
District 12

One morning, a young man named Tj Evens gets wakes up to his dog, lucky licking his face.

"Ok, I'm up, I'm up." He says laughing.

Lucky stops and Tj puts his hand on his head and smiles at him. He then gets up from his bed, gets dressed, and grabs a few of his knives and a axe. Two then leave the small house to get some food. As they, Tj sees some of district twelve's people and the struggles they have to go through. Him and Lucky soon make it to a fence and climb under it and head to the woods.

Soon, Tj spots a deer from behind a tree. He signals to Lucky to be quiet and pulls out one of his knives. As Tj gets his aim straight, ready to throw the knife and kill the deer.

"Hey Tj!" A voice yells from behind him, scaring off the deer and frustrating Tj. He turns around and sees his bestfriend, Sammy with a big smile on his face.

"You are such a dick, you know that, right?" Tj tells him.

"Oh come on, what were you actually gonna do with a hundred pound deer? Especially on Reaping day, there's peacekeepers everywhere."

"I don't care about the peacekeepers, I'm hungry."

Sammy goes to pet Lucky, but the dog growls at him.

"Why do your dog hate me?"

"Probably because you cost us a deer. Now we'll just have to settle on a bird."

"What bird?" Sammy asks, confused.

Tj flips the knife in his hand and throws it up, hitting a bird and causing it to fall to the ground.

"That bird." Tj answers with a smirk.

"Show off." Sammy says, jokingly pushing Tj.

Later the two sit together in the woods, looking at the trees. Sammy then pulls out some bread from his bag.

"Here. I owe you for the deer."

Tj is shocked.

"Holy shit, is that real?"

"Better be, I had to give up two squirrels for it."

Tj takes the bread and bites a piece out of it. He then gives some to Lucky and pets his head. Tj puts the rest up, then looks over to his friend who has a sad look on his face.

"What's wrong?" Tj asks.

Sammy hesitates answering for a moment.

"My names in forty two times today...I don't know, I guess I got this bad feeling...I'm scared, Tj."

A somber look appears on Tj's face as he puts his hand on Sammy's shoulder.

"Everything's going to be alright, man. I promise."

Sammy smiles a bit, trusting his friend. The two friends then just stare out to the wilderness, not thinking about the what's coming.

Later, Tj and Lucky walk through town, heading to someone else's house. They then pass by a little boy sitting on the ground, starving. Tj looks at the child, almost able to see his ribcage and feels bad for him. He then kneels down and gives the boy the bread. The hungry child stuffs his face, thanking Tj, causing him to smile.

Soon Tj makes it to his mentors house, Griff, one of the oldest people in district twelve.

"I told you not to bring that mutt in here." Griff tells him.

Tj smiles and puts his bag down.

"Relax old man, he's house broken."

He then sits beside Griff.

"How are you feeling today?"

"I'm still old, so terrible."

The two laugh, but the old man gets serious.

"There's a chance you might be chosen for hunger games. You know that, right?"

Tj thinks about it for a moment.

"If I am, then it's a good thing you trained me well."

Griff smirks.

"I owed your mother. She died, so I took you in to repay her. Made sure you didn't get yourself killed."

"Come on Griff, you know you love me."

"Aw shut up and cook something, I'm starving. And take this dog outside."

Tj smirks and heads into the kitchen. When he is alone, he pulls out a mockingjay necklace that his mother gave him, before she died. He kisses it and tucks it back under his shirt and starts cooking.

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