
A Day Of A Week (1)

Author Note: All honesty I have no idea how actually running a country works so if you find mistakes in my logic don't eat me alive.

"Wait, we're really doing it?" Rei had been preparing to do this forever, so Seiki shouldn't have been that surprised, but it always seemed they would get sidetracked. Looking over at Seiki across the table, Rei nodded. "As much as I hate to admit it, I can't constantly deal with all of the issues that appear."

Shisui agreed with Rei's assessment as he asked a question. "So we're aware that this place is going to become an afterlife though a few details are still shaky. If you don't mind, can you explain it to us?" Rei was actually excited about this part since he had been planning for it a long time now.

He had so many conversations with Ryujin Jakka about how he should go about this. But in the end, Ryujin Jakka simply told him how the Soul Society ranks worked and nothing else. In the end, it was all on him, which is another reason he had Haku write down as much as he could in the library.

"As you know, I plan on using both you and Zabuza as pillars. In this case, you'll be referred to as Captains from now on. Each Captain will be in charge of a certain division within running this place smoothly. While mostly it will include keeping the Soul Society safe, it may also include other things only your division is capable of doing."

Referring to stealth-based missions that might require them to go outside of the Soul Society and, if push comes to shove, possible assassination. "Wait, what about us?" Hearing that only Shisui and Zabuza were captains, Rei looked over at Fuyumi. Glancing around, Rei was getting looks from Seiki and Ren as well.

"Right now, you three still have a long way to go before I make you captains. It's not a matter of strength, just that you're still three if not more years younger than everyone else in this room." Rei could already spot the fact that they were annoyed as he continued. "Now that brings us to our second point."

"Any Captain can have a Lieutenant under them acting as their right hand. Captain and Lieutenant will be seat one and two. And under that seat, three through twenty will simply rank someone's authority and strength in that division." Rei spoke a little longer about how ranks would work before he finally got to the point of Fuyumi and the others.

"So until you three are ready for the mantle of Captain, you'll all be my Lieutenants until further notice." The three of them looked both shocked and slightly angry. They wanted to say something, but after struggling with their words, they just began pouting. "We fought off over a hundred ninja and almost died and were stuck being Lieutenants…"

Grumbling to themselves, Rei couldn't believe they cared so much about a rank that was literally just created. "As great as this all is, I have a question." Hearing Zabuza actually speak up, Rei was surprised as he gave him the floor. "If we are going to be these so-called Captains, then I'm assuming we have to become like you and those kids, right?"

Zabuza obviously wasn't worried about the whole Lieutenant thing or the rankings. Haku would definitely become his Lieutenant, and he is a Ninja, so ranks should be easy enough for him to handle. But he had made it clear he was interested in Shinigami or, to be more specific, Zanpakuto and Rei didn't blame him.

Ryujin Jakka was fantastic through and through, and even now, Rei felt like it was the strongest weapon in the world. If Zabuza got his own Zanpakuto, he would be interested to see exactly what it could be. There was only one issue with that. However, Rei could grant people the ability to become Shinigami if they are human.

However, if a Soul like Zabuza, Haku, or Shisui wanted to become one, it would be more complicated. They would have to train their spiritual bodies to a great degree. It would be like tempering iron before using it to make a sword. While Fuyumi and the others got their abilities and could use them almost instantly, Zabuza and they would have to work up to it.

But by the end, depending on how it goes, they would have better initial control over their Zanpakuto and their Reiryoku. Both had their advantages and disadvantages, but overall, that's the gist of it. Rei explained it to all of them, and in response, Zabuza ended up smiling under his mask. "I don't have any issue with that as long as it's possible."

Haku and Shisui seemed not to be worried about waiting either. However, Rei suddenly heard Shisui ask an interesting question. "Well, I'm glad you thought of all that; however, there still is an issue when it comes to the economy." Rei nodded as everyone else seemed confused by what Shisui just said.

"Wait, what? Why would you need an economy in the afterlife?" Fuyumi and the others looked at the two of them, confused. You come to the afterlife after death, so it was strange to hear an economy still exists. Seeing that confusion, Rei looked over at Ren and explained. "The concept of how we defend the Soul Society is based on the Captains being a pillar and their divisions."

Addressing this, Rei continued. "However, those Divisions need to be filled with by people as well the people who come here to be exact. But everyone needs an incentive to do something. Haven't you wondered why we still eat despite being Shinigami?" Right away, Ren, Seiki, and Fuyumi shook their heads.

It just felt like a natural thing to do, so they never questioned why they eat or where the food came from. "The more powerful a Soul is, the more they have to eat to sustain form. It also has other benefits like accelerated healing and slightly Spiritual Energy growth." Rei could have ranted on and on, but everyone understood it after a bit.

Even if Souls were weak, they would still want to eat, and doing so would slowly make them stronger. That paired with training to join divisions would make them assets for the Soul Society Rei was creating. But that would also mean people would need to be taught how to manipulate Reishi in the environment to make food.

And from there, Rei could have slowly taught how to do everything and anything. Creating everyday items and clothing from the ever regenerating Reishi in the barrier he made. Resources and whatnot wouldn't be an issue for them, and at that point, all he would need to do is set prices for everything.

It would take a while to get going, but eventually, the Soul Society would have a bustling economy. No one would be too poor or too rich because there are no major class divisions. There would simply be creators and consumers, and as the consumers wanted more, more people would become creators to meet demand and get richer.

And some who were willing to risk their lives would eventually come to the divisions for an even more fantastic opportunity. Right now, that was the basic layout, and the best Rei could come up with to meet the complacency issue. "Looks like I was worried over nothing. I'm guessing you will be the one teaching a majority of classes?"

Surprisingly Rei shook his head as he looked towards the three sitting next to him. "I think that's a job I'm going to leave up to my Lieutenants. Ren is already knowledgeable in the use of Kido and the concept I created for Reishi control and pretty adept in using both. Fuyumi is good at using Zanjutsu and Reiryoku control. And Seiki is great at mixing all of it into a balance while using Hakuda."

The three of them looked surprised at Rei listed their strengths, and they all looked at him. "Wait are you…" Seiki looked both excited, and wart as Rei flashed a smirk. "Of course, I'll have to check-in and give my opinion every now and then to see how well the teachers are doing their jobs." All of that buried bitterness from Rei, not making them captains dispersed as they all smiled.

Seiki and Fuyumi, who were sitting next to each other immediately gave each other high fives. "Were going to be teachers!" Ren smiled, seeing them so excited while actually being slightly nervous on the inside. He was thinking about running the classes himself, but he would get overworked too quickly, in all honesty.

'I'll give them a shot and see how it goes from there.' Having discussed the majority of everything, the next discussion barely lasted ten minutes before the meeting ended. Stretching as he got up, Rei watched as everyone began to disperse. "Shisui, you mind helping me out in the library?"

Shisui looked over at Rei and nodded. "Sure, though, I don't know if I'll be much help." Seeing Rei leave, Ren asked him something. "Wait, what are we supposed to do?" Rei didn't stop walking as he waved his hand. "You guys can take this day off and start practicing tomorrow." He knew they were healed, but he still couldn't help it.

'I'm acting like a parent more and more these days.' As he left, Seiki and Zabuza immediately locked eyes with one another, intending to continue sparring. "Are you ready to pick up where we left off?" Seiki grinned back while Ren and Fuyumi glanced at one another. "Well, he did say to take the day off. I'm not about to miss Seiki getting his butt kicked."

Like that, everyone went either to the training area or the library. As Rei and Shisui walked down the halls towards the library, they noticed that the library door was open. Walking in first, Rei looked around and was immediately stunned. "Woah…" The empty shelves that were once there were over half-filled.

When originally there were just a few books, papers and scrolls now there were over a hundred. Even Shisui was surprised as he walked over to one of the bookshelves labeled for Jutsu. Taking out a random scroll, he opened it and began reading. "This is really detailed information. It's a high ranking fire style Jutsu as well. How did you get all of these so fast?"

Putting the scroll back, Shisui looked at Rei, who shook his head. "I just told Haku to copy down everything he knew, but I… I didn't think he would know this much, especially since he's younger than me." Hearing Haku was the one who did it, Shisui was even more surprised. "To do all of this while being a rogue alongside Zabuza means he must be great at gathering information."

Seeing the results in front of him, Rei had to agree as a smile appeared on his face. He had originally hoped to use today to increase exactly what he knew about the world. He felt really ignorant about some things, so he planned on fixing that today but now? 'With all this, I'll be able to educate myself and create a proper outline for the Soul Society.'

Not even knowing where to start, he spotted Shisui carrying a bunch of books in his arms over to a table. With a light slam, he placed them down and looked over to Rei. "These ones focus on the five nations including their relations to one another, hierarchy and history. If you're going to start anywhere, it would be here, and of course, I'm willing to help fill in some blanks."

Seeing Shisui already prepared to help out, Rei shrugged. "Fine with me, I didn't know what I was going to start one anyway." The two of them began to get to work while at the training grounds Zabuza and Seiki were going at it. With Haku, Fuyumi, and Ren watching from the sidelines, a blunt sound swept across the field.

"Still too weak." Zabuza had one arm held up to his side, blocking Seiki's kick mid-air. Grunting, Seiki fell back to the ground and immediately began backing away. "Being the first to back away during a confrontation can be taken as a sign of weakness." In the midst of talking, Zabuza dashed towards Seiki while he was retreating.

Raising his fist while bearing down on Seiki, he continued. "It can also be taken as a sign of unreadiness." Swinging downwards, Seiki put up his guard but was off balance. On impact with his block, Seiki was sent flying into the ground, causing him and Zabuza to be enveloped in smoke. "And that is officially zero to three!"

Fuyumi yelled, announcing the score as the smoke cleared and Seiki flopped onto the ground breathing heavily. "Dammit…" Slowly getting back up, everyone came onto the field as he looked at Zabuza. "If I could use my Zanpakuto and Reiryoku, I could beat you no issue." Hearing that, Zabuza looked at Seiki.

"But It wouldn't change the fact that you lack when it comes to hand to hand combat. Techniques are useful, but the moment you run out of energy to use them. It will always fall on your hands to finish the job." Zabuza's tone shifted slightly as Seiki narrowed his eyes. "And I'm guessing you've been in that situation or something?"

Zabuza didn't answer as Haku walked up from behind Seiki. "Almost every day since he went through his graduation in the Hidden Mist." All three of them looked at Haku, confused. "Graduation? What do you mean?" Haku looked at Zabuza, who seemed like he could care less, and then explained.

"All the great nations have their individual villages. And such all of them have their own graduation exams from their respective academies. Most would simply teach students subjects and put them through basic exams such as learning common Jutsu and having their instructor test them… But the mist was different."

Being involved in the story now, the three of them listened carefully. "In the mist, all the students who wanted to graduate would have to fight and kill one another. No matter who they were, who you fought, you had to be the one to survive. That included killing your own friends and possibly even family." Suddenly the atmosphere turned slightly tense.

"And all of that grief was simply to help remove emotions from the equation. To create killing machines without the concept of mercy to fight in battles and wars. That's how it earned its name, the 'Bloody Mist Village' and Zabuza was one of their best. He- Just trust him when he says he has something. It's most likely from very close, first-hand experience."

Haku went back to his smiley self as he clapped his hands together. "Anyway, that's in the past, and he left the Mist a long time ago." The three of them seemed to have been woken up from a stupor as Haku rushed Fuyumi and Ren off of the field. Zabuza turned and looked at Seiki, who was just standing there absent-minded.

"Are you ready to go again, or are you scared now?" Seiki looked up at Zabuza and shook his head, getting into a fighting stance. "No, I'm fine. I just… Feel a little bad about giving you a hard time." Zabuza's eyes glossed over slightly as he replied. "Well, don't. I wouldn't change a thing about my past, so don't let it affect the present. Just make sure you learn properly."

Seiki prepared himself as he spoke back. "Alright."

There is a bunch of freedom open to how the Soul Society is run so let me know if you got any suggestions. (Who should run what sector or division.) Also hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Aizen_Dleitchcreators' thoughts
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