
New home

Davina took me to my room it was a very beautiful room. everything is in white and purple colour.

" WOW!! this is what we call an exotic room it's very huge I said and Davina smiled " you like the room?".

"like? I LOVE IT!! this room alone is a palace.

" Zahara freshen up and come downstairs for dinner and your stuffs will be here shortly" Davina said before living.

"I went to the bathroom and OH MY GOD!! my mouth was opened agape because of the beauty of this place. the bathroom also is very beautiful though is not like my former house is not beautiful but this house is more beautiful. I strip out of my dress and got into the bathtub the water was so soothing that I almost forgot that I have to go downstairs for dinner I quickly got out of the bathtub I tied a bathrobe and went to the closet, my stuffs are already here I opened my suitcase and brought out a pair of black sweatpant and a pink tank top I packed my hair up letting a string of hair fall at each side of my face I was about to head downstairs when a maid came in " Miss Zahara, Mr Addison said you should come to the dinning room that food is ready. "okay I will be right there".

immediately I reached the dinning room everybody was already there I sat down next to Zion. " so you finally decided to come!. " what do you mean by that Zion I was about to come downstairs when the maid called me okay?.

" okay", so Zahara how do you see your room do you like it? ' Mr Addison asked'.

" Yes I love it sir", " No dear don't call me sir, call me dad.

" okay dad ". ' am glad you like the room ' dad said with a smile and I smiled back, we all started eating.

everybody retired back to there room I also went back to my room.

she walked towards her window and opened it wide.

"Hmm" she closed her eyes and inhaled the air softly then she opened her eyes. her eyes caught the room opposite her's, the window was open and the lights were on and almost immediately a guy came into view. " ohh he's hot" she thought staring at his naked chest.

" the guy suddenly looked up and caught her, no thought his whole body is also hot cause his face is out of this world. he's damn handsome and hot, she saw the guy coming close to the window she didn't know what happened to her but she was unable to move. he came close to the window and winked at her and closed his window he also drew his curtain.

" she scoffed close her window and drew her curtain before landing on her bed.


Zahara woke up by someone tapping her softly on her shoulder she opened her blurry eyes she sat up and rub her hands on her eyes. " good morning" Davina said with a smile.

" Good morning " I also said with a smile Davina is really nice the way I use to hear about how stepsister are wicked but she is different.

" so mom asked me to wake you up it's almost time for breakfast go and freshen up and come downstairs" she said, " okay."

I wore a black body_gon gown let my hair down I went to the dinning room Mom and Dad were already sitting there even Davina was there but Zion was nowhere to be found, " good morning mom, good morning dad" I pecked the both of them on the cheeks and sat down on the chair.

" umm Zahara if you're done eating and you don't have anything to do then I can show you around the mansion and we can even go out, what do say? she said raising an eyebrow waiting for my response".

" sure, am even bored and yes have anyone seen Zion?.

" Yes dear he went on a tour with the driver" dad said. " oh okay Dad".