
The Haunted Vampire Hunter

After Dante became a vampire in a different era, he has been a target for both vampires and vampire hunters due to his sinful past. A past that he can't escape from no matter how far he runs for he was a vampire that loathed his own existence. Dante has tried to die but he has been cursed with immortality, a vampire that cannot die despite wanting to was the worst torture. But he finds his will to live through Scarlett Walker, a lady that reminded him of a piece of him that he once thought was dead. But what if the one that could gave him a reason to live was the only one that could kill him? Will his pain be released or would the idea of leaving the one he loves be his new pain? [All rights to the image reserved to the owner]

Kelvin_A · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
34 Chs

Dante's Hidden Side

Dante hated everything about himself and his race, humans were so fragile yet they fought so hard to live. Something that Dante admired as he had forgotten what it was like to be human.

Dante came out of the shower and Heidi was still there.

"Why are you still here?" Dante's cold voice resonated with her and the fear in her heart made her mouth dry.

"Um… Dante, I can't walk under the sun…" Heidi brought his attention to the fact that she was not a daywalker like him and the awkward silence that followed drowned out the room.

"Oh… That's right…" Dante responded with an awkward smile, if he wasn't a vampire Heidi would have sworn he was going senile.

"Why are you here Heidi?" Dante's question caught the girl off guard because he had never been interested in her ambitions or goals as long as she does as she is told.

She hurried to formulate an answer in her mind right before the words left her parted lips.

"I'm here to serve you, Dante. The man who saved my life…" Heidi's composure was unwavering but Dante was not buying it.

"Serve me? You are here because I saved you." Dante blurted out, shooting down any attempt at her perceived loyalty. Heidi kept quiet the moment she heard this.

"Dante… Did I upset you?" Heidi had to know because this was too random for it to be a coincidence but Dante was too disconnected from reality to feel such an emotion toward her.

"No, I just want to see…" Dante paused, walking towards her with his towel wrapped firmly around his waist. Maybe Dante finally took interest in her for the first time since they met, a thought that made Heidi feel giddy but it was highly unlikely.

"You want to see what?" Heidi anticipated what words were about to come out of Dante's mouth in response to her question.

Dante's cold hand placed the hair strand that had gotten in her face behind her ear, inching close and Heidi could feel her 'heart' coming back to life the closer he got.

Involuntarily, she bit her lower lips but Dante's lips never touched hers as his breathing brushed against her sensitive earlobe.

"I wanted to see if I should kill you, Heidi…" Danter whispered into her ear and Heidi froze in place. Did Dante just threaten to kill her? One thing she knew about Dante was that he never made any empty threats.

"H-Hahaha!" Heidi laughed nervously but all it took for her to realize Dante was serious was the look he had in his eyes. Dante's hand slowly wrapped itself around her neck.

"The day I no longer have use for you is the day you will disappear. You live for me alone and so shall you die…" Dante muttered in a low tone, Heidi had already closed her eyes waiting for her fate. Dante was not like any other vampire, and there was a reason he was one of the strongest vampires in existence.

"Y-Yes sir…" Heidi shuddered but she had never seen Dante like this and she knew whatever was happening was out of the ordinary.

"Take off your clothes…" Dante instructed her and this only confirmed Heidi's suspicion that something was wrong with Dante tonight.

Heidi complied not out of fear but because seeing Dante like this had also flipped a switch on her, she dropped her clothes to the floor without hesitation.

She watched Dante, his eyes studying every inch of her body like a surgeon.

"What do you want me to do next?" Heidi questioned, she had a perverse smile on her peerless face, Heidi's beauty peaked when she was in heat and this was a heavenly sight for anyone that wasn't Dante. Dante found her appalling not because of her looks but because of what she was.

"Turn around…" Dante instructed her and she did just that, she was getting more excited than she wanted to because she didn't know Dante's intention but she understood it was sexually motivated.

She could hear footsteps approaching from behind, with each second it got louder and Dante's cold hand wrapped around her waist to drag her in.

"You asked what I wanted you to do next?" Dante whispered into her ear, and Heidi nodded like an obedient girl waiting for her next command, and the command did come.

"The curtains…. I want you to stand in front of the sun…" Dante whispered and Heidi's face changed completely, from a woman in heat to absolute horror.

"Don't make me ask twice…." Dante reiterated his stance and Heidi walked towards the curtains, legs trembling.

She reached the curtains and looked back to see if Dante had changed his mind but the look in his eyes indicated otherwise.

She gradually pulled down the curtains, her hand was what caught fire first, but before anyone knew it, her entire body began to burn and Heidi shrieked in agony.

Dante wasn't some sweet vampire with empathy or compassion, he was a vampire that not only hated himself but every other vampire.

"That is enough," Dante said with a satisfied grin and Heidi instantly took cover from the sun's rays, she was breathing heavily and tears welled up in her eyes.

Yes, this was exactly why Dante was so feared, and this was not the first time he had done such a thing to her. She, however, noted that Dante was a lot worse.

She had seen what he does to his enemies and that is exactly why she felt safe in his company.

Any injuries she got, she got healed, it was not permanent so she tolerated it.

"You see? The sun isn't all that bad…" Dante teased her but he didn't want to push this further.

"Can I have your blood?" Heidi requested, Dante's blood was pure and he has been the only recorded vampire that could grant another vampire the power to walk under the sun with his blood.

"Find her and I will grant you this gift."