
Chapter 411

Lang came to Philadelphia with full confidence. In order to wait for this opportunity, he started planning after the box office success in the first week of "Night Sleep in Seattle".

The international innovation management company is now at a historical turning point, but it is also an opportunity. The internal struggle for power can add more bargaining chips to powerful agents and truly become the top of the Hollywood pyramid. For an agent, an outstanding actor may be worth tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of dollars in their hands. In addition to increasing his own weight within the company, it also increases when facing production companies and directors. Confidence is also a representative of power.

The International Innovation Management Company is currently one of the top three brokerage companies in the United States. It can take the initiative in this power competition, and then it will be able to win profit and power in the future, fame and fortune, this is anyone's. Good wishes.

Lang knows his biggest disadvantage. He has a lot of actors who show off lust, but he doesn't have a top star that he has cultivated. At present, it seems that Hugo is the person with the most potential to become a superstar, and it is bound to make up for Lang's leak.

Regardless of this matter, there are actually many people coveting Hugo within the company now. Actors who can get the box office and get praise for acting are not easy to find. So Joseph, who has a Hugo brokerage contract, is in the company this time. The struggle for power has also become an important weight.

After comprehensive consideration, Lang feels that the best plan is to "raise" the salary from the bottom of the tank, and holding Hugo's brokerage contract in his hands is obviously the most secure approach. After waiting for three full months, Lang finally ushered in an excellent opportunity.

Lang has been paying attention to Joseph's recent trend. The signing of Nicholas Cage and the two new actors kept Joseph's busy feet off the ground, and the partners of the company began to extend an olive branch to Joseph. Joseph's social life It was very lively for a while, and even heard that the co-president Marvin Josephson also intends to arrange an office for Joseph on the 22nd floor. One should know that the partners of the company are all on the 23rd floor, and the 22nd floor means The identity of the prospective partner. It can be seen that Joseph is currently in a hot position within the company.

Under such circumstances, Joseph, who lacked experience, was naturally negligent in his care for Hugo.

Since the success of "Sleepless in Seattle", the scripts of going to the door to find Hugo gradually began to increase, but Joseph refused all of them. This matter is not a secret in the circle, because Joseph emphasized "Sinder" After Le's list, Hugo needs to rest for a while. Even so, there are still scripts that will be sent to the company, but it is a pity that Joseph still does not let go.

But what is surprising is that a project from Columbia Pictures was temporarily retained by Joseph, and Lang kept his eyes on it. Although Lang didn't know the specifics of what happened afterwards, he still had a good guess.

For the first time, Joseph almost missed "Shawshank's Redemption" because of his negligence, which made the relationship between Hugo and Joseph a little tight. After that incident, Joseph became concerned about "The Shawshank's Redemption", and he and Frank had frequent contacts, but what is surprising is that a few days ago, Lang heard the news, Tim Robbins The sudden emergence of an army is infinitely close to "Shawshank's salvation."

Tim's agent is Lang's old acquaintance, and he quickly heard the news. Originally Frank had made up his mind to cooperate with Hugo, but because Hugo had some changes to the script, Frank still needed to communicate with Hugo further. Frank handed the script to Joseph and waited for Hugo. Response. But the problem is that Frank hasn't waited until the news. Obviously Joseph has forgotten about it because he was too busy, and Frank had to urge Joseph.

At this moment, Joseph and Frank both tried to contact Hugo, but neither of them succeeded. It should be that Hugo's mobile phone had a problem and lost contact. So Joseph believed that they should sit down and discuss the details of the contract first, and Hugo could talk about the script slowly later; but Frank insisted that the contract was negotiated after the script was negotiated. This brought the negotiations between the two sides to a deadlock.

Afterwards, Frank seemed to urge Joseph about the script again. This time Joseph still wanted to gain more advantage in the contract negotiation process, and did not give a positive reply.

Facing Joseph's repeated negligence, Frank became angry. So this is why Tim's come from behind, and looking at the current situation, Hugo is still "snatched" in the dark. If this trend continues, Hugo is bound to pass by "Shawshank's Redemption". .

Lang realized that the opportunity had come. In Lang's view, no matter how busy Joseph is now, it is a very fatal thing for him to ignore Hugo. As an agent, rationally arranging the work of his artists is my job, and it is also a source of interest. Since agents are ordinary people, they also have their own preferences and relationships. Therefore, with limited attention, there are bound to be more concerned people and For the more negligent, this is inevitable. But if you want to be a successful broker, you must conceal this preference, at least not too obvious on the surface.

When there is a job, even if the agent is busy, at least it should follow up in time. Whether the job can be discussed is another matter. Update the news in time and actively contact the producer. These are all basic tasks. Negligence in this area should never occur, because if the artist misses his job due to the agent's own negligence, it will definitely be a fatal blow to the partnership between the two parties. This is a manifestation of the agent's unprofessional and inconscientious performance.

Therefore, Joseph's mistake is very fatal. What's more, it was Hugo that Joseph was negligent. Hugo, who has been so hot recently, has brought important opportunities for his work. This is absolutely impossible.

Langben thought that after he came to Philadelphia, he would be sure of his tenacity, but he didn't expect to ate the 'door' in front of Hugo abruptly, and Hugo didn't give him any chance at all. Although he talked a lot just now, and the conversation between the two people lasted for about five minutes, Lang knew that Hugo never gave him a chance from the beginning to the end, which made Lang puzzled.

Could it be said that Hugo did not know the truth of the matter, and Joseph's negligence caused the "Shawshank's Redemption" crew to choose another person?

After the vent just now, Lang has stabilized his emotions, and he began to think, should he give up completely, or should he plan again?

Standing in place, the 'yin' on Lang's cheeks was uncertain, Hugo's hard bones were too troublesome, but the interests involved in him were also really exciting. Lang thought for a while, first look at the relationship between Hugo and Joseph after this incident. If he wants to make any more moves, he must be before the "Schindler's List" is released, otherwise he will lose the opportunity.

After doing his calculations, Lang looked back at the direction where Hugo had disappeared, and spit on the ground. Although he had sorted out his thoughts, he still had a pretentious attitude towards Hugo's lack of promotion just now. Lang still couldn't swallow this breath, "Then let's wait and see.

Lang stood in his eyes and his thoughts were raging, why not Hugo returning to the hotel room, but without Lang chatting next to him, Hugo's thoughts also calmed down. Just now, all of them were from Lang's family. , He doesn't know the truth of the matter, or he should'figure' it out

Even if "Shawshank's Redemption" is indeed to choose another person, but the reason may not be Joseph, and the possibilities are countless. For example, Frank is not satisfied with the opinion of revising the script and feels that there is no need to cooperate with Hugo; or It was Columbia Pictures who felt that Hugo was involved in the script creation and stretched his hands too long.

Originally, the issue of casting roles in the circle is very complicated. If you only listen to Lang's alarmist remarks, it is naturally impossible to get a glimpse of the whole picture.

After Hugo calmed down, he still called Joseph as usual. To his surprise, the voice of a'woman' actually picked up the phone, "Hello, this is Joseph Gibbs' office." , What can I do to help you?"

"Uh, this is Hugo Lancaster. Is Joseph there?" Hugo frowned slightly.

"Mr. Lancaster, good afternoon, I am Mr. Gibbs' assistant Anna." The other party obviously knew who Hugo really was, and his voice immediately became warmer.

However, there was no contact for more than half a month, and Joseph actually had an assistant, but it made sense to think about it, at least not thinking that Joseph could not be contacted as before. "Where is Joe? Not in the office?" Hugo frowned, but his voice relaxed a little.

"He is now having a work meeting with Mr. Cage. It may take some time. Are you in a hurry?" Anna said exactly.

Hugo thought for a while, UU reading www.uukanshu.com "No, you told Joe that I called, so he must contact me as soon as possible. Oh, by the way, I might not bring my mobile phone in the afternoon, so be it, You tell him that I will call him in the evening."

"No problem, I'll pass it on. Is there anything else?" Anna said politely, which made Hugo feel a little weird. He didn't feel like he was talking to Joseph, but rather like talking to Lang, but he knew Long's assistant Gary is even more enthusiastic.

"No, no more." Although Hugo had thoughts in his heart, Hugo still said neatly, and then hung up the phone.

Looking at the fixed phone, Hugo couldn't help being a little surprised. Joseph is really busy recently, and he is having a work meeting with Nicholas Cage. It is estimated that he is going to choose new works for Nicholas. He should be happy for Joseph, right?

Hugo let out a long breath, then picked up the receiver again, dialed another number, and soon the other party answered the call, "Hello, this is Frank De Labont."