
Chapter 1

I was on highway 99, going home after class, to see my dad. It is my birthday today! I turn 23, on the 13 of February, that fell on a Friday. I was so excited to go home when something in my pants buzzed, my phone, and I looked down to see my dad's text saying 'hurry up'. I smiled to myself and looked back up, on the road. A deer was running towards me; to save the deer, I panicked and spun the steering wheel fully without thinking and crashed into a tree, I fainted after that; about an hour passes by when I gained my consciousness. after the accident happened, I went back home …and I knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" My dad was the one who opened the door. I hugged him as soon as I saw his face...

He seemed baffled and pulled me away from him.

"I'm sorry, Do I know you?" he asked thoughtfully.

"C'mon Dad, it is not funny," I say that in a joking manner.

"Dad? you must be confused? I have no children." my dad said.

" Honey, who's at the door?" a woman comes at the door and gives him a bear hug.

"Hmm, it's a kid who doesn't remember where she lives," Dad says that to her lovingly.

"Huh, Daddy please! don't you remember me, I'm your daughter?" I say while crying.

"Hey! Sweety, he doesn't remember you, why don't you just go and cry elsewhere?" she says while pushing my dad into the house. Giving me a creepy smirk...

I ran to my neighbours .. maybe they'll remember me! I run to the house next to mine, and I knock on the door.

"Hey, Aunty! Please tell me that you remember me! please!" She looked at me like I was crazy! I stumbled back ….Not her … Not her too…

She and my dad have been best friends since we moved here, so I least expected her to recognize me...

I then saw my other neighbours walking, on the street … I went up to them.

" Hey, Mr and Mrs Waters…. How are you today" I asked calmly.

They raised both of their eyebrows and looked at each other.

"How can we help you, love," they said at the same time.

" You guys do remember me, right? Tell me that you remember me?!" I said this while crying. I have had enough at this point.

"Oh sweety come here" she gave me a hug, and i hugged her back in relief "how can we recognize a person we just met? huh?" Mrs Waters ask me while I was hugging her. I saw her face in disbelief.

I fell there and then... I just didn't know what to do. I was crying, and my vision became blurry... I just ran away blindly...I didn't know where I was running, but I think I ran one block away to the park and sat under a tree,I had a habit of sitting there whenever I cried, it was time when dusk fell.

I reflected on my life, in that time; the things I've done wrong … I must've done something wrong that I'm being punished like this … I've been a good girl. I even go to church every Sunday with my dads' friends.. since my dad likes to go with his friends.

I travelled a lot... because my dad had an NGO which helped traumatic children to go to an orphanage, when they were stranded on the streets, with no money, clothes or food. The NGO was scattered in different locations across every province. And every time my dad moved to the next place, he used to take me with him, but that meant my highschool would change too, to be honest, I didn't mind at all about transferring schools, every time we moved.. but that meant I didn't have any friends. My mom died when I was about two years old from diabetes.

I remember when we moved to Vancouver, I went to this highschool ….. Reynold Oaks, I met someone there, that changed my life. His name was Noah Adams. He was the popular type. Well, every girl in high school had a crush on him. i then too started developing feelings for him, when he was acting all sweet to me... he was kind, quiet, mysterious and caring. I mean he played on the soccer team and was handsome. But I don't remember his face anymore because it has been ages since I moved away from there.

I heard someone coming, but I didn't give a damn, they will walk by as time passes.

GUY's P.O.V.

I was taking a stroll in the park when I heard someone crying. I went to take a look, and a girl was sitting down near a tree and crying her eyes out.

"No one remembers me … how is this possible… that's ...that's impossible… how... how... how can my dad not remember me at all." She said while rubbing her eyes.

She was a brunette, with fair skin, and her facial features were stunningly beautiful. She looked like an angel. She was approximately 5'4 at most. I went up to her to see what's up because I wanted to know and she piqued my interest.

I went up to her and asked, "Hey, why are you crying, is everything all right?"

She looks up, "I want to be alone for a minute, can a girl have her peace and quiet." she retorts.

"Okay Okay," I say while putting my hands up in a surrendering motion. After that girl retorted her attitude resembled my crush's demeanour so much. I started walking ahead and then it hit me.

That girl looks so much like Sarah, should I ask if she is or not, I thought to myself. I wanted to go and ask but she was crying her eyeballs out so I tossed my coin to decide whether to go or not. I decided to flip the coin. I decided that If the coin says head, I'm going to ask her if she's Sarah if its tails, well, I will walk away like I didn't see anything.

I tossed my coin as my life depended on it because I wanted to see if she was Sarah or not, and it landed on the "tails" I was starting to walk away. Fuck it I said and walked up to her.

i wet up to her and sat down in front of her.

I prepare myself. "Hey, you look familiar, did you ever by chance go to Reynold Oaks? See, you really look like someone I know from high school. Are you perhaps. Sarah …. Sarah Ford?" I asked her, and I was ready to get slapped.


This guy just came up to me and asked if I went to Reynold Oaks High.

Yes, I did. I am so happy that this guy, I don't know how he knew that I went there, and is telling me that he went there too.

I suddenly remembered …. My crush's face … the Noah I knew was now in front of me.

No one remembers me but .. but ... he does.

"Noah, Is that you ...?" i asked with teary eyes.

His eyes light up to what I just said, and he says, "you still remember me? I'd thought that you'll forget me because of your transfers and stuff."

Now, who would tell him that I forgot his face... then the all my memories came back after seeing his face.

"How can I not remember my crush's face ?" I mumbled and then facepalmed myself.

I then proceeded to lean on him gave him a big hug... for remembering me.

"hey can I ask you something ..?" he asked,

"Yeah, sure," I answered.

"Why is there a halo above your head? Can I touch it? I mean if you don't mind. I've never seen one, this up close i mean." he asks...

I look up and am astonished saw a glowing silver halo, is on top of me, and then…