1 We... friends?

The sky is clear as day with the sun warmth beaming through the class's window - perfect for a nap.

"Psst." Someone pulled Misaki's attention back to reality. Sitting across from her was a handsome lad with caramel blonde hair, Hiraoka Arata, slouching forward, hiding his face within a book.

She shifted her focus away from the window and scowl. Staring at him with her resting bitch face. To her surprise, not only did he not look away like most people do when she gives that look, but he also smiles at her.


Knowing that he got her attention, he whispers, "Teach. Called-"


Kimiya Misaki's focus got drifted up at the front of the room, and naturally, her eyes averted the teacher and shifted back down to the boy. Noticing a note on the corner of his book.

"Were you not paying attention?" the teacher tries to ask in a stern tone, tapping his shoulder with a massage stick every second he waits for her to answer.

[Pg 30; the third paragraph]

She groans, realizing she has been called, "The beast came out of the shadow and..." with no effort, she finishes the paragraph.

"Good next."

Misaki never bothers to interact with others she's not interest in so, memorizing people's faces and names was a pain.

As she sat back down, he turned and smiled at her. But she ignored him, rolling her eyes.


"Finally, it's recess!"

Everyone started getting up and moving into their little groups. Kimiya Misaki, on the other hand, could care less about these things and quietly pack her things.

"Arata, where do you want to eat?" a group gathered around the desk next to her. He watches Misaki walk out the classroom, "Hm, I'll stay here."

After coming back from the cafeteria, Misaki found her desk being taken over by Arata.

"Oh, Kimiya. You're back." Arata got up from her seat. She glared coldly at him.

"What do you have for lunch today?" Walking to her desk, she gave him the 'Why do you care?' look, threatening him not to speak anymore.


"Sorry, Arata! They ran out of the strawberry jam bread you wanted."

"Ehh-. That's a bummer." he pouts.

Misaki looked down on her pile of bread and found the jam bread he wants. And intend to eat that first.

"OH! You got your hands on one of them." Arata's voice lit up, staring at her taking her first bite and another and another...

"... Do you mind... if I have a bite?"

She looks over at him and resumes back to her bread.

"Mhm. I don't mind." He imitated a girl's voice and came forward, taking a bite out of her bread.

Having to see her bread get eaten by him, she gripped onto his collar.

Things were becoming intense.

"...Since when did you two become friends?" one of his airhead friends curiously ask.

Misaki and Arata responded at the same time but, with different replies:

"We're not!" still fix on Arata.

"During English class," as he chews.

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