speed as It seemed to leave behind a trail of fire behind him.

Xavier tried to run but his body seemed to be failing. His legs felt numb. Completely spent of all energy. In the last moments of his life he quickly raised up his hands in a defensive manner trying his hardest to weaken the blow that was coming his way even though he knew he couldn't do anything to stop this beasts speed.

He closed his eyes and prayed. Then all that came was a deafening thud and then silence. Xavier slowly opened up his eyes to see that a man at the age of his mid Thirties was slowly inspecting the lion.

The Lion was now crumpled over onto the ground and was making labored breaths. Xavier scanned the body and realized how this creature was forced into this state. The man most likely punched it. Or something of the sort because a fist shaped cavity could clearly be seen on the rib cage of the beast. Most Likely taking out it's lung and harming the surrounding organs.

The man simply said in a very intrigued tone "What the hell do you think your doing in The Forest of the Ancients? You could have died if I didn't happen to be hunting in the surrounding area."

Xavier felt his body give in as he crumpled on to the floor in a state of exhaustion. He felt no pain as his vision receded into the familiar darkness once more.


He awoke an unknown period of time after the incident in an old wooden shack. It seemed as if he was simply laying on a small mat on the floor. The shack had very few things inside of it other than a few large sacks and a butchering table.

He could hear the light sound of snoring as he found the man who saved him was sleeping on the butchering table almost as if out of exhaustion.

Xavier felt his body react to the site of the man that looked as if he had passed out as he stood up in a hurry quickly making his way across the room. But before he could even make it a few steps the man's body turned ridgid as he stood up in a blur.

He seemed to calm down after realizing it was me before sitting down once more. "What was that for kid? Trying to give me a Heart attack?" He said in a gruff yet relieved manner.

Xavier shook his head sheepishly as he replied "I thought you had passed out. Kind of like how I did."

The man shook his head and let out a little laugh as he said "No I didn't pass out. Just took a little power nap. It's good to take a nap every once in a while. It helps you clear your head and freshen up."

Xavier smiled gently at the middle aged man before asking in a friendly manner "What exactly is your name? Mines Xavier and I would like to thank you for saving my life. Is there anything I can do?"

The man laughed once more though this time harder. "You do something for me? Your not even a level one Warrior and you think you can help me? Your not even suited to help tend the garden. You could never last an hour of labor." He said in an amused tone.

The man then found himself looking at Xavier's sullen expression and laughed a little while more before saying "I suppose you could help tend to the garden and clean. Though you wouldn't be able to do much It should be enough to earn your keep."

"Also My name is Bran by the way. And it's nice to meet you Xavier." He added on in a friendly manner.

"So why exactly were you in the Forest of the Ancients if you were not even a level one Warrior? Seems rather bold and stupid if you ask me" He said in a questioning tone.

Xavier slowly shook his head and said in a confused tone and said "I'm not really sure. I don't really remember much honestly. I just remember an eternity of darkness and me waking up in a meadow in the forest."

Barn looked at him for a few seconds before nodding. "You probably were dumped here by someone. Either to get rid of you by killing you or getting you as far away from them as possible. Though I bet the latter is true. The forest claims many souls and it seems that fate would not let it claim yours today."

"Well since you want to repay your 'life debt' to me than we best check your body and mental potential. If you want to even come close to helping me you are going to need to train up a little because you wouldn't even be able to handle a little jog in the forest let alone a hunt. And that would be the only way I think I could call this debt of yours clear. Get me ten heads of beasts of equal rank to the lion that was destined to take your life and I will call your debt paid in full." He said in a tone that seemed as if it was more a standard situation than something that mattered more to Xavier than anything else.

"I promise to pay my debt in full then. Than you Bran for saving me." Xavier said in a tone filled with determination.