
The girl of my dreams

great_mbara · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

Ep3 : I got the power


I went to bed feeling overwhelming joy and as I slept I had a weird dream. I was on a throne surrounded by inhuman beings as they song praise and worship unto me it was like I was looking at a reflection of myself but at the same time it was not me as I had red eyes wearing a red jacket designed with gold and diamonds and as I got closer to myself he grabbed me saying you have awaken me I am yours and you're mine so waste no time as long as the link exist I'll assist but do remember the more I give the more I take I immediately wake up frightened out of my mind, I could not sleep again so I decided to watch TV and later on went for a morning jog. I came back and went to wash my face and when I raised up my head my eyes turned red for a moment making me scream out of fear

I looked again and it was back to normal then after I continued to watch TV and wanted to change the channel but I was far away from the remote I then stretched for it and to my surprise it levitated to my hand like magnet. I was lost for words as several strange things continued to happen to me on that same day, moments later my mum sent me to the supermarket to get a few things but on my way there I realized I forgot to ask for transport money so I decided to go back. Knowing how much we need the ingredients to cook I continued to think of the supermarket and when I closed my eyes for a second I was there in the supermarket, it was like I teleported but teleportation doesn't exist or does it ? I then got what I needed and decided to try it again thinking about my house and shockingly it worked like

Magic, I didn't know what to do with this powers or even have I got them but one thing I knew for sure was that this powers could help me get the girl of my dreams. I then noticed that I could only teleport to places I have been which gave me an idea, I couldn't wait that long to start up a business so I decided to borrow money from the bank (by borrow I mean steal) I waited so that it could get dark before I teleported into the bank and borrowed just 2 million dollars. I had the cash now and nothing was stopping me from going to America but I couldn't leave just like that so I let my family a note and 200,000 dollars and was on my way to the airport, I had a passport but I didn't have visa so I had to bribe my way into an airplane and just like that I was on my way to America to find the girl of my dreams.