
Chapter 224: I'm Not Afraid, What Are You Afraid Of?

Ling Feng chuckled, "What a pity, he miscalculated!"

"The Luo Family's power was always enormous, and I've never underestimated them. Despite having opposed them a few times, it was never recklessly. Luo Qianyang's deliberate performance for me today was just a waste of effort!"

After saying that, Ling Feng looked at the three girls: "This guy is making things too complicated, creating twists and turns that just end up troubling himself!"

"That's good, anyway, it's never wrong to be cautious!" Li Shiyun said.

After a few more words, everyone returned inside the house. By that time, Li Yumei had finished cleaning up the dining table and had already gone to the back to sleep with the child, leaving only Li Fei'er inside.

Mo Jiaolan said to her as she entered, "Fei'er, I'm going back to the city soon. Since Ling Feng is going to the provincial city, why don't you come with me?"

"No, I want to stay here!" Li Fei'er pouted, looking unhappy.