
6/15/2025 Week: 1 Day : 1

So starting off from yesterday. I was having a normal day. It start off slow with me going down stairs in my PJ's to get a cup off coffee before work. I know what your going to say. "Work? What about school?" I actually finished college by the age of fourteen with the highest degree in War strategy and in Chemical engineering. I was called a prodigy and I will get into that later.

Let's get back on track. So I'm sitting at my dinner table drinking my coffee and watching some anime before I got ready for work. That's when my phone ring. I said "Hello?" "Bennett we need you to come in now we got a huge problem" said Captain John Ray. " What kind of problem?" I asked. All he said was "Aliens." Then the phone disconnected.

I'm driving to work as fast as I can in Miami traffic. That's when I saw it the gigantic ship that I will soon be on. It looked like it was firing at another ship a little smaller than the other one. I'm wondering if they where enemies. I mean why else would they fire at the other one?

I pull up to the base and scan my card so i could get in. Once I'm in I go straight to the War Room. it's where make all the big decisions. I found the Captain . What he said changes my life forever. "They are here for you."