
The Fox Goddess

One of the most successful Women who have Beauty, Power, Money, Fame, and everything that a normal Human could ever hope for died because of a Car Crash Accident. And just as she was accepting her fate, her end would end without her getting the happiness that she wanted to get. A strange but beautiful woman appeared in front of her. Little did she know that she was a Goddess "Child, let me ask you a question. Do you want to change your fate right here and now?" The Goddess asks. The woman of course agreed to this because she still doesn't want to die without being happy like what she wanted. "Very good! I'll give you two choices, be either a Goddess like me or be reincarnated and set out on an adventure in another World." The Goddess smirked as she waited for an answer. Without even thinking, the woman chose to be Reincarnated, but what she didn't expect when she woke up was that she became a Fox. Let's follow her Journey on how she will conquer this new World. Tags: #Reincarnation, #System, #Adventure, #R18, #Comedy, # Yuri, #Romance, #Weak to Strong, #Magic, #Cultivation, #Beautiful MC, #Magic School, #Harem, #Yandere MC, #Dark # #Isekai, #Fox MC, #Vampire, #Revenge, #Betrayal, #Cunning/Manipulative MC.

TOYAPUS · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
697 Chs

Zero's End: Collapsing Black Hole

"Guess I do need a little more practice~" Yuki chuckled as she returned the Cosmic Dragon Sword back before turning towards Ciel who had a completely pale face as if she had just seen a ghost, she was amused at this since she already knew the reason for this.

No normal person could try even if they tried their whole life trying to use the Techniques of the Cursed Demon Goddess because it was just that special. Not even her Dicples could do it even if they wanted to, and she heard that there were 9 of them.

"I'm assuming that your other 8 brothers and sister couldn't do something like this if they tried, right? I mean all of you are the Guardians of Hell right, or for short… You 9 are the 9 disciples of the Cursed Demon Goddess, Ashura. You 9 can only use what you are representing, which to you, you can only use the 1st Slash: Limbo's Cursed World." Yuki said as she took two sets of chairs sitting in one and offering Ciel the other one.

While she was at it too, she had also called Chisato to make some tea for them again, and this whole thing just confused Ciel even more because Yuki was acting as if what she did wasn't something fancy or mind-blowing. It was just like a normal day for her, but just as she was about to open her mouth, she felt a huge presence coming over them which immediately raised her guard. But when she saw what was the cause of that, she merely sighed in relief.

"Yaoyao… why are not you not sleeping? Are you having a hard time sleeping?" Yuki asked in a soft tone as she gently placed a blanket on top of the Table that she also got before patting her head. At first, she saw her shaking her head, but when she saw her slowly nod her little head with a sad face, she already knew the reason why.

"Are you still having nightmares of what happened?" Yuki masked the immense bloodlust that was slowly building up inside her as she asked Yaoyao gently, but that didn't escape the eyes of the sensitive Ciel. She noticed it immediately and when she felt that bloodlust, she felt nothing but familiar at it. It was like she was already used to it that she wasn't even scared of it.

'It's really just like the same with Master… It brings so many memories.' Ciel thought to herself, it made her a little emotional. She misses her Master's thoughts, but she just hides all of her thoughts for now because it is not the appropriate time for her to say anything about it.

"I see… then you can always come to me. You can even come to those two if you ever need our help." Yuki said in a calm tone as she gently picked her up before caressing her so lightly as if she was afraid that she would break even with the slightest move.

Yaoyao simply chirped at this and nuzzled herself more into Yuki's hands feeling those big and warm hands made her mind and heart so calm that she didn't even notice that she had already fallen asleep in her arms. Seeing this, Yuki merely smiled before placing her on top of her head so that she could sleep more comfortably. With a little bit of magic, she can make it where she would never fall from there.

"Ciel… would like to have some more souls for you to torture?" When those words came out of Yuki's mouth, Ciel almost fell to her chair as that was something she wasn't expecting. Just a few seconds ago she was so calm and gentle, but right now all of it was gone, and was replaced with nothing but immense bloodlust and killing intent. Feeling this, Ciel couldn't help but feel her blood boil.

So she simply nodded her head before following Yuki without even questioning her because getting more Souls to torture is something she always looked up to every day, as every day the Souls that she plays with are already too broken to play with. None of them even showed any more emotion no matter how much she 'played' with them and it was boring for her.

They had already flown for about more than 3 hours and Yuki was only getting faster and faster, but of course, it was not a problem for Ciel to keep up as she was simply stronger than Yuki in any possible way. Plus her cultivation base isn't a problem for her even if it was downgraded because she needed to get out of her home.

"We are here… Now you can go and raze this place if you want to, take as many Souls as you want to even. I don't care, but you better make sure that this place gets razed to the ground." Yuki ordered as she just silently watched her and when Ciel heard the order, her excitement only got stronger.

Now that she was given the green light to do whatever she wanted, she was not going to hesitate to do so, and from what she was seeing and feeling, there were at least a few hundred if not even a thousand people that were inside of the Castle. She hasn't gotten this much Soul in a million years and thinking of all the new Souls that she can 'play' with excites her.

"This is not the only place that we will go to by the way, we still have at least three or more places to go through. Each one of them has a larger amount of people." Yuki said and when those exact words came out of her mouth, Ciel no longer thought about it. She simply nodded at Yuki before turning towards the Castle.

"Before I eradicate these people Master, may I know who they are so at least I can pay my respects to them before I torture, I mean kill them?" Ciel asked with clear excitement in her tone and when Yuki heard it, she merely chuckled before answering her.

"That's not much of a problem, just know that they are part of the Talon Family. You are free to kill all of them except for these people in the list and I'm sure with your powers, you can take care of that." Yuki casually said as she gave Ciel a list of names and reading all of them she looked at the Castel once again and when she saw and located them, she had a grin on her face.

"Yes, don't worry Master. I will definitely take care of that. Zero End: Collapsing Black Hole~" Ciel simply smiled as she turned around before pointing her finger towards the Castel and on the brink of an eye, a black hole appeared that began to swallow everything.