
Selection Process (2)

Edward looked at the sign on the top of the door and noticed that heavenly power was shimmering down like a waterfall on it. Glancing further up, Edward noticed the source of the power.

"The Statute of old. This, my children is what you should take note of and bury in your heart. The statute is what balanced our kingdom and enabled our race to live in harmony for time immemorial," explained King Aurtherus.

"No Heavenly King shall rule for more than three cycles of ten thousand years. Before the end of his reign, the Heavenly King shall select a heir who shall reign till the time of the statute or when the council deems so."

"This is in accordance with the will of the ancient ones of the Heavenly Race so that peace can flourish in the realm."

Prince Edward looked at the statute that was inscribed on a tablet that was held up by a statue of what seemed to be depicting an ancient one. The statute were decided upon by the ancient ones of the Heavenly Race. Prince Edward could feel the grand power that it was leaking out. God knows how fearsome it would be if that power was unleashed.

"My children, the statute of old provides a way for peace to be maintained in our realm since the ancient times. It is wisdom to keep it. The power within this statute is provided by all the kings who have reigned and it serves as a guardian to that peace."

The 4 royal siblings nodded with differing expressions and thoughts. History of the Heavenly Race were taught to them since they were young. The statute was created to stop the wars of the ancient ones of the Heavenly Race. The kings of old used to have perpetual reign and this created much resentment amongst the others of the same race. Being eternal, there was almost no chance for ascension other than when the king died of an accident or was murdered.

Hence, the chaos of the ancient times. Behemoths of the Heavenly Race fought for the throne and many innocent lives were lost in the process. There was even a king who was so desperate to hold on to power that he killed any children that he had.

It was only after millenniums of chaos that the Heavenly Race was withered down to 2 brothers who overthrew the crown and established the statute. These 2 brothers were the first of the new era forefathers.

"Delia my love, you are free to go. The rest of you, follow me. We are entering the selection chamber."

Delia bowed and took her leave while the rest entered the chamber.

Prince Edward took a nervous gulp and entered the chamber after his brothers. The chamber was a small circular room that was not as big as Edward would have imagined. From the looks of it, at most 10 people could stand in it. In the middle of the room was an orb that was extremely bright. It was fused with an unimaginable amount of heavenly power that palpitated one's heart when one looked at it. However, as if it was holding its power within itself, the light did not spread to light up the room.

King Aurtherus stood at the back of the room and he got his 3 sons to stand before the orb.

"Before we begin, the ancestral verification must be performed. This is to ensure that each of your blood has been accepted and fused with the royal heritage. You will step forward when called."

"Basil, come forth."

Prince Basil took a step forward. He attempted to look confident by puffing his chest out although he was just as clueless as any of his other siblings.

When Basil stepped forward, King Aurtherus used the scepter and touched the orb. Power burst forth and surrounded the walls of the room. The heavenly light formed into faces. The faces of the forefathers on the council!

"Please perform the ancestral verification, elders of the heavenly council."

"Oh. Is it time for the selection again?"

"My final selection as part of the council!"

"Ahhh. Which king is it now."

The voices of the forefathers sounded in the room. These were past kings who had served their time and were known as elders. Prince Edward recounted what he had learnt in royal court. Elders were selected to be on the heavenly council and had to serve for at least 3 selections. However, unlike the present king who was duty bound to reside in and govern from the heavenly kingdom, elders only had to leave a trace of their presence in the heavenly kingdom and could wander the realms in "retirement".

"Retired" elders usually wandered around the realm either in the form of partaking in a peaceful holiday or settling down in a particular realm and assisting to watch over it by providing counsel to the governor. Elders on the council were only required when the king needed guidance or the selection of heir was due. They hardly interfered with the king during normal occasions.

"Benevolent elders, I am King Aurtherus, 554th king of the Heavenly Kingdom. This is the year 9990 of the third cycle of my name. My time is almost up and these are my children who will partake in the selection to be heir to the throne," said King Aurtherus as he bowed to the many faces of the elders.

"Ah. Aurtherus sonny. Who's kid is this?"

"Elder Poro, you sure get forgetful over time. Aurtherus is the son of Camelot."

"Ohhhh. King Camelot. That young chap did a really good job back then."

"Focus! Poro."

"Haha. Alright. Alright. Three lads this time. Let's begin."

The chatter ended. All eyes fell on Prince Basil. Prince Basil placed his hand on the orb and said, "Benevolent elders, I am Prince Basil, first of Aurtherus. Please proceed." The orb lit up as power was channeled through his hand into his body.

The seemingly still power that was lingering on Basil immediately became more volatile. It was like looking deep into him. Prince Basil stood motionlessly and looked at the king with an unwavering stare as the verification began.

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