

This book is about a prince who was born out of the royal family circle. His father can't take him back to the palace because it will mean his death. The king's tutor fabricates the death of the the king's lover Sophia. Because he would not take precautions and take them both to the palace if he knew she was alive. Which would cause a civil war in the kingdom. Follow up the story to the end to find out if the family of the three will live happily ever after. Stay tuned

1Mohamed_Hassan · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

His last breath

<p>"Order the declaration of victory written, advisor Richard," the king commanded.<br/><br/>Upon hearing this, Prince Leon rushed forward. "If you would allow it, I would like to take the news of our victory to the capital, my lord."<br/><br/>"It would be more fitting that our prince took the word of our victory to the crown capital," said the king. "You have proven your worth on the battlefield. I'm proud of you. May your sword never return to its sheath without a victory."<br/><br/>Prince Leon mounted his horse and rode off with Antonio, heading towards Sofia's hut. As he rode, he thought of the letter she had sent him before the war, informing him that she had given birth to their son. He couldn't help but smile, knowing that he would soon hold both of them in his arms.<br/><br/>"Richard, have the couriers take the news to Egypt, Constantinople, China, and the lands of the Franks. Let it be known in all corners of the world that those who make enemies of us shall share the same end," the king ordered.<br/><br/>"Bring their leader to my tent. We have some unfinished business with him," he added furiously, demanding no one in particular.<br/><br/>***<br/><br/>Prince Leon arrived at Sofia's hut with Antonio and a soldier to patrol the area for security. He entered the hut, expecting to see his wife and newborn son, but instead found an empty bed neatly spread.<br/><br/>He slammed his fist on the bed and was about to lash out his frustration at the guards in charge of his wife's protection when he heard the sound of his baby's coo. He turned to face the door where the sound was coming from and saw the chief doctor and his wife's maid, Helen, holding his son instead of his wife.<br/><br/>"Helen, where is my wife?" Leon asked, trying not to sound furious, but his voice came out poorly disguised because the child started crying due to his raised voice.<br/><br/>"She grew faint after the birth. No matter what the midwives did, she couldn't be saved," Helen replied.<br/><br/>"Sofia has gone to the lands of no return. But she left you a life combining the lives of you two. She asked you to cherish and protect your son as you cherished your love with her," the chief doctor added.<br/><br/>Leon felt his knees grow weak and fell to the ground, but he couldn't grieve now because his son was still crying. He stood up, stretched out his hands to receive his son, and kissed his forehead.<br/><br/>"Your mother has passed on to the land of no return. She left you to me. From now on, you are the apple of my eye, the center of my heart."<br/><br/>"Where is the grave of my Sofia?" he asked.<br/><br/>"She is resting under the pine tree beside the stable," the chief doctor replied.<br/><br/>Leon strode towards his beloved wife's grave and knelt beside it, caressing it as he used to when she was alive, cheering up his boring world. His tutor general, Richard, arrived and walked towards Leon, patting his shoulder to console him.<br/><br/>"Tutor...I couldn't protect her. I couldn't protect my Sofia," Leon said, his voice choked with emotion.<br/><br/>"You protected her even with great danger to yourself. Now is not the time for grief, but to stand upright, Leon," Richard replied, trying to console him.<br/><br/>"I hope everything is good. Has the army returned from the battle?" Helen asked.<br/><br/>The general was hesitant for some time, but he squeezed the words off his mouth.<br/><br/>"His Highness, King Edward..." <br/><br/>General Richard continued, "His Highness King Edward has passed away. He was attacked by a prisoner and succumbed to his wounds."<br/><br/>Leon's eyes widened in shock, "What? How could this happen? When was he wounded?"<br/><br/>"It happened a few days ago, while we were still at war. We've been keeping it under wraps, trying to ensure a smooth transition of power."<br/><br/>Leon's mind was reeling with the news. His father was gone, and he had not even had a chance to say goodbye. He felt a deep sense of loss and regret, wishing that he had spent more time with his father while he had the chance.<br/><br/>But there was no time for grief. With the King's passing, Leon was now the rightful heir to the throne. He had to take up the mantle of leadership and continue his father's legacy. He stood up, determination in his eyes.<br/><br/>"I have to go to the capital. I have to take my place as King and lead our kingdom forward."<br/><br/>General Richard nodded, "I will accompany you, Your Highness. We will make the necessary arrangements for your journey."<br/><br/>Leon turned to the grave of his beloved wife, "Sofia, I promise you that I will be a worthy successor to my father. I will make sure that his vision for our kingdom is realized."<br/><br/>He stood up, cradling his son in his arms. As he walked away from the grave, he felt a sense of purpose wash over him. He was no longer just a prince; he was a King. It was time to lead his people into a new era.</p>

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