
The Gaming Uchiha

A girl is reborn into Naruto a few years before the 2nd Great Shinobi War starts. She very quickly learns that she has to adapt to the new world she is in. Luckily for her she is an Uchiha and has the Gamer. And before her rebirth she chooses perks and other such things.

Nepge · Anime e quadrinhos
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27 Chs

Training with father

DEX has increased by 1. STR has increased by 3. CON has increased by 2. CHA has increased by 2. 

I had asked Tou san to help in my training for the past week and a half. And the results spoke for themselves with my CHA only 5 points away from 100 now. And my strength finally getting up there although my DEX was getting up to 50. Although my STR doubled completely with today's training.

"Now then let us go through those motions again." Tou san stated as I quickly got back into my opening stance preparing for his attacks. Tou san liked training me whilst I gained actual experience in fighting. 

Something that facility agreed with but it was a lot harsher in it's methods.

Yet I couldn't help but feel glad that the routine I went through daily hadn't changed completely. I couldn't help but wonder if that was a morbid thought or not.

I blocked a kick using my left arm to stop his left leg from reach my head I also reinforced the block with my right arm pushing the attack away.

I threw a right kick in that moment to his unguarded abdomen. He dodged the blow easily but I followed up by attacking him with a hook kick catching his right cheek. He was unaffected by the attack but he was stunned momentarily allowing me to launch a devastating ax kick that was barely avoided.

I weaved past a jab punch done by his right hand not expecting the sudden jolt of pain that came from my lower abdomen just above my solar plexus. The distraction costed me as I felt a bit of pain from my shin causing me to fall to the floor.

Before he could launch a second follow up however I fell backwards towards the grassy field before using my hands to do a handstand whilst also using them to perform a back flip. In an instant I found myself 3 meters from Tou san who looked surprised at what I just performed.

I didn't give him a chance as I immediately propelled myself forwards directly into a palm strike to his solar plexus which was blocked but that was a feint. The real attack followed right behind it as I performed an elbow strike to the solar plexus causing him to breath heavily and be distracted. The I hit him near his liver area with a fast and powerful jab before I performed a roundhouse kick to try and knock him down.

He blocked the roundhouse kick much the same way as I did, Thinking quickly I leapt backwards to gather some distance between us in that moment I began to think about my father's fighting capabilities fully.

He was skilled there was no doubt about that and it seemed he adapted the Yogeki-Ken to be more versatile then regularly countering in a similar way that I had. Granted that had been on previous martial arts experience. I couldn't see his defenses easily as well.

Yet I knew he was holding back massively to help with my training. 

His true strength was unquantifiable it was in a higher dimension. It would not be so easy to identify it.

He was after all the Akui no aru Ha no Hono (Malicious Flame of the Leaf).

His skill and strength with Katon Jutsu earned him that nickname during the end of The first Great Shinobi war 10 years ago. He was 18 at the time he earned that nickname. Yet he was known to be extremely quick and strong as well.

I dashed forwards in a zigzag motion switching around how far I would go every 3 seconds that passed. In 20 seconds I appeared in front of Tou san preparing a palm strike. Which was blocked but he didn't expect me to jump up to attempt a spinning roundhouse kick to his face. He circumvented the attack but couldn't obstruct my other leg from impacting his abdominal area.

Which I used as a spring board with that same leg to flip away slightly. Making sure to stay on the offensive I began a barrage of punches designed to wear him down with their velocity.

He kept deflecting them never dodging once. I felt one of my arms suddenly go limp from it's pressure point being damaged by a small knife like finger that father used to hit it as a counter to one of my attacks. 

I stepped back smirking slightly as I looked at the sky for a second seeing a mixture of purple, orange and yellow creating a majestic college of colors that I had seen many time's since I had managed to escape that facility.

I wonder would I have died whilst I was still trapped in that place? Would I have come to this world if I did? 

"Ha." I unintentionally chuckled at my morbid thoughts. 

"What are you laughing about?" Father asked.

"Nothing much I just enjoy training with you is all." I answered with a half truth.

Because it was true that thanks to my death and rebirth I had come to know many emotions and understand them myself. 

Maybe just maybe I can destroy this accursed mindset as well.

"Well I think Kaa san is looking for us soon Tou san should we head home?" I asked.

"Sure." I felt that the link between us to will become stronger soon.