
The Harlequin Of Fate

Toni Mars found himself in a completely new world hanging down with a rope around his neck. A mysterious voice told him he has become a Traveler. However, with no idea how he got there and occupying the body of another person, he must discover the reasons his life is in danger. He quickly realized the only way to protect himself is to become powerful. But in a place where getting stronger means modifying your DNA and dealing with forces as old as the world, one wrong step can end it all.

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14 Chs

The Two Agents

Toni put his coat on and left the house. The police station was about 20 minutes away from his house on foot. He could have called a taxi to save some time, but he was worried about money. Therefore, he decided to walk. He also used the opportunity to put his thoughts in order. Going to the police could be considered a risky move. He would be putting himself on their radar. On the other hand, Toni was determined to get answers. 

He arrived at the station five minutes earlier than he anticipated. The hall was brimming with people coming and going. Toni went to one of the officers at the front desk.

"Hello, officer."

"What can I do for you?" The employee replied with his head toward the stack of papers in front of him.

"I'm here to get some information."

"What kind of information?"

"I read about the death of an acquaintance of mine in the papers. I don't know what happened to him. I was hoping you could help me with some information."

"Does he have a name?"


"Just Nelson?"

Toni thought for a few seconds before remembering the last name.

"Nelson Semec."

"And you are?"

He almost blurted out his real name. Fortunately for him, he caught himself before the words came out.


"Just Ansel?"

"Ansel Beausejour."

"Care to spell it for me?"

Toni spelled it out for the man as he was writing it down.

"Take a seat." The officer said, gesturing to one of the few empty seats around.

Toni nodded and went to sit down. He expected the wait to be a long one. However, two people came to him five minutes later. An older man with grey hair was accompanied by a younger woman with brown hair. 

"Mr. Beausejour, I am Agent Langston. This is my colleague, Agent Boone." The older man said showing his badge.

Toni got up and greeted them.

"You're here about Mr. Semec?"

Toni nodded.

"What is your relationship with him?"

"We worked together. I was helping him with a project."

"What project?" Agent Boone asked.

"A translation of an old manuscript."

"We need you to be specific." She said.

"There is not much to say. It was a text from the Third Era. We found out it was the journal of someone named Clovis. My background is in archeology, and I'm a bit familiar with the Ancient Language."

The two agents exchanged a look.

"Please come with us." Agent Langston said.

Toni followed them to a small room that looked like an office. Langston sat down and offered the other chair to Toni. Her colleague stood up, leaning against the wall.

"Do you know that Mr. Semec is dead?"

"I read it in the papers. That is why I came here. What happened?"

"If you read the papers, then you know he committed suicide," Boone replied.

"Why though? And how?"

Agent Langston looked at him for several seconds.

"We're still investigating. But we can tell you that he cut his wrist and bled out."

He opened a drawer and took out a bag that he put on the table. 

"This is the weapon he used."

Toni immediately recognized it. It was a black dagger, identical to the one he found in Ansel's room. He had no idea how Nelson and Ansel obtained the same dagger.

"Do you recognize this dagger?" Boone asked.

"I've seen it at Nelson's." He lied. 

Langston nodded.

"Are you sure it was a suicide?"

"Do you think he was murdered? Why?"

Toni shook his head.

"I don't know what to think. I never got the sense that he wanted to take his life. I'm shocked."

"Our investigation points to suicide." Agent Langston said.

"When was the last time you saw him?" The woman asked.

"A few days ago. We met to do more translation."

"How was he? What was his state of mind?"

"He was fine. I did not notice anything unusual. That is why I am shocked to learn that he committed suicide."

Agent Langston opened the drawer again.

"Mr. Beausejour, to be honest with you, we would have paid you a visit in the coming days."

Toni's heart rate quickened.

"Yeah? Why?"

The agent put another bag before him. It contained a sheet of paper with notes on it.

"Please read it."

Ansel took it and read.

"I knew it'd come to this, to my death. I pray that Ansel doesn't share the same fate."

"What is he talking about?" Boone asked.

"I have no idea," Toni answered, confused. 

"Mr. Semec believed you would end up like him. Why?"

"I'm telling you; I don't know."

"What were you two translating exactly? What did you find out?"

Toni was getting nervous by the second. He had no idea what the two men discovered. The little he knew was from Ansel's notes.

"An old manuscript. It didn't make sense. Like I said it is a journal from Clovis. I don't know who he is. If you believe his death is somehow related to our work, I don't see how."

"Alright. You may go now. We will talk to you again tomorrow. We will come to you." Agent Langston said.

Toni nodded and got up.

"It is a shame Nelson Semec did not have your luck," Boone said.

"I don't understand."

"For whatever reasons, he clearly believed you would die as well. But here you are, as healthy as a horse. Let's hope he was mistaken." The woman said.

"Please, don't joke with that." 

"It's not a joke. We've seen cases similar to this one before. People who are playing with things they cannot comprehend and ended up getting burned. Hopefully, it will be different for you."

Toni swallowed his saliva with difficulty as he left the office.