
The God Of Formless

Shaiv Deepanshu is a 17 years old boy who wants to become scientist and to play video games. before going to high school, He and his friends goes for tour But when hanging out with friends his life gets u-turn as he visits second most powerful temple in his universe and listens some wierd voice saying Finally you have arrived here. When worship over , time someone appeared to talk to him.... . . . Cover is AI generated . . . I hope ,this journey will not end so soon . . . Try to create virtual visual ,You may enjoy some scenes more. . . Please support. Cover story target - 2 to 3 chapters per week. Normal target - 1 chapter per week. Extreme busy - 1 chapter per month. want to support me/ To get featured in novel ,Email - ns8219624@gmail.com

zeroShunya · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

Immortal V/S God (Part 5)

Titanoboa tells The God of Formless " I am not interested in fighting against immortal, If I can not kill him, But next time If there will no immortal I shall kill everyone."

Titanoboa is also used reverse summoning magic to return his planet.

Itachi and Night Fall's Master undo the magic , they can be seen now.

The God of Formless, Deepanshu and Immortal King, Night Fall are again in front of each other for the fight.

The God of Formless is still closed his eyes.

Both of them noticed that Itachi and Night Fall's Master did a magic to hide themself.It means that everyone can do magic after sometime in Null Universe.

Guard of God Awakens ....

Guard of Honour reaches it's new height called Guard Of God for The God of Formless.

An aura is covering The God of Formless like when Night Fall was covered with Black bright.

"It seems The God of Formless is getting his powers." Itachi said

"I only hope The God of Formless's body do not give up till the fight over." Night Fall's Master replies

"Oh! It may be happen , he is in human body." Itachi said

*Earth - Bhairav City*

All 11 Temples in mountains again start glowing with the mountain circle. It's 3 A.M. there of 2nd day when The God of Formless left the Earth for training to Andromada Galaxy.

Sage Press conference starts at 3:30 AM same day.

It's telecasting in all 51 countries (It's a first time when any of the Hermit society calls for a press conference, that is why the broadcast is telecasting in all countries).

Media -" What is happening now ? Why is temple glowing."

Sage Hermit -" According to prophecy of God ,- The God of Formless is now getting his power. And he knows who he is. So till he gets all his powers , Temples may glow in future. So, This Press conference is called to announce that , we are going to start a registration process.Only 100 people per day can visit.... Any Questions?"

Media -" Can you reveal the name of the God of Formless?"

Sage Hermit -" Sorry , we even do not know the name of The God of Formless, We are still analysing the God Book , when we find something we shall share information to medea and government.... Next Question please."

Media -" Will there be any impact on the science or in Modern world?"

Sage Hermit -" The temple and hermits do not think, The God of Formless will gonna reveal his name or face and even he may not live in the Earth. He can be a alien."

Everyone shocked after listening this.

(Note- Here, Sage is classified as Experienced person. And Hermit is classified as a person who prefers to live alone, without contact with other people)

*Battle field*

Even Night Fall recovers his powers when Summoning creature were fighting.

Current stage of power between The God of Formless and Night Fall are 100% and 50% respectively.

Magical Battle begins now,

The God of Formless's eyes is still closed.

Immortal King, Night Fall uses healing and recovery magical powers on himself.

Night Fall attacks with a magic called Lava Prison.

Upto 100 Lava prison Pillars go to capture The God of Formless.

And then The God of Formless uses the Satva Mode [ Satva Mode is a part of The Guard of God, which creates upto 1000s of hand with a statue of Vyagra ( A statue with a head of lion and body of human).]

100 Lava prison pillars come near the God of Formless but Vyagra statue punches every single Lava Prison Pillar with it's hand.

This time , Night Fall uses sealing magic to seal the God of Formless, sealing sign is coming to seal the God of Formless. Sealing magic can not be dodged , because It can seal even time and space. This sealing magic is called The Hunger of Death.

The God of Formless uses Vyagra hand to punch it but Hands got destroyed.

Satva Mode is gone as it's some of hands are destroyed.

The Guard of God activates a magic on the body of The God of Formless to avoid any injury and sealing , this magic is called as The eternity of God.

The Hunger of Death , sealing magic can seal time and space of only one universe.

The eternity of God created infinite time and space. So,The God of Formless does not get seal.


Update - Added some magic and Power (First appearance - chapter 2)

More About Deepanshu

Full Name - Shaiv Deepanshu

Mother's name - Vaishnav Ravita

Father's name - Shaiv Suneel

Grand Father's name - Vaishnav Abhilash

Grand Mother's name - unown (no debute)

Birthday - 15 February

Age- 17 years old

Hobby - Reading books and playing video games

Aim - Scientist

Awards - Junior Level District Award (at the age of 12th), National level yong generation Award ( at the age of 15th) etc.

Science Awards ceremony (minimum age limit is 18) - Didn't participateed

Friends - Dhananjay, Harsh, Pawan, Bhudev, etc.

God Information about Deepanshu

Power level - infinity

God Rank - 1 ( yet to master techniques and magic)

Unlocked power - Telepathy ( Future prediction -100%), Summoning (Guard of Honour), God Sound rising magic ,Instant detection Magic, Visual Power, Guard of God.

Summoning creature - 1. Guard of Honour (Titanoboa) etc.

Summoning Statue - Satva Mode ( Those who are ranked above 50 can summon statue)

Enjoy the battle.

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