
Two years.

While outside the castle and even the castle workers did not have a clue of what was happening inside Vlad's quarters, Ivan and Leona were fully aware. When he first showed them his medicines, at the age of six, they were extremely surprised and shocked that he was able to make it since they knew he had no contact with anyone besides them and concerned that he might have shown it to someone else. But Vlad said that only Viktor knew before them. They finally understood that all the stuff that he had Viktor buy for him was for this. They were, of course very happy and Leona smilingly scolded him for making them worry for two whole year.

After this session, Vlad spent even more time making different madicines, though most of them were failures, the half a dozen or so successes were very effective on Vlad himself and on Viktor. Vlad broke through rank 9 after his 10th birthday and Viktor was able to reach the bottleneck for transcending and finally broke through transcended rank 1 at 17 years old.

When Ivan and Leona asked him how he was able to make these medicines and pills, he said :

"All of this came from my dreams, the first few months of dreaming was all about loneliness and after that I started dreaming about different things. First were techniques then different body arts and then medicines and pills."

He wanted to tell them that other than different feelings and experiences that he went through in his dreams, all the knowledge about the arts, techniques, pills, medicines etc. came from the System but according to the system :

( You really shouldn't tell anyone about me, since right now I am a seperate entity and I can be extracted and separated from you if individuals above a certain power level want to do it and with the knowledge you have shown, many would want to take me away from you. )

The voice of the System was very familiar to Vlad but he was certain that he had no memory of anyone with that voice. It was deep and low, even though it was emotionless, sometimes it sounded quite melancholic but how could he know, he was still a child.

Vlad : "You said 'right now'."

( Yes, right now I'm a separate, in the future when you have enough strength, you can either bind or fuse me with your soul. )

Vlad : "But I don't get it, according to the dreams, you were already fused with my soul, rather the fact that I have knowledge about my previous self is strange, it shouldn't be possible, should it."

( .... there were complications when the soul entered the cycle, you won't be able to understand the rest right now. )

Vlad : "Well, I will wait then."

Vlad did not seem to realize that he was maturing rather quickly while Ivan & Leona simply credited it to his strange and vivid dreams and also him being a genius.

Vlad kept trying to make different medicines and pills and training the body arts that the system had shown him. He also asked the system for a body art and techniques for his family, but for now it was only able to find suitable ones for Viktor as Vlad had observed Viktor himself.


This kind of life kept going on until Vlad was 14. Viktor had been announced as the crown prince since he had a very good reputation as a 'once in a century' genius and due to Ivan's strict teaching, his behavior was also good. The common populace really liked him and were happy to have him as the crown prince. Vlad, even though was more brilliant, no one other than his family knew about it and had no or rather, bad reputation amongst the populace as a sickly prince, they sympathized with him but really wouldn't want him as their new king.

Hence right now only a handful of people knew the second prince's appearance. Soon Vlad was going to be 16 and could be considered as an adult, he was already a transcended rank 3. Viktor (23 y/o) and Leona were also able to reach transcended rank 3. Ivan had already reached rank 2 of origin. Of course all of this was a secret. As a royal family, they had many treasures to keep their strength hidden, outside everyone knew that Viktor had just transcended at his 23rd birthday.

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