1 Prolouge

Hello! My name is Alex Mercer. I am a Doctor. I am 29 and I have been a Sigma male my whole life. I may be a Doctor by profession by I am a huge Otaku by heart. I absolutely love spending my free time reading manga and novels and watching anime.

There is one series that I have grown up with and have been a huge fan since childhood. It is Pokémon. I loved the idea of catching, training and being friends and going on an adventure with my Pokémon. I wished that I could go to a Pokémon world but every time the reality slapped hard on my face that It's Just Fiction!

I am currently in my Research facility trying to find a cure for COVID and all it's mutations. I started this research cause I lost my Parents in this Covid. So , I wanted that no other people had to suffer the loss of their loved ones because of it.


Alex-" Hahahaha!.. I finally did it!"

I exclaimed while holding a vial in my hand. This vial can be said to the hope of humanity's future.

Alex-" I should Quickly E-mail the Patent authorities. After all I don't want my hard word filling other people's pockets."

After some time I got a Congratulation E-mail from them. I stored the vial again in safe storage and went to my home to party cause I was ecstatic. I ate a lot of kathi rolls and drank a lot of Whiskey and went towards the bed to sleep.


(Narrator's POV)

Next day Aled woke up and started doing his normal routine when suddenly he heard a robotic voice in his head.

[System Initializing 1%...9%...14%...26%...34%...56%...69%...69%...69%...88%...100%

Initialization Complete.]

Alex-'Huh? What? What the hell is going on inside my head? Ah! I guess it's just the hangover. I shouldn't have drank this much.'

He thought while moving towards the bathroom to freshen up when suddenly notification sound started ringing inside his head and a screen popped in front of him.

[You have 2 Unread messages!]

This message kept flashing in front of his eyes. Now he started to freak out as he knew that hangover doesn't cause hallucinations.

Alex-"Huh? Did I get the Legendary system!!!? So am I dead or in the void cause I don't think void looks like my bathroom."

He said while looking around searching for a R.O.B but couldn't find any. So he thought of checking his Unread messages to figure out about this situation.

Alex- "Hello System?"

[Hello User.]

Alex called the system to see if it replies or just texts and surprisingly it answered in a monotone voice. He was able to see that this is not a sentinent system.

Alex-"System open the messages."

[OK Host:

First - "Hello child, this is your friendly neighborhood R.O.B. I have been tasked by the The One to look after your world. I sent you this message because according to Akashic Records your planet should have been wiped out of all the living beings but your successful making of a medicine changed everything. The Akashic r

Records have never been wrong. Your existence is an anomaly in itself. When I asked The One about it he said that your work has given you a tremendous amount of good karma and said to give you a system So I followed his order and used my powers to give you a system. It's a very flexible and powerful system. It's uses are for you to figure out yourself. I finished my part of words. Enjoy the System."

Second "Congratulations! Alex Mercer for getting the Gamer System and becoming a Player."]

Alex contemplated what he saw and was shocked that his making a medicine can call for a R.O.B to answer him. He decided to explore the system.

Since he had played a lot of games he went for an obvious option.

Alex-" System Status."

[ Status:-

Name- Alex Mercer Level- 1

Job- Fatigue-

Age- 25

Title- The Anomoly, The Gamer, The Sigma

HP- 1000/1000

MP- 100/100

Strength- 12 Intelligence- 30

Vitality- 17 Wisdom- 25

Agility- 15 Luck- 69

Active Stat Points- 0

Coins- 0



Gamer's Body (LVL: Max) :- Grants a body that allows for the user to live the real world like a game. Sleeping in a bed restores HP, MP and all mass effects.

Gamer's Mind (LVL: Max) :- Allows the user to calmly and logically think things through. Allows peaceful state of mind. Immunity to mental disorder.


Alex-" System explain the stats."

(A/N: Bit of an info dump but helpful for understanding the story)

[ LEVEL: Increased through victory or quest completion or by gaining required experience for level up. Provides 10 Stat point on increasing 1 level and also increasing the stat by 3 per level.

STRENGTH: Governs physical strength.

VITALITY- Governs HP, physical fortitude, and resistance to harm of all kind.

AGILITY- Governs physical speed, reflexes and dexterity.

INTELLIGENCE- Governs memorization, conceptual understanding, thinking speed, and increases MP reserves.

WISDOM- Governs problem-solving, intuition, MP recovery and resistance to magic.

LUCK- Not fully explored. Presumably governs users luck to some extent.]

Alex-"That's a lot to take in. System what other features do you have?"

[ Inventory with Unlimited space, Shop and MultiGame Travel. ]

Alex-"So all the normal stuff. Huh? what is this MultiGame Travel feature?".....

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