

When a person who has been deprived of affection all his life meets the girl who makes his heart melt, butterflies start dancing inside your stomach. ;)

Yayaty · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs


Hello all! So, this idea came to me a while ago and I finally decided to implement it.. I will not spoil the events, but I will tell you some hints:

The novel is a romantic novel, the main characters are characters from JJK(Jujutsu kaisen), the girl main character is a fictional character of the sweet, innocent type..

I just want to know if anyone is curious to read what I'll write.

Notes: I will not post (18+) or (NSFW) stuff, only cute and romantic stuff. There may be bloody or violent scenes, but they will be for the sake of the plot and not for dirty reasons.

Does anyone want me to start writing?

I will leave the choice to all of you in this regard.. What do you want the name of the main girl in my novel to be?

Note!!: It must be a Japanese name and include her name and last name.

I will randomly choose the name that suits her so I don't want anyone to be upset..

Thank you for your time <3!

Yayatycreators' thoughts