
The Haunted Vampire Hunter

After Dante became a vampire in a different era, he has been a target for both vampires and vampire hunters due to his sinful past. A past that he can't escape from no matter how far he runs for he was a vampire that loathed his own existence. Dante has tried to die but he has been cursed with immortality, a vampire that cannot die despite wanting to was the worst torture. But he finds his will to live through Scarlett Walker, a lady that reminded him of a piece of him that he once thought was dead. But what if the one that could gave him a reason to live was the only one that could kill him? Will his pain be released or would the idea of leaving the one he loves be his new pain? [All rights to the image reserved to the owner]

Kelvin_A · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
34 Chs

Vampire Attack?

Scarlett had fun with Brock but for some reason, she didn't want it to end.

It was dark and Brock knew it would be a dick move to let her walk back to her dormitory alone so he escorted her, albeit reluctantly.

Brock also felt comfortable around her, she had not made any negative comments regarding his appearance.

He was so used to girls insulting his physical appearance that his defensive mechanism was to give them something else to dislike about him so that at least he wouldn't be reminded how bad he looks.

But even with his rudeness, Scarlett was still nice to him, something that was alien to him.

"I had fun tonight, Brock," Scarlett told him and Brock could feel something inside of him awaken.

This wasn't love or anything of that sort, but rather an overwhelming sense of happiness.

"It's my first time getting kicked out of a library!" Scarlett added as she giggled at the thought.

"It was pretty funny…" Brock said, a smile creasing his stoic face.

"You are a pain in the ass," Brock knew Scarlett was a piece of work but Scarlett was equally as socially awkward as him.

'You know… I didn't mean any offense when I asked if you were a virgin…" Scarlett knew she had pushed a sensitive button and while his reaction was funny, she didn't mean to encroach on any boundaries he might have had. Brock kept quiet because it felt like there was something else she wanted to add.

"I actually think it is pretty cool you're one. You see, I'm also a virgin," Scarlett shared the first piece of personal information with Brock to let him know he wasn't alone in that regard but the look on Brock's face showed he was surprised by this revelation.

"Y-YOU ARE A VIRGIN!?" Brock was in disbelief because Scarlett was an attractive lady.

He would have pegged her for a girl who at least had some sexual experience.

"What's with the reaction?" Scarlett asked with a raised brow to which Brock cleared his throat.

"W-Whatever…" He muttered.

The night was beautiful, if this was a movie, this setting would have been perfect for a kissing scene but unfortunately for these two, it wasn't a movie.

No, and they would soon both regret not being in one.

They were close to Scarlett's dorm, but there was a body sprawled awkwardly on the ground a few meters from the ground.

Brock's first thought was to walk around it but he knew he didn't need to play the asshole anymore because Scarlett didn't seem to have a problem with him.

Brock's footsteps slowly came to a halt, he told Scarlett to stand behind him just in case his chivalrous act might result in danger, he didn't want Scarlett to be caught in it.

He crouched and gently tapped the individual but he got no response from them; what was this liquid he felt between his fingertips?

It was red, there was no doubt that this was blood and Brock slowly turned the person around, whose head was planted head-first into the ground.

There was a wound on his neck but it didn't matter to Brock. Right now, this man needs help.

"SCARLETT! CALL AN AMBULANCE!" Brock instructed her and Scarlett did just that.

She took out her phone and called the emergency number.

They knew better than to move the body because Brock had no idea where else he was bleeding.

Scarlett walked towards the body despite Brock's protest but he was surprised that this didn't faze Scarlett.

Scarlett studied his neck, this was not a random wound caused by a fall. Something had bitten him.

"That's a bite mark, isn't it? How did an animal get in!?" Brock asked, but Scarlett was surprisingly calm despite a body that might very well turn into a corpse at any moment laying in front of her.

"This isn't the bite of an animal…" Scarlett thought to herself, squinting her eyes in suspicion.

"Scarlett did a quick survey of the area, eyes darting all over the place but her gut feeling told her whatever did this wasn't far.

They shouldn't be here, they had already called the ambulance, and they had no business waiting here.

"Brock, we need to leave…" Scarlett said as she slowly got up to her feet.

"What are you talking about, we can't just leave him!" Brock fired back. He was right, if he was in this state he wouldn't want to be left alone either so he was playing it forward for he didn't know the kind of fate that awaited him in the future.

But a look into Scarlett's eyes told him she knew something he didn't but Brock wasn't going to leave him.

Footsteps would soon be heard a few short minutes after, Brock heaved a sigh of relief because he knew that they needed more hands in case the wild animal decided to come back.

"What happened here?" A voice echoed from the direction in which the footsteps were coming from.

"I have no idea what happened! It must be some kind of wild animal! I have called an ambulance!" Brock explained; he was applying pressure on his neck wound.

"A wild animal….?" The voice paused, and the man soon came into sight. An olive-green-eyed, pale-skinned man with slicked-back brunette hair. He was of average height but on the attractive scale, he easily rated 8/10 but he was no 10 but he was nonetheless attractive.

"How rude." The man concluded with an eerie look in his eyes. Scarlett shuddered the moment her eyes made contact with him.

The man began walking towards Scarlett but the siren of the ambulance halted him in his tracks.

Scarlett jerked her head in the direction of the ambulance but it wasn't even up to a second, she jerked her head back to where the strange man was but he was nowhere to be found.

"Don't tell me…?!" Scarlett's eyes widened in realization.