
Chapter 364

After the premiere of "Night Sleep in Seattle", the reporters' expressions were very strange. There was a feeling of Huanglian spreading in their mouths but they wanted to smile at others. No one would forget how they felt about the movie before it was released. Poor opinions expressed.

This is not just a person's attitude. With the exception of the Los Angeles Times and American Weekly, all comments about "Sleepless in Seattle" are wailing voices. Even Columbia Pictures itself seems to lack confidence. , It's just a full release in 1,600 theaters, not to mention the comparison with the 2,500 theaters in Jurassic Park, and it's even better than the upcoming "Naughty Dan". Not on.

But after the premiere of the film, the reporters who came to the scene had to admit—this film was so much more'glamorous' than they thought. Could it be that the film was unexpectedly surprised after it was released because it did not have much expectations before. Has the surprise hit? After careful consideration, I came up with a negative answer. "Night in Seattle" is indeed a very beautiful love movie. Perhaps the philosophy contained in it is not as good as "When Harry meets Sally", but yes. The interpretation of love is commendable.

This fact makes the reporters seem very frustrated. Although they can speak ill of their conscience and complain that "Sleepless in Seattle" is a terrible movie, as a professional film magazine, they must have enough authority to'sex' And just attitude can attract more readers. They must be professional.

What's more, it is not unfamiliar to reporters to change their previous views. After all, what reporters can do before the film is released is to speculate from the subject matter and introduction. The real commentary still has to wait for the film to come out to see the truth. .

Therefore, after the premiere, the first batch of film reviews appeared intriguing, making major newspapers and magazines lively.

The "Hollywood Report", the industry's most professional magazine, immediately published professional reviews on the movie "Night Sleep in Seattle".

"Seattle is a city full of dreams. For many people, the drizzle of nine months of rain in this city makes people feel uncomfortable, but again, the thrilling green in the rain and mist 'Lite' is also intoxicating. In this city, there is a technology startup Microsoft, a flourishing Starbucks coffee, and a "wave" sound plane that opened up a blue sky, but I believe that after today, this This city will add another nostalgic business card, that is,'Seattle Sleepless'.

This is a dreamlike story, just a radio show, but it connects the two cities of Seattle and Baltimore. From the beginning to the end of the movie, Sam and Annie met only twice in the true sense. Once, Annie came to Seattle under the name of a report. She saw Sam greet her friends. She mistakenly thought it was Sam's new girlfriend and gave up. After this meeting, the two people just said "hello" to each other; the second time was the end of the movie, when the two met on the roof of the Empire State Building.

Even now, it's hard to imagine that a love movie with male and female protagonists almost without any 'intersection' will appear, and it's even harder to imagine such an incredible movie than watching some seemingly gluey 'lues'. The love movies of Bone Talking about Love are even more beautiful, and they are more than one grade higher. We haven't seen this kind of 'wave' comics for a long time since 'When Harry meets Sally'.

The so-called "language" should not be artificial in itself. It is just a tacit understanding between gestures and gestures, just like two people on both sides of the United States uttering the word "magic" in unison. They have been naturally drawn by this magical power. Before we even realized it, the director Efron joined hands with the two actors Lancaster and Ryan to penetrate this kind of'wave' into us. In his thoughts, this is probably the highest state of love.

If there is such a person you have never seen, never met, never knew, but he is the one destined to do so, would you believe in his existence? Would you like to believe that he is waiting for you in a corner of this earth?

This is the "fate" and "destiny" that Aphron has always emphasized in the movie. This is probably the most special and magical part of love. In "Night Sleep in Seattle", Aphron has brought this to the fullest. Extremely, two people who have no "intersection" at all "meet" through an interview on the radio. Sam firmly believes that after his wife's departure, he will never find a person who is as connected to him as his wife. In the vast crowd, Annie decided to move towards a stable and stable life with her fiancé. It was like two parallel lines. It was impossible to have any'intersection' points, but they were held together because of an electric'wave'.

As said in the movie, when you see him for the first time and say the first words, you know that person may be your life partner. Love at first sight is probably the love that countless people dream of. It is full of'excitement' and chemical effects. It is so incredible that it is unbelievable. It is not because it is too ideal and unreal, but because it feels too beautiful and too short. , Make people greedy, make people want more, and more importantly, in most cases, the pressure of real life makes us unable to enjoy it.

This is also the place where the movie makes people linger. We will forget the cruel and terrible real life and fulfill many unsatisfactory regrets. Therefore, when we usher in a happy ending at the end of the story, we will renew the courage to pursue what belongs to Our love, even if it is not as beautiful and earth-shattering as in the movie, but at least we can hold hope.

Such a story, whether in reality or in a fairy tale, is incredible. Almost no one believes that such a story can be successful. Even in the movie world that turns dinosaurs into reality, it is still unbelievable. question. However, Ephron used delicate psychological changes to make all this more convincing, making the audience involuntarily indulged in the plot of the story, empathizing with the changes in the plot, and looking forward to the male and female protagonists being able to have lovers. A happy ending for the family.

Perhaps, this is a story that becomes ridiculous when measured by reason; perhaps, this is a story that becomes very outrageous when judged by reality; perhaps, this is a story that becomes very ridiculous when compared with life A pale story; but conversely, perhaps, this is a story that becomes very beautiful when you look forward to it with love.

Magic, this is the truth about love that Ephron hopes to tell us through the movie. As long as you are willing to believe, love is infinitely possible. At the same time, it also allows the movie to break away from the ordinary love movie and become the same as "When Harry meets Sally" 'Or it's a masterpiece of classics like'gold', jade' and'men'. "

The "Hollywood Report" wrote this review under the title "Love from the'Golden, Jade, and Jade League' but surpasses the'Golden, Jade and Jade League'" as the title, and sang a hymn to "Sleepless in Seattle", apparently thinking This is a movie full of countless magics, but it will not appear ridiculous, and it will make people applaud.

Before the movie was released, the industry insiders were most worried that such a story was too unreliable, without any persuasiveness, unable to convince the audience, and even more unable to make the audience pay the bill. That's why there was a one-sided voice of doubt. But the "Hollywood Report" said "no" to this concern, and they expressed their support for the film with a firm stand.

Similar comments can also be seen in the "New York Times". This East Coast media has been cold and enthusiastic about Hugo's performance before that, even during the "Yihai Xiongfeng" period, it was not too enthusiastic. But this time, the description of Baltimore and New York by "Sleepless in Seattle" seems to connect Sam and Anne at the same time, it also connects the East Coast and the West Coast, so that the "New York Times" also sent this movie. Positive comments.

"Have anyone ever thought about what love is? Is love just being with the lover every day? Is love as important as breathing? Maybe one day they find that love is like suffocation, and loses the foundation of survival. , Then do you suddenly come to realize that your love is so absurd and unruly over the years, or realize that you have finally found a partner to spend your life together. After watching the movie'Night Sleep in Seattle', maybe A little answer can be found.

The protagonist setting of the movie is intriguing. The actor is a middle-aged man who is suffering from the pain of losing his wife. The protagonist of the'female' is a sweet and happy woman who is about to marry. The painful and sincere speeches on the radio were moved to tears, and it seemed that I found resonance in my soul, and I began to chase this perfect love in my heart.

Maybe love really happens between strangers who don't know each other. Maybe the partner who has been with you is not the destined lover. Have you found your true love? After asking yourself softly, everyone will get a different answer.

Some people say that love is a wonderful thing, and you don't necessarily have to be able to produce love after ten years of getting along. uukanshu.com, but in such a ten-thousandth of a second, a love will suddenly come, at this time we will start to be at a loss, we will start to find the answer to the question, all our minds are the figure of that person , We will unconsciously start looking for anything about him, this is the magic of love.

Therefore, there is no answer to the question about love, because everyone's love is different, and this is also the most wonderful part of love. "Sleepless in Seattle" tells us this truth.

This is a wonderful movie. The plot and soundtrack have a moonlight 'wave'. Lancaster's radio confession at the beginning of the movie touched the hearts of countless listeners and audiences. This is true love. The heart of a 'female' is a poem that a man will never understand. Maybe a man will never understand, but at least he should be willing to 'spend' time to read it, otherwise love can only be missed and missed again.

This is a classic'language' love movie, which is touched by warmth, and full of hope in the loss. After watching the movie, we can't help but calm down and start thinking. Maybe our love is not as beautiful as in the movie, but at least we should try hard to see, like Sam, like Annie, if we don't want to try, Who knows what our ending will be?

Love is wonderful. This is the greatest charm of "Seattle Sleepless"! "