
The God Of War.

"Aiden is the future crown Prince of meabeth whom no one knew existed," and was separated from home when he was born because of the life changing war that broke out. He was raised by a goddess the Gods cursed decades ago, "and when he was growing up up he was showed everything that happened in the war years ago that changed his life". "He vowed to take revenge on his enemies. The goddess watched him grow to become a strong man and was her time to leave him to fulfill his destiny, she was only given a premium time to be with him". Aiden became a target when his existence was revealed to the enemies. "What do you think? Do you think Aiden would be able to get through his enemies easily and over take the throne or does the Gods have something else installed for him".

Gifty90kofoworola · Guerra
Classificações insuficientes
24 Chs


Zenobia tried focusing on her path but she couldn't help , she kept taking a glimpse of the strikingly cute creature beside her. She blushed and kept on biting the insides of her lips.

"I think you should ride with me, then you will be able to take a proper look at me."

"What makes you think I was looking at you?" I was only admiring your horse.

Maybe we should switch.

"Look Aiden I don't want to speak to you" leave me alone I said and rode further and faster.

Once am don't with you Zenobia you will wish you were never born, I smirked and tightened my grip on the horse.

"My greatest fear has now come to pass" what does his highness mean, Gaius murmured and nodded his head.

"Where are we really going to Aiden?." I want to know cause you are a stranger to me and you don't expect me to just follow you like a doll I said to him when he caught up with me.

I ignored everything she said looking straight forward.

"I always knew he was arrogant and rude but when did he become deaf" I said and tsked. I won't talk to him anymore until he apologizes, I tightened my hold on the chain of the horse and swung harder.

I can't stand this girl anymore, I really can't wait to use and dispose her. What does she think?, I'll help her find her father. Hmm rather than punishing your father I'll punish you Milady Zenobia.You will pay for your Father's sins.

It's dawn already I need water and rest. I am thirsty and hungry. I got down from my horse and inspected the area I was at. Where is Aiden?, I asked myself realising that he was not around neither were his men.


Have really had enough of this pretence, I murmured getting down from the horse and stretching my hands until someone interrupted me.

"Aiden, Milady Zenobia is not amongst us I guess she went further."

What did you just call me Gwen?. Do not forget that I am your king and I am superior over you.

Thud Thud.

Your- hmm...highness i... I made a mistake pls pardon me, Gwen said bowing.

"Now get out" I yelled at him making him shiver and ran away.

What's wrong with you Gwen and what happened in there?, its obvious his highness lost his temper. What's your offence?.

His...hmm I placed my hand on my chest trying to catch my breath. His high- ness I don't know what happened but he suddenly lost his cool at me when I called him by the name be asked us to address him as.

"And so what happened?."

He got upset at me Gaius . I don't know why but it seem his highness has changed after the fight with Darkdamor's men.

"Where is Milady Zenobia?."

I also don't know Gaius I couldn't find her and that was the main reason why I went to his highness.

You can leave I'll talk to his highness.

"Careful Gaius so you don't upset his highness cause he doesn't seem like he is in a good mood".


I tried finding my way back but it brought me back to the same spot I was. I got scared as the atmosphere turned chilling.

I gritted my teeth, cause the cold was becoming more and more severe. I patted the back of the horse waiting for Aiden to come for me as usually like the damsel in distress.

I waited for what seems like forever but didn't see anybody and the fog from the chilling atmosphere clouded everywhere. "Aiden where are you pls come." l kept fighting the battle of being conscious cause I knew I wasn't safe here, the night beast. yes! the night beasts were going to appear any moment from now. The thought of what they were going to do to me sent shivers through my spine. They will kick me, smash me, dig their long nails into my eyes and eat me.

O! gods, I hope this is not my end. I closed my eyes and a tear fell from them. I immediately opened my eyes when I heard the growling of the monsters. "Father" oh! father your daughter will meet her end today without a body for you to bury. I heard the foot steps of them and the breaking of dried leafs on the ground and I knew I was surrounded. Sensing the danger around, the horse neighed and ran off leaving me all alone with this beasts.

My mind drifted to Aiden and I instantly stopped myself knowing fully well that he was never going to come for me, not when this beast are out here hunting for their preys, I scolded myself for thinking about Aiden at this crucial time. I close my eyes to say my last prayers for the after life and suddenly felt a different kind of chill behind me, I was initially excited at first thinking that Aiden has finally arrived, then remembered that this wasn't the same feeling I had when ever he was around me, this felt different, it reeked with danger, malice and bloodlust. My heart accelerated and I tried to shout for help but couldn't. I made up my mind saying that both ghosts and the nights beast want me as their dinner. I tried to scream this time around but my throat dried up. This menacing aura that the person behind me was emitting was too strong for me to handle to the extent I froze in place. I decided to summon courage since I was going to breathe my last breath this night and tried my best to turn around. Before I could move my head, someone's voice made me freeze in place once again.

"Don't move, Zenobia." I heard the voice and I widened my eyes, not in shock but in relief cause my body suddenly felt at ease with his voice.

"A-aiden..." I called out in a whisper as my eyes darted to the source of the voice.

Aiden was there standing a few steps away from me. However, he wasn't looking at me his eyes concentrated on something or someone behind me.

Pls everyone support and follow my story..............................