
The Immortal Enchanter

"This world is divided into two groups. Ordinary humans and those who are bestowed with the power of the gods In ancient times, because they saw many wars, the gods decided to look for pure-hearted humans who could help them stop the war. They are whom we call nowadays 'Enchanters'." Indra Soedirjo is an enchanter granted immortality by the gods who lost his family due to the Infuser attack several years ago. When he is still struggling to recover from his grief, he is asked by Fernando Valentino, his acquaintance, to protect his younger sister, who belongs to the rare Enchanter race—the fighting race—Ariel Valentino. a female high school student who always looks curt, spoiled by her father and her older brother, and very stubborn. Can Indra fulfil his duty to protect Ariel? Will it be precisely that mission that will make him find out the reason behind the death of his entire family? ***

Zhenxinxin828 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
153 Chs

Chapter 141

Indra focused all of his attention, following Sawada's directions. 

"Now, recite your blue flame spell."

Indra waved his hand as he recited the incantation in a whispered voice, bringing forth a palm-sized blue flame. It flickered gently, swaying right and left in a graceful fashion.

"Now, let me ask you one thing."


"When you treated this boy's condition, what did you do? What spell did you use to quell the turmoil of the boy's unstable energy?"

Sawada's question made Indra confused about understanding it.


"I know this is difficult, but I need your answer to know your methods before I can teach you how to manage your powers, kid." Sawada folded both hands in front of their chest, focusing all of their attention on Indra. "And hurry up. We don't have much time."

Indra swallowed, calmed himself for a moment, then ventured to continue. "I'm just following the advice of my sister's spirit..."