
Chapter 3: An Uncharacteristic Vampire

"Urgh...My head..."

I uttered softly as i slowly raised my hand in order to rub my eyes. I didn't know exactly what had happened the night before going to bed, but I speculated it had something to do with that vampire.

In fact, I didn't even remember going to bed on my own. And from where I was laying, it seemed that my clothes have also been changed. Lifting the blanket, i checked whether or not my clothes have truely been changed, or if I was just imagining things. And sure enough, the clothes that i'm wearing were drastically different from my previous attire.

From what I could see, I was wearing a black coloured night gown, layered with various patterns of stars, comets, and planets. I was also wearing a pair of plain white socks, and through a bit of checking, it seems that I even had a pair of undergarments worn under the night gown as well.

But that was enough admiration for now. Taking off the blanket, I got up from the bed, and decided to check the window right above it, which was covered by a layer of curtains. Without much thought, I instinctively opened the curtains and embraced the sunlight that was shining out from the horizon. But I felt that something of slightly off about my actions. But before I could think further about the problem, the door behind me suddenly started opening.

"Hey, you awake? Breakfast is already done so I was thinking that-"

And that was when I'd realised the problem of this situation. The moment the door swung open, some of the sunlight that was previously shining on the door was then shining on the vampire, causing her to flinch slightly.

"Ah! Sorry for opening the curtains! I forgot that you were-"

"No, it's okay. Just...make sure to close them back once you're done admiring the view. And come downstairs afterwards. I've made breakfast for the both of us."

The vampire, whose name I couldn't remember, said before closing the door, leaving me to enjoy the sunlight for as much as I want. I wonder though. Why didn't she disintegrate upon being exposed to sunlight? In fact, she didn't show any distaste to the sun, but rather treated it more as a hassle than a danger to her life.

I suppose that could be a question worth asking her later on. As I finished embracing the sun's magnificent rays, I shut the curtains back up, and proceeded my way downstairs, where breakfast was being held.

Once I was downstairs, I realised that most, if not all of the windows were covered with curtains. Why bother with setting up windows if they were going to be covered for most of the day anyways?

"Ah, so you're finally here. Come now, you wouldn't want to have a cold breakfast now, would you?"

The vampire said while holding a half-eaten piece of toast. And so, I walked towards the table, settled myself down, and started having my meal. It wasn't exactly anything to speak about; two pieces of toast speaded with jam, a sausage, some hashbrowns and an egg. But at least it was better than devouring forest critters raw.


After our meal, the vampire took both plates and promptly placed them into the basin, which then started to wash the plates automatically through filling itself up with water, and creating a vortex in the middle of it.

"Phew, mordern technology sure is useful. Convenient as well."

The vampire said smugly while taking her seat back.

"Now then, continuing from where we last left off...When you had just managed to single-handedly catch and devour a rat-like creature, correct?"

Just as she said that, my memories started to hit me back like a train wreck.

"Yeah, I believe so, Miss...?"

"Scarlett. You've forgotten it already, didn't you?"


I was then given an unsatisfied sigh, in which I returned with a nervous laugh. But putting that aside, from my memories, I remember telling Miss Scarlett about my story upon awakening. How I took an eternity at breaking out of my shackles, how I had been walking non-stop for at least two hours before reaching the forest, and so on. But in the middle of it, my fatigue had gotten the better of me, and I banged my head against the table and knocked myself out. And i suppose Miss Scarlett took care of me while I was unconscious, leading to the current events.

"Anyways, getting back on topic, what did you do right after eating that forest critter."

"Well, it wasn't really anything worth speaking about. I walked for a few more hours, ate one or two more of those creatures, and stumbled upon your house."

"Hmm...Give me just one second."

Miss Scarlett then proceeded to retrieve a book from her countertop using her wings. Seriously though, is there anything she couldn't do with those wings of hers? But then I realised something I wanted to get off my chest for a long time.

"Miss Scarlett, I've been wanting to ask you this for a long time but, are you truly a vampire?

"Hmm? You mean it isn't obvious from my apperance alone?"

Miss Scarlett replied while flipping the pages of her book in a rapid pace, just as she did when I first mentioned about my memory loss.

"Well, if you do need verbal confirmation, then I shall provide you with a yes. I am truly, wholeheartedly and biologically a vampire."

Well, at least now I know she isn't a humanoid bat, and that I would be in deep trouble if I ever get too close to her. By the time she had finished giving me her answer to my question, she stopped at a certain page, retrived a pen from one of her wings, and started writing within the book.

After a few minutes of scribbling, she eventually closed her book and laid it on the table in front of us.

"Okay, I believe I've got a rough idea of what's going on here."

I sure hope you do. If not, then all of this would have been in vain, both for you and for me.

"Well, I'll keep it as simple as possible. As of now, you are still under the effects of a high tier Sealing Magic, of which seals of some of your memories within it as well. So your first step in regaining your memories could be undoing or dispelling that seal."

"Are you able to undo it for me?"

I said desperately while abruptly standing up from my seat.

"Jeez, calm down now, would you? I've yet to tell you the full story."

I sat back down, listening to Miss Scarlett with an increase in attention.

"As much as i'd like to, the seal implanted within you is way too complicated to be undone or dispelled for my own standards. In fact, breaking the seal through ordinary and conventional methods is near to impossible from the looks of it."

I crooked my head in confusion. What did she mean it couldn't be destroyed using conventional methods?

"What? What do you mean?"

I said, echoing out my thoughts flowing through my mind.

"What i'm saying is that the seal implanted within you acts more like a curse than an actual seal. And unless you're able to get the help from at least five highly skilled bishops, or managed to gain the trust of a deity for them to bless you, that seal isn't going to come off anytime soon."

Upon hearing this, I was immediate struck with disappointment. Was i really going to live without having any memories of the past? What would happen if I were to encounter someone who recognises me from the past? Was I suppose to fake my interactions with them and agree with whatever they say? Hundreds upon thousands of questions started to pile onto my mind, and it didn't show any signs of stopping anytime soon. That was, until Miss Scarlett spoke up again.

"Well, I suppose that there is something I could do in trying to regain your memories back."

"T-there is? What is it?!"

I then paid my fullest attention towards listening to whatever Miss Scarlett had to say. After all, any help that i could get in order to regain back my memories would be much apperciated.

"Beyond the forest, just south of my house, there exist a capital called Arcadia. It is home to not only some of the most talented individuals in recent history, but also houses some of the greatest preserved archives thoughout the entire world. So you could start by searching there."

Arcadia? The name sounds fancy, so it should have at least some clues of how I could regain my memories back.

"However, I'm afraid you may have a bit of trouble trying to get within the city."

"What do you mean?"

"Truth be told, you were responsible for causing one of mankind's wor— Ack!"

Miss Scarlett stopped abruptly while gripping her head in pain.

"A-are you okay?"

I said, concerned about her current state.

"Tch! It's still ongoing after all these years?"

I didn't know exactly what she was refering to, but it sure didn't stopped me from worrying about her. Eventually though, it seemed that the pain was slowly subsiding for her.

"Alright then. Ignore whatever I had said earlier, we're going west instead."

"West? But isn't that—"

"Yes, it is where you've came from, but I know a little detour there that can help us reach faster than going the normal route for our destination."

I still didn't understand a single word that she was saying, but I went along with it. At least I felt that it was better than questioning her every single time.

"Right then. I'll go get changed in my room. Your old clothings, if you still consider them that, has been already fixed and retailored for you. They should be hanging in one of the cabinets at the room that you were sleeping in. As for your current clothes, just throw them on the bed. I'll deal with it once I come back home."

And so, right after saying this, I immediately went up to my room to get myself changed. But before I had left to the second floor, Miss Scarlett had one more thing to say to me.

"Oh, and one more thing."

She took out a sliver emblem hanging from around her neck and revealed it to me.

"You can trust anyone who has this emblem with them. They'll know what to do right after reconizing who you are. And please stop with the 'Miss's please. You're making me feel old everytime you call me that."

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