
The Haunted Vampire Hunter

After Dante became a vampire in a different era, he has been a target for both vampires and vampire hunters due to his sinful past. A past that he can't escape from no matter how far he runs for he was a vampire that loathed his own existence. Dante has tried to die but he has been cursed with immortality, a vampire that cannot die despite wanting to was the worst torture. But he finds his will to live through Scarlett Walker, a lady that reminded him of a piece of him that he once thought was dead. But what if the one that could gave him a reason to live was the only one that could kill him? Will his pain be released or would the idea of leaving the one he loves be his new pain? [All rights to the image reserved to the owner]

Kelvin_A · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
34 Chs

Dante Vs Lucien

Dante got to his feet and unlike other vampires he had encountered so far, this one didn't seem fazed by his presence.

Dante looked bored, but he was disappointed that Lucien had destroyed one of his favourite shirts.

The silence was loud and Lucien knew there was no point in asking Dante to come with him as he would not accept but he wasn't delusional into thinking he could take Dante on either but he had something up his sleeves that he wanted to try.

Lucien charged at him, attempting to plunge his fingers into Dante's neck but the moment it made contact with Dante's neck, every bone in those fingers broke but Lucien didn't show any visible pain to this.

He didn't even try to halt his attack either, instead using the blood generated from his wound to his advantage as he poured it right into Dante's eyes.