
The Haunted Vampire Hunter

After Dante became a vampire in a different era, he has been a target for both vampires and vampire hunters due to his sinful past. A past that he can't escape from no matter how far he runs for he was a vampire that loathed his own existence. Dante has tried to die but he has been cursed with immortality, a vampire that cannot die despite wanting to was the worst torture. But he finds his will to live through Scarlett Walker, a lady that reminded him of a piece of him that he once thought was dead. But what if the one that could gave him a reason to live was the only one that could kill him? Will his pain be released or would the idea of leaving the one he loves be his new pain? [All rights to the image reserved to the owner]

Kelvin_A · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
34 Chs

The Recording...

Scarlett freshened up and during that shower, she found muddied hand prints around part of her body.

Scarlett wasn't stupid and knew something occurred because her body felt the recoil.

She couldn't recall any activities that she could have possibly done to make her body this sore.

Scarlett had a feeling that everything she needed to know was in her phone and that was the first thing she grabbed when she left the bathroom.

Scarlett plugged her headphones and immediately played the recording.

It started with silence, Scarlett began to question if this was accidental.

"What was I thinking…" Scarlett thought to herself, she expected some secret message but it was just an accidental record but before she could stop the audio, she heard a voice.

The voice note had everything starting from where she hid from ghouls that were chasing her.

That's why it was quiet in the beginning and the voice she heard was that of a ghoul, growling like a rabid animal.