

1981, New York

A light flashed brightly in the sky. Aurors began their move, wary of what was going on. The last time the International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy was at risk was when Grindlewald reigned supreme but now years later it was at risk again due to Voldemort.

The dark lord was not happy with Europe alone and he wanted more. The MACUSA was already aware of Voldemort's plan to spread his terror across North America and were cautious of every little detail, they wanted to stop any plans Voldemort might have so they did what they could to protect their country but it now it seemed that they weren't as careful as they think they were.

Aurors including the President himself apparated their way into the ruined burned building, the aurors took care of the fire as they slowly scanned the place, looking at the several burnt figures. They made their way towards the roof where they saw a man who looked terrified and afraid, as he held a small child in his hand.

The man was young and good looking, short dark hair, green eyes, and thick, long eyebrows. His eyes widened as if terrified by something as he kept muttering nonsense to himself not even looking at the men in front of him.

"Felix Rosier." The President called out as the boy finally looked at him, "I am the president of the MACUSA, Samuel Quahog. What happened here?"

"The dark lord--" Felix muttered, "Please--"

"Voldemort has been defeated." Samuel said with no fear in his voice, "He's dead."

Felix's eyes widened more in surprise as Samuel continued, "Now explain to me why you're here. What did Voldemort ask you to do?"

"My nephew--" Felix said looking at the baby in his hands, "The dark lord-- he had found a way to awaken an-ancient magic, I was sent here to help him do so."

"What magic?" Samuel asked frowning.

"I don't know." Felix said in a frightened voice, "But I saw it-- it was just darkness and destruction! I did-didn't know!"

"Tell me, Felix, what happened?" The President said waving his wand.

No one knew what magic the President used but Felix started to calm down.

"The dark lord asked me to activate a rune here in New York, he told me that this will aid his plans of creating a pure-blood society with my nephew leading it. My brother had just died in the war and I am not strong enough to carry on my family legacy so I wanted my nephew to lead the Rosier family into greatness." Felix said almost like a robot not stopping even once under the spell, "But when I did, I am afraid I have awakened something else entirely- A monster-no a demon!"

The moment he mentioned the so-called monster, Felix snapped off the spell his voice shaking once again. "My nephew--"

Felix said handing off the child, "Please save him!"

The President didn't know what to do, he nodded at the Auror beside him who carefully went over and took the child from Felix's hand.

"I am willing to pay for my crimes but please save him!" Felix said muttering as he suddenly stood up. The Aurors became alert pointing their wands at him.

"Felix! We can save him from whatever it is but we need you to calm down." Samuel said realizing the situation wasn't too good.

"No, I need to pay for my sins!" Felix said shaking his head as he slowly stepped back, "I need to pay for waking him up."

Before anyone could do anything, Felix jumped off the roof. The Aurors shot several spells to save him but it was too late as his body crashed on the pavement, instantly killing him.

"Contact the British Ministry about this immediately," Samuel said sighing, "Also investigate this place thoroughly we need to get to the bottom of this."


The incident that took place shook both the muggle world and the wizarding world. Neither side knew what happened and no one could come up with enough of an explanation. Muggles started blaming it all on aliens, natural phenomena and many other theories for the blinding bright light that shined across New York. Whereas the wizards took it as an ominous sign.

"Not this again." Millicent Bagnold, the current Minister of Magic, walked into the MACUSA headquarters shaking her head. With the defeat of Voldemort, she already had a lot on her plate right now with the trials of all the death eaters so the extra troubles weren't really what she needed right now, "Do you know what could be this so-called ancient magic, Albus?"

She asked the white-haired man next to her. The man was none other than Albus Dumbledore the greatest white wizard of the current time and the man who fought actively fought against two dark lords.

"It's hard to say, Millicent." Dumbledore said in a soft voice, "Tom was a brilliant student of mine, over the years he had created several spells that even I had no awareness of and had grown to a strength that even left me in wonders. So I wouldn't be surprised if he was planning on something big."

"Sigh! It's really a headache."


"Welcome, Mr. Dumbledore and Minister Bagnold." Samuel greeted the two in their office. The office was wide and spacious and other than them, a female auror who was holding the baby was present in the office.

"Is he the child?" Bagnold asked as Samuel nodded.

The auror handed the child to Dumbledore who took the baby in his arms checking on him carefully while Bagnold and Samuel talked about the incident.

"So other than the clue that there was some sort of ritual that took place there, we don't know anything else about it." Samuel said handing off pictures of the rune including the burnt down building, "Normally I would think of these things as Hoaxs, but the destruction it caused and the power that was present on the place that could still be traced today has led me to believe that this is something more than just normal."

Bagnold looked at the pictures shaking her head as she looked at Dumbledore who seemed to be having his own fun with the child in his arms. The boy was about a year old, shiny dark black hair and eyes green like Emerald. The boy seemed cheerful but still had that arrogant Noble face that reminded her of a crazy woman.

"Have you found anything Albus?"

Dumbledore put down his wand as he looked at the boy in his arms nodding. He picked the boy's small hand up which contained a violet-colored bracelet that joined with a chain to a ring in his middle finger, which was of the same color. The ring was plain and simple while the bracelet had a small symbol of a dragon on it.

"What is it? Some sort of artifact?" Bagnold asked.

"Yes, you could indeed call it a magical artifact." Dumbledore nodded, "It's a Grimoire to be exact."

When the word Grimoire dropped the whole place went silent even Samuel had his eyes wide open. Grimoire was a rare magical artifact that was born with the child itself. The Grimoire was said to be a magical creature on its own that was created by magic itself and would choose a person they deemed worthy to follow, similar to how a phoenix chooses to follow someone right after its birth. It had unlimited uses and it had been more than five centuries before the last child was born with a Grimoire contracted to him. But it also held an ominous meaning as it was said that the presence of Grimoire meant something dangerous was going to happen in the future.

"How's that possible Albus?" Bagnold asked once again, though a person having a Grimoire was rare she knew that it was also known to be a sign that a great disaster was going to follow soon in the future.

"I don't know." Dumbledore answered, "But it seems to match with Felix Rosier's confession, so there seems to be some honesty to it."

"Then this child..."

"Yes, he will be an important figure in whatever that's about to come," Dumbledore said in a heavy tone wondering how within a matter of weeks the destiny of the world seemed to have fallen under the hands of two children. Harry Potter and now this boy.

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