
The Gepture Menace:Steven Universe

Autor: ZeOwl
Contínuo · 59.2K Modos de exibição
  • 8 Chs
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So this is based on the show Steven universe however during the crystal gems war stuff. Honestly the show has such a good setting and all that, but the actually show kinda sucks. So yeah uh, synopsis is that... An artificial gemstone code-named Charlie is created to avenge his creators. The Osmmo a species that fought and resist the gems for several thousand years. Though due to the immortal like bodies of the the Gemstones the Osmmos eventually lost this war. However not before creating their greatest machine. The Artificial Gepture Stone.

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Chapter 1The Fic that shouldn't exist

------So authors note here, ZeOwl never started this fic, but made the notes for it. So I ZeDues! Have taken it up. Owl hates Steven universe, but I don't really care so, I am now taking this over! Just remember I am not the Owl, I am Dues I am mainly writing the I reincarnated into a cow novel.------

-----Okay so //: is this fics version of a system it might get annoying so future chapters will have far less of these------

//: Consciousness formed, Existence is the Gepture Stone, Releasing Hard-Light.

I fell from the stone and metal. I blinked as my mind raced.

//: Artificial Synthetic Executioner Awakened. Codename: Charlie

So my name was Charlie...

//: Mission: Destroy, Conquer, Corrupt Gemstones.

I see, I looked away from the holographic message in my vision and it vanished. I was born from a metal box sealed in stone. Leaving the empty room I entered a empty lab. The floor had dried blood and sheathes of paper. Walking forward I found the long rotten bones of my creators.

Stepping away from the forgot labs I traveled to a large hanger bay. A single ship waited for me. Flicking the switches for the bay doors I heard the long scrapping of the doors open. Staring out on the forgotten world I frowned. The Osmmos were my creators, but now they were dead.

I reopened the machinery built into me. Looking at my mission directory I frowned. The Gemstones they were the ones who killed them... It was ironic in a way after all looking at the rusted and dead machines of my home I could only let out a small laugh. I was on the moon of the Osmmo's home world and I could see the empty husk of the planet the moon once orbited.

I sighed, I turned back to the single ship that was stored here. before I got in I walked back to the lab and looked for the the controls for the artificial moon. Before I leave I would activate the cleaning and repair drones if they were still even working.

//: Codename: Charlie can activate the systems of the AP-M12 with mental commands.

I nodded, with a mere thought I heard many systems begin to churn. The old machines were rusted, but they begun to move none the less. The 12 moon of the Osmmo's still worked its magic. The other maybe in ruin or destruction, but at least this one. My home, still stood alive.

I looked at the holographic screen, "Where am I? and Where do I begin?"

//: Searching Records... Blue Diamond space. Earth, signs of resistance are recorded."

Resistance? So Those who lived on earth also are trying to resist. I wondered if these... Earthlings will succeed, where my creators failed. I walked over to the spaceship and climbed the into the cockpit. The glass was cracked lightly, but I didn't need air. The damage meant nothing.

I stared into my reflection in the glass. It seems my creators model me as handsome as they could. I laughed, those bastards seemed to have some ideas. My skin was a tad gray, maybe green?

//: Color of the Gepture Stone is recognized as Chimichurri.

"Heh, how specific." That meant my core was likely the same. It's location was buried deep in my innards not exposed like normal gemstones. So I couldn't check really, but not like I needed to. I was artificial made to be able to do everything other gems could do, just better.

I tapped the spaceships engine button and flicked the switches need for the controls to unlock. Pressing the pedal the spaceship moved forward and as soon as it was out of the hanger I activated the Hover-Gravs and thrusters and flew into he sky. Breaking the atmosphere was almost instant as I entered space. I put in the coordinates for earth.

I smiled, The stars actually looked quite beautiful. "Aren't they indeed?"

//: Unknown anomaly detected. Codename: Charlie.... Date of creation Taiga 17 944 of EC, Date of awakening... Awakening... Oh dear. Taiga 17 1566 of EC.

I smiled, it seemed I am overcooked and appreciating the world around me wasn't a feature of my creation. "That means this Earth may collapsed or worse. Best we hurry there quickly to find out despite the ships damage. I can always repair it when I get there..."

//: Affirmative.


//:Warning, Warning, Warning. Crash Imminent! Prepare for impact.

It wasn't crazy to say the ship would be unusable after impact. I had used the FTL tech with the ship to get to earth quicker, but I overshot it and now I would soon crash. The ship enter orbit had caused major damage to the engines. It seemed the amount of nitrogen in the area was also triple that of the Osmmo moon. I shook my head it seems I will have to guide my ship to crash safely somewhere.

Scanning everything I could only see water. Until i saw a singlaur island. It wasn't massive, but I could land there. Directing as needed I twisted the ship to start in the direction. Once I knew I would hit the ground I deactivated the egnigines. Best not have them on encase the crash causes an explosion.

I felt my body drop, everything slowed briefly as I impacted. With the crash my body jerk and I slammed into the window. With a cough I popped off the dome of the ship. The glass is even more cracked now and looking over the ship it was missing one landing track. At least the important parts weren't totally missing.

Pulling myself to my feet properly I looked around. This island was... not deserted. Instead it had ruins of gem buildings. The Island was rather wrecked to shit. Most of the buildings were buried under plants and water. However the exposed parts gave me idea of what it was.

I rolled my eyes, it was a Gemstone Luxury Palace. I could strip the crystal chips from the walls to repair my ship. However I-

//: Invisible foe detected!

I twisted and my eyes matched to find a a gemstone. Except... I sighed it was corrupted. It charged at me, but I grabbed it and smashed its body into pieces. The gem dropped and I picked it up. my eyes whirred analyzing the gem. It seemed it was corrupted not through de-synchronized Re-resonating.

It was strange, how was a moonstone corrupted like this? Normally corruption as it was discovered, was caused through disrupting the hard-light resonance within the gem itself distorting the gems consciousness and essence. Second Moonstones were assassins used by the gems. From my records they killed several Osmmo leaders with this method.

Perhaps there was some kind of leader on earth that was truly strong enough to cause an assassination. "Hmmm, but my data doesn't show that humans are all that advanced. Yet there is massive destruction of gemstone facilities on earth..."

Holding up the Moonstone I drained it of its shine. Soon I crushed it in my hand and shattered it permanently. I then popped the shards into my mouth and swallowed.

//: Corrupted Moonstone Assimilated.

I nodded as expected. I asked my system, "How do I activate invisibility."

//: Unable to create the functionality of invisibility. Lacking sufficient Gemstone Resonance.

Of course there was something wrong. Must be because it was corrupted. I was designed to gain the abilities of gemstones if I assimilate them into my core. Resonance was the core of Gemstones since it acted as there essence and the base of their gem. Without it they were just a normal non-possessed Gems. I sighed, Invisibility would be cool.

-----Dues here, I have no idea how often I will update this.-----

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