
The God Of War.

"Aiden is the future crown Prince of meabeth whom no one knew existed," and was separated from home when he was born because of the life changing war that broke out. He was raised by a goddess the Gods cursed decades ago, "and when he was growing up up he was showed everything that happened in the war years ago that changed his life". "He vowed to take revenge on his enemies. The goddess watched him grow to become a strong man and was her time to leave him to fulfill his destiny, she was only given a premium time to be with him". Aiden became a target when his existence was revealed to the enemies. "What do you think? Do you think Aiden would be able to get through his enemies easily and over take the throne or does the Gods have something else installed for him".

Gifty90kofoworola · Guerra
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24 Chs

Come with me

Immediately harpy landed on land, I got off her back so did gaius and she flew back, I didn't say a word and teleported close to levy, I put a rock on the ground and laid on the floor resting my head on the rock.

Harpy didn't harass levy today, hmmm seems she is in a good mood, Noah said to Leon.

"You are right", I am equally as surprised as you are,but what's wrong with his highness Leon asked Noah whispering close to his ear.

I think his highness seems moody today, even the weather seems to have changed also, there might be a heavy rainfall tonight Zither said approaching us.

Gaius would know what's wrong let's go ask him Noah said and sighted levy smiling and resting peacefully like someone who just won a game of free drinks in the tavern,

Just take a look at king levy resting comfortably and smiling like a fool, men do you think levy is in love with harpy?.

What!!!!, they all exclaimed in unison.

why worry about him, for now let's move on to the task at hand zither said walking to the direction of gaius and other followed.

Gaius what's wrong with his highness?, he looks aggravated over something today.

Zither I also don't know what's wrong with his highness but I know something is troubling him, tomorrow I'll ask him what the cause of his trouble is, for now let's just rest the journey continues tomorrow.

"Yes gaius you are right his highness also needs some time alone",Lancelot said from behind.

And they all laid down closing their eyes.

I didn't mind what they said neither did I behave like I heard, anyone who sees them would think they are asleep but no they are very much awake, I kept tossing side to side cause I felt restless, I couldn't sleep at all, each time I tried to close my eyes I always picture her image, I hope you are save little dove I said and finally closed my eyes, and I saw a vision of a girl with blonde hair shivering and cuddling herself behind a tree, I also sighted a double Dave snake crawling toward her and flickering it's tongues towards her.

I opened my eyes immediately and felt the beads of sweats on my forehead I got up to leave but didn't want the others to worry about me so I casted a spell on them putting them to sleep and snapped my fingers making a fire wall around them that won't burn them but any villain or animals that approaches them.


The more I walked deeper into the woods the more it became darker and thicker, I was so tired and hungry and even injured my hand when I fell.

I kept thinking about that young man, why did I feel like I was meant to be with him, like we had some connection together, I quickly got him out of my head and focused on where I was going and that was when I caught sight of something moving and curling around a tree branch.

Dou.....dou....double Dave I said in a whisper and quickly turned to the direction I came from and began running back, I ran and ran and continued repeating the word "someone save me" like a mantra.

I saw a huge tree and hid behind it shivering and cuddling myself, I kept panting and for some unknown reason I felt someone watching me and something crawling towards me, I turned to face my right and saw the snake flickering its tongue towards me, I closed my eyes expecting the bit but nothing came, I opened my eyes slowly and saw him, he was holding the snake in his left hand and his eyes it changed from little fire to a fire consuming and burning in anger, then the snake caught fire and started burning right in his hand I quickly closed my eyes tightly not wanting to see anymore and the next thing I heard next was "Come with me".

"Come with me" I said to her, even before realizing what I just said and she stretched out her small hand and kept it on mine and we felt a strong force of electricity on both our hand making us remove our hand in shock.

I stretched my hand out to him without any argument It was like his voice was compelling, when my hand touched his I felt a strong force of electricity on our hands together, making us remove it and starred deep into each others eyes, soon it started pouring and we continued staring deep into each other's eyes.

Then rain started rain started pouring down heavily, I knew it was due to my emotion but something about this rain seems different I need to tell gaius about this I said in my thoughts.

I saw the colour of her hair starting to change from blonde to fiery red, I focused my whole attention on her hair changing colour, I was so dumbfound and short of words, I saw her trace the direction of my eyes and landed on her hair, she looked shocked like someone who has just been caught stealing candy from a baby and quickly hid herself behind the tree avoiding me

Pl....pls, ju.....just go back and leave me alone she said sobbing loudly an fell to the wet ground helplessly.

"Come with me"

............................................Somewhere in zagram(underground)

I hope you all are enjoying my story, pls support and follow my story.

Authoress Gifty k.