
The Great Swordsman in Naruto World

Traveling through the world of Naruto, Yagyu activated the Strongest Template System and obtained the Template of the world's number one swordsman 'Hawkeye'. Since then, a strong swordsman far surpassing White Fang was born. "In terms of swordsmanship, I, Madara, would like to call you the strongest among those who fight against me! But how can you deal with the power of the Sage of the Six Paths?"

Anfractuous · Anime e quadrinhos
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8 Chs

Lonely Student Time

It had been almost two months since the start of school.

During this time, Yagyu had become the most secluded presence in the class.

Even more so than Naruto Uzumaki.

At least Naruto, despite being disliked by the villagers, could still join in games with other kids his age.

Although after the game ended, he would return to being alone.

But Yagyu was completely different.

His appearance was highly attractive among his peers, and he was greatly favored by the opposite sex. Initially, the number of girls surrounding him was second only to Uchiha Sasuke, and in some cases, even surpassed him.

Among them, Ino led a group of girls who approached him with enthusiasm every day, making Yagyu the envy of the male students in the class for quite some time.

This situation persisted from the beginning of the school year.

Until Yagyu, with a cold expression, refused to engage in conversation and openly rejected them, most of the girls dissipated their enthusiasm. Simultaneously, due to the aura Yagyu gradually emanated, they became fearful and dared not approach him.

Two months later, only Ino, the "queen" of the class, still bravely approached him.

In reality, Yagyu did not have no desire to expand his circle of friends.

After all, with the advantage of knowing the plot, Yagyu was well aware of the future status.

The future Seventh Hokage, the future Uchiha Clan head, the future strategist... Building a good relationship with them would undoubtedly be beneficial and harmless to himself.

However, Ino's initial invitation immediately dispelled this idea from Yagyu's mind.

What a joke! How old were they? Still playing skipping rope with you guys?

Since then, Yagyu decisively put on a cold facade and rejected any approach from both genders.

This decision truly made Yagyu's life quieter.

Although he had no social interactions, Yagyu didn't feel awkward because in his previous life, he was an otaku with no social life.

Having traveled to this world for over a year, he had never interacted with anyone before.

He had long been accustomed to loneliness and solitude as his companions and did not find life monotonous.

On the contrary, he had more than enough time to practice swordsmanship and meditation.

In one month's, time, he had unlocked 1.92% of the Hawkeye's inheritance template.

The progress of nearly 2% did not result in a significant increase in Yagyu's swordsmanship prowess.

During the progression from 1.32% to 1.92%, there were not many battles in Hawkeye's spiritual world. It mostly consisted of scenes of sword practice and comprehension.

Since this template only recorded Hawkeye's swordsmanship experience and combat scenes, without documenting his personal life, even Yagyu himself was unaware of the reason.

Perhaps it was because he was already invincible on that island, or perhaps he had become feared by his peers, or maybe he no longer found it necessary to fight the weak.

But what Yagyu knew was that his future progress would not be significant.

Because Hawkeye had reached a bottleneck, but it was also a period of growth.

Only when he grew up and set sail would his strength skyrocket.

Yagyu was not in a hurry; he had plenty of time.

Unlocking 1.92% of the template had already established a solid foundation for his swordsmanship, and it required some time to consolidate.

While his swordsmanship reached a bottleneck, Yagyu did not waste any time.

He divided his training time in half and

dedicated the other half to physical exercises.

A swordsman who pursued mastery in techniques didn't need a monstrous physique, but he had to have a stronger physical condition than his peers.

Yagyu's swordsmanship wasn't like Roronoa Zoro's, which relied on a powerful body to support his three-sword style.

Yagyu only used a single sword, so he only needed to focus on training his arms and legs.

Thus, Yagyu spent the other half of his time doing frog jumps, push-ups, and pull-ups.

He also ran around Konoha for two hours every day.

For two weeks ago, Yagyu had planned his daily routine.

Morning exercises, theory knowledge and ninja training in the morning and afternoon at the ninja school, completing daily tasks, gaining insights, and practicing swordsmanship during lunchtime, running for two hours in the evening, meditating and refining chakra in his room after taking a shower.

During the two months since the system was activated, although Yagyu hadn't had any actual combat experience, assimilating Hawkeye's combat experience allowed him to surpass the mentality of being blinded by small victories. It developed his insight into the flaws of others.

Without boasting, Yagyu believed that his strength was already capable of surpassing those senior students who were about to graduate.

Of course, this was under the premise that they didn't use ninjutsu.

Yagyu was only proficient in basic swordsmanship.

Unless he comprehended the sword techniques crossed the threshold to become a master swordsman, Yagyu couldn't sever elemental ninjutsu.

Otherwise, even the "Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu" ("Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique") could pose a lethal threat to Yagyu.

Although his strength couldn't be compared to figures like Kakashi Hatake, who graduated from the ninja school at the age of five, became a Chunin at six, and a Jonin at twelve... or Itachi Uchiha, who graduated at seven, became a Chunin at ten, joined the Anbu at eleven, and became an Anbu captain at thirteen, Yagyu was still satisfied with his noticeable improvement.

As long as he successfully comprehended the "Breath of all things" before graduation, Yagyu believed that his achievements would not be much inferior to theirs.

Because Yagyu knew that being able to hear the "Breath of all things"

How big is the difference with a swordsman who cannot hear the "Breath of all things"?

To put it bluntly, it's like the difference between heaven and earth.

But let's get back on track.

With no one disturbing his life, Yusuke enjoyed the tranquility. Sitting in the back row of the classroom, he listened to the lesson while secretly whittling a piece of bark-stripped wood with a shuriken.

The plastic bag hanging under the desk was already filled with wood shavings.

Gradually, this large piece of wood took on the shape of a stick, faintly resembling a wooden sword.

Yes, Yusuke was preparing to make a wooden sword for himself.

In the ninja school, theory lessons were taught in the morning, followed by ninja training in the afternoon.

The ninja training included physical techniques, shuriken throwing, body flicker technique, close combat with shuriken, and more.

After two months of learning, Yusuke had also mastered the art of shuriken throwing. Although his skills were not as good as Uchiha Sasuke's, he was considered above average in his class.

Thanks to his "experience-rich" eyesight, Yusuke's performance in close combat with shuriken was astonishingly good.

However, he preferred a sword over a shuriken.

But the era of samurais had long passed, and in the ninja world, except for the Land of Iron and those wanderers, there was no longer a profession of samurais.

The school also didn't provide any tools like swords. Moreover, real swords could easily cause injuries, so Iruka would definitely not allow Yusuke to engage in real sword fights.

If he wanted to avoid harming others, he could only use a wooden sword.