
The Forbidden Magic User of Voltoran

Yami of the Kimitsu family, a family that conceals the magic of the world, has died. Although he has immense power, he is simply lending the supernatural - and can barely grasp its true potential. But after coming to another world... I think it's safe to say; The weakest in another division is the strongest in another.

lifesource · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

there is no return, but there is a rebirth.

Because of Rey's absence, Meri had been able to get even with the MNOT, beating random civilians now that they were completely under the mercy of Meri. Meri abused, and now that she was at risk of being removed because of the public's knowledge of her arrest - she had no restraints.

After all, the belief in the god they served was enough. Solara loved Meri very much, almost to a personal level. 

And Rey's death struck Tomus.

He at that moment couldn't believe that Rey had been slain, albeit his power.

/He resented Solara now., and that was crazy considering who she was.

Solara had done it all to protect one person from a temporary prison of just a few hours.


'Why...?' Tomus thought, sobbing.

In less than a month, Rey had changed the MNOT, and he was gone.

But... deep in the desert, something resurfaced.

Sure, Rey was fatally wounded - but there was something resurfacing.

Whether it be him or not, its resurrection was delicate.

Even a gentle piece of sand was able to stop it from growing for a week.

And soon, it was two weeks.

It was relatively close to sprouting.

Then three.

Finally four.

A flower sprouted where Rey's body remained below the sand.

And among the stars, planets, and cosmic existences, something was reborn.

It wouldn't dare let its leaves ever become marcescent, aware of its past losses.


And because the world shall grow under hostility and suffering, the flower bloomed.

And as the month came to a end,


A glint came from the flower, and quickly, Rey's corpse flew up, and began to float vertically, the head hanging low.

His body hadn't deteriorated still.

But the wound that had taken his life remained.

"I'm sorry..." the thousands of cries and begging for Rey to resurrect in his noble life returned, this time, it was the orcs, and Tomus.

Rey wouldn't ever be naive.

Never act cold or commanding.

Never be too authoritative.

Whilst dead, he promised something.

He promised to the one who truly reigns the above he wouldn't ever betray.

At that instant, the sun rose behind Rey, his shadow somehow casting across the MNOT.

Across Tomus's crying face.

Across those who loved him.

And hated him.

And knew him.

He wouldn't return for him, albeit be selfish, he returned to remember.

To remember who he was.

And his soul morphed, and rose, and fall.

To finally come to a complete stop.

"Thrice I crossed the threshold of death and returned, not as who I may have been - but as who I am. I told lies, and acted like Kami. I am not Kami Keshin, I am anew. There is not a recurrence, but there is me, anew." 

His mouth said, and a shining light emitted from him as a farmer in the distance saw the silhouette of a man, knowing this man would lay death to existence, and life to demise.

"This is the one, the world's changer." the farmer murmured.

As a explosion of light covered the world rapidly, even Solara would bear witness who truly knows... not himself, not the world, but the truth of all.

"Who... no, what was that?" she said while quivering, her Manaith paling considered to such immense power.

And as Rey Hills was reborn as the true Rey Hills, he adopted a new name.

"From now on, I name upon myself the surname of Tatsumi. And I name myself Kenzo. I am no longer such a idiot as to repeat myself after it killed me." he sharply said.

He dropped to the ground.

His body was still limp, but he was awake.

His eyes were sternly gazing at the ground, but he dragged himself to walk.

As he came closer to the farmer, he fell onto the ground.



"Did you see that?" said a orc, who started to have a conversation with the others.

They had seen the shadow, which echoed of Rey's body.

But they could sense - this was no longer Rey.

Rey had died.


In his place, one with his memories and past was born.

Tomus came from the forest, where'd he had slaughtered every little sign of life that dared to get even 10 feet of the town.


< Barn >

In a desert, there had still been a barn.

Overhydrated, plump sheep, cows and pigs all stepped in mud, which had been kept hot with a magical essence, which was a liquid substance that had supernatural qualities.

Kenzo Tatsumi laid in a bed, while the wary farmer watched from the exit of the room.

She had taken Kenzo in, and due to the Scroll of Foretelling, had found out that Rey's death begun the life of a being who would grow to be more formidable than any other of this world.

And that the being would have known Rey's past.

She suspected this being was Rey but resurrected, else, then it would have mentioned the being's place.

While that wasn't completely correct, you could assume so given the context.

Because of Rey's absence, Meri had been able to get even with the MNOT, beating random civilians now that they were completely under the mercy of Meri. Meri abused, and now that she was at risk of being removed because of the public's knowledge of her arrest - she had no restraints.

After all, the belief in the god they served was enough. Solara loved Meri very much, almost to a personal level. 

And Rey's death struck Tomus.

He at that moment couldn't believe that Rey had been slain, albeit his power.

/He resented Solara now., and that was crazy considering who she was.

Solara had done it all to protect one person from a temporary prison of just a few hours.


'Why...?' Tomus thought, sobbing.

In less than a month, Rey had changed the MNOT, and he was gone.

But... deep in the desert, something resurfaced.

Sure, Rey was fatally wounded - but there was something resurfacing.

Whether it be him or not, its resurrection was delicate.

Even a gentle piece of sand was able to stop it from growing for a week.

And soon, it was two weeks.

It was relatively close to sprouting.

Then three.

Finally four.

A flower sprouted where Rey's body remained below the sand.

And among the stars, planets, and cosmic existences, something was reborn.

It wouldn't dare let its leaves ever become marcescent, aware of its past losses.


And because the world shall grow under hostility and suffering, the flower bloomed.

And as the month came to a end,


A glint came from the flower, and quickly, Rey's corpse flew up, and began to float vertically, the head hanging low.

His body hadn't deteriorated still.

But the wound that had taken his life remained.

"I'm sorry..." the thousands of cries and begging for Rey to resurrect in his noble life returned, this time, it was the orcs, and Tomus.

Rey wouldn't ever be naive.

Never act cold or commanding.

Never be too authoritative.

Whilst dead, he promised something.

He promised to the one who truly reigns the above he wouldn't ever betray.

At that instant, the sun rose behind Rey, his shadow somehow casting across the MNOT.

Across Tomus's crying face.

Across those who loved him.

And hated him.

And knew him.

He wouldn't return for him, albeit be selfish, he returned to remember.

To remember who he was.

And his soul morphed, and rose, and fall.

To finally come to a complete stop.

"Thrice I crossed the threshold of death and returned, not as who I may have been - but as who I am. I told lies, and acted like Kami. I am not Kami Keshin, I am anew. There is not a recurrence, but there is me, anew." 

His mouth said, and a shining light emitted from him as a farmer in the distance saw the silhouette of a man, knowing this man would lay death to existence, and life to demise.

"This is the one, the world's changer." the farmer murmured.

As a explosion of light covered the world rapidly, even Solara would bear witness who truly knows... not himself, not the world, but the truth of all.

"Who... no, what was that?" she said while quivering, her Manaith paling considered to such immense power.

And as Rey Hills was reborn as the true Rey Hills, he adopted a new name.

"From now on, I name upon myself the surname of Tatsumi. And I name myself Kenzo. I am no longer such a idiot as to repeat myself after it killed me." he sharply said.

He dropped to the ground.

His body was still limp, but he was awake.

His eyes were sternly gazing at the ground, but he dragged himself to walk.

As he came closer to the farmer, he fell onto the ground.



"Did you see that?" said a orc, who started to have a conversation with the others.

They had seen the shadow, which echoed of Rey's body.

But they could sense - this was no longer Rey.

Rey had died.


In his place, one with his memories and past was born.

Tomus came from the forest, where'd he had slaughtered every little sign of life that dared to get even 10 feet of the town.


< Barn >

In a desert, there had still been a barn.

Overhydrated, plump sheep, cows and pigs all stepped in mud, which had been kept hot with a magical essence, which was a liquid substance that had supernatural qualities.

Kenzo Tatsumi laid in a bed, while the wary farmer watched from the exit of the room.

She had taken Kenzo in, and due to the Scroll of Foretelling, had found out that Rey's death begun the life of a being who would grow to be more formidable than any other of this world.

And that the being would have known Rey's past.

She suspected this being was Rey but resurrected, else, then it would have mentioned the being's place.

While that wasn't completely correct, you could assume so given the context.

Kenzo suddenly appeared in front of her, as his stare remained on her.

It went up and down, left and right, and she began to feel hotter.

"Um… how'd you teleport?" she asked.

He ignored her, and raised her jaw.

She let it happen, until his hands wandered below her waist.

She screamed, a icey spike jerking towards his neck, causing blood to trail from her neck.

In a instant, he healed it.

She could sense what was happening.

To teleport, he was causing a gust of air to quickly entangle his quantum particles to the location he wishes to go.

To heal like just now, he was using his blood to then connect to his whole body to heal himself.

This was the raw use of pure Manaith and nothing else, and something deep in the Manaith lied, more powerful than any skill.

She suddenly felt aroused - and knew it wasn't because of any of Kenzo's manipulation, but his cold, yet interested look ignited something within her.

'I wonder why my body is taking these processes by itself' he thought purely.

After this encounter, Kenzo and the farmer, called Cingy started training their Manaith and skills.

However, soon, Kenzo had been creating skills himself.

For example, he had created a exclusive, Fire Tornado.

Cingy taught Kenzo how to fully manipulate his energy, leading to him pursuing the thought of creating skills based off the ones that he would steal. Unyei also thought it was a good idea and would be beneficial as to have no predictability.

However, in Kenzo's absence, Luminara was about to claim MNOT while the public were still debating why Solara did such a horrible thing.

Solara's magic energy relied on her believers, and as they vanished, a part of her would vanish.

And Solara had been so unlucky to have lost more than 2/3 of her followers.

She had been taken from a god level to a deity level.

Soon, Luminara was pressured into apologizing to the public which restored the faith of a bit less than a third of the followers.

She was now at either a starting god level, or the strongest deity.

She was having horrible days as she was kicked from the Celestial Council which means she wasn't actually needed to be referred to as a god, and had to partially cut some of the theocracy in Luminara, giving the citizens rights.

"Bullcrap! What do you mean Luminara has lost the trades with one of the superpowers!" yelled the head-priest.

"It's true… the citizens of the trading nation are included in their government and had the area overseers all declare that it's to protect them." Meri replied, afraid of the head-priest's outbreak.

Although the head-priest was responsible for the most of the havoc and sudden press issues due to asking Solara to save Meri rather waiting for the temporary prison sentence to finish, he thought not, and that Meri's carelessness was responsible.

The horses galloped towards MNOT, who had gone into their previous depression without a leader, mining and working on no government.

Everyone was considered a worker.

Tomus attempted to assassinate the holy knights that had come whenever he incapitated one of the knights, but their holy swords repelled his magic heart itself, so it was impossible to fight back.

A alarm of the Luminara defense systems suddenly jolted the Spectral Knights to action.

A man in a cloak hiding his face draping to his heel, with long, black hair.

A spectral knight tried to prepare to swing his sword as the man dropped to the ground.

It was Kenzo, and he seemed very urgent.

He gripped his rapier, and pierced the chest of the knight who dropped to the ground.

A holy knight quickly tried protecting, but a gust of wind blinded his vision, and Kenzo vanished.

Now, the palace of Solara was before Kenzo as he rushed.

A powerful holy knight, Xoko the Exorcist appeared before Kenzo, but a darkness pulled the holy knight, tearing him apart.

Solara, talking with the head-priest was surprised to see a cloaked man sprint at her throne.

She ignorantly fired a fire blast, which didn't even leave a scratch.

Solara got up as Kenzo stepped closer to the head-priest, but his head flew in the air.

She then realized her opponent was not just faster, but also more proficient in fighting techniques, something she hadn't ever thought of with her immense physical power.

She conjured her Fire Sword, but Kenzo wasn't even slightly hurt from her attacks.

She thought 'This was going to be a fun fight!'

But before long, she watched as a light penetrated her body, and she was ejected from her body into a ghostly form.

"Goodbye." Kenzo coldly said as he held out his hand, and absorbed her body, taking her attributes, which were measly to Kenzo.

Kenzo had grown over gods.

The holy knights froze as he turned around with the head of the head-priest in his hand, pulling his hair.

"Kenzo," the knights whispered in unison, their eyes wide with fear and disbelief.

Kenzo didn't look back as he marched towards the city gates, the head-priest's head bouncing with each step. The knights hesitated for a moment, glancing at each other in confusion.

As Kenzo reached the gates, he threw the head-priest's head over the gates and into the city, where it rolled to a stop in the town square. He turned to face the knights once more, his eyes burning with intensity.

"You have one chance to leave this place and never return. Stay here, and face the consequences of your actions." His voice was cold and firm, leaving no room for negotiation.

The knights hesitated, torn between their loyalty to Solara and the fear that now gripped them. Finally, one of them stumbled forward confidently.

"Solara is a god! You must not know about the rule of gods, as long as we follow her, she can be incarnated her next Holy day, which is the 2nd of every month, and the 2nd of Cyrin is tomorrow!" she bravely said, gripping her holy sword.

Kenzo looked at her disapprovingly, then directed his hand at the holy knight.

Suddenly, the knight fell to the ground, coughing blood.

Just a little later, and the holy knight's arms splattered into blood.

"Mere W++ rank." Kenzo sneered, as he looked at the blood in disdain.

Now, the holy knights had completely knew that Solara would NOT be coming back if this man had just so easily beat one of their Heavenly Knights, the captains of the holy knights.

The surviving knights exchanged glances, realizing that their goddess had truly met her match. The fear in their eyes was palpable, but they still held onto their loyalty to Solara, refusing to surrender.

"Kenzo," the knight who had spoken earlier repeated, her voice trembling with determination, "we will not abandon our god, and we will fight to protect her."

Kenzo looked at her, a hint of respect in his eyes. "You are a brave one. But remember, you are not just fighting for Solara, you are fighting against me. And I will not show any mercy the next time I face this nation, regardless of its soon anarchy."

With that, he turned around and began walking away from the city gates. The knights watched as he disappeared from sight, their hearts pounding with anxiety and uncertainty.

As Kenzo continued to stroll through the streets, he could sense the unease in the air. The citizens were no longer so self-assured in their nation's armor, Solara.

As he walked out of the gate, the guards dared not stop him.

Luminara remained quiet, as the head-priest had assumed power.

The head-priest sent twenty holy knights, ignoring the pleas of the holy knights, and even disregarding the death of one of the Heavenly Knights.

Over the years that Luminara existed, they had ever lost one war, but it wasn't really a war considering the enemy were contracted demons by a nation that was facing becoming a colony to Luminara due to the terms of all wars which concluded that in wars that have been won, all authority will vanish and will transfer to the victor.

And it wasn't really war considering they lasted eight minutes before Solara was sealed, and fire conquered all buildings.

As Kenzo walked towards MNOT, he reflected on his appearance.

Last time they had saw him, his hair was a short slicked black, but now it was messy, and draped to his chest.

His outfit, once a simple leather shirt and trousers, now consisted of a more elaborate set of a weighted shirt of armor that shimmered in the sunlight, and his eyes, once a deep azure, now glistened with a cold, intense cyan hue. He now adorned a simple black cloak with a hood, and a rapier.

As Kenzo entered the city gates, he couldn't help but feel a sense of desperation and urgency. The once bustling city was now eerily quiet. The usual laughter and chatter of citizens had been replaced with an undeniable tension and apprehension. The symbols of the kingdom seemed to have lost their luster, and the citizens moved about their daily lives with the weight of their impending d looming over them.

Kenzo witnessed the aftermath of the battle with the holy knights. The streets were littered with the laying corpses of burning trauma, and a few others with signs of flogging and burn trauma combined.

Tomus had been missing, but multiple chains had it binded.

Entering hadn't been a problem, though.

Considering that Kenzo's second weapon had kicked in, being a rapier that put any status affliction if he simply thought about it.

This could be enstrengthening, or acidic blood, he just needed to think about it, and he could pierce someone with it. The rapier also had auto-aiming to the most appropriate piercing point to secure victory.

Kenzo was glared at, until a short orc who he recognized as the child who had confronted him on his first day here walked towards him.

"Why do you holy knights find the fashion to hurt anything? Your god isn't even the real god." sneered the orc.

His hair was still as blonde as ever, and still reached his neck. His eyes were still a piercing, calm blue.

"Are you afraid someone will know you, supposed to be holy, is harming innocent orcs, which may be racism?" the orc mocked.

Kenzo rather not show his identity yet, and beared the false blame put upon him.

He walked past the orc, who, in a fit of anger threw a rock.

But before it made contact, it darted back towards the orc, falling to his feet.

The orc cursed under his breath.

Everyone glared at him.

But as he neared the tavern, a orc bravely walked forward.

"You can't go in."

He said, coldly.

But Kenzo just walked straight past him, and the orc tried holding him, but he found he was too far to grab him, even though, a moment ago, he was.

The orc didn't question it, and sighed.

Tomus kept his head pressed against the front table, as their special crafted beer was spilled all over it.

Kenzo finally threw down his hoodie.

Tomus looked at him with a dark glare, but his gaze became lighter and lighter as he contemplated if this was really Rey.

"Who are you?" he insensitively said.

"Kenzo Tatsumi, formerly Rey Hills." he formally said, as he bowed.

Everyone's gaze focused on him; was this really Rey Hills?

Tomus gazed into Kenzo's blue eyes, finding a hint of Rey Hills hidden deep in him. While his powerful cyan colored eyes weren't the same, Tomus could see Rey smiling through him.

"Prove it."

Kenzo threw the head-priest's head onto the front table, which shook everyone.

Tomus's gaze returned to him after a moment of surprise.

Kenzo raised his hair to show the small scar on his face that Rey had.


"Call me Kenzo Tatsumi. I'm not a weak brat anymore."

Tomus just stared as tears swelled in his eyes.

"Why did you leave us?" he managed to stammer as his voice became more dreadful.

"I never met you. Rey did. And I carry Rey's past, and his goal as he edged towards death." Kenzo said, with a stoic and focused tone.

Kenzo explained what had happened, but making sure to cut corners around his control and ability to create skills, plainly stating 'I can make abilities' to them.

Soon, they attempted to throne Kenzo again, but he rejected. He wasn't going to just let them join after he suffered. So, he told them he would create a new nation, in the scarce desert.

They all marched away, to Luminara's most horror.

They were preparing launch onto MNOT to pressure them into giving up MNOT, but when they had arrived, there was nothing left but the buildings and houses.

Within these scarce, faded buildings were reminders of what Luminara had done. Blood pools were in all the buildings, albeit they were differently placed.

On the dirt ground was dead, darkened blood.

Kenzo, arriving in the desert quickly had not teleported for the anonymity of his capabilities. He would warm up to them soon, but he can't just drop all his defenses when amongst these benevolent orcs were envious beasts who'd do absolutely anything to get the power that Kenzo possessed.

Soon, the orcs, known for being the best builders behind dwarves begun construction.

Unyei told Kenzo the answers, and provided ways to allow the orcs to obtain skills that would help. Unyei had developed into less of a skill, and just a voice without a vessel body.

And soon, after Kenzo's plan, Unyei would fully develop.

Kenzo dared not share this plan, or what he did to Luminara, not out of fear, but just because right now, it wasn't information that would compensate for the fear that the orcs may have after gaining it.

Soon, after two days of countless work that never stopped, their same buildings were developed.

But this wasn't enough for Kenzo. He needed a proper sandbox.

So, after a full week of them working, a proper city was built.

There was a gate that prevented people from entering, scripted with a magic weakener, which put down your magic to 10%.

There were lined up houses, and behind those would be buildings, unlike the previous MNOT, which had a pattern of house and building leading to the end, which had nothing in the middle. There was a path for people to walk made out of stone, and following the path all away to the end would lead to the Capital Building, where the council would be built.

Soon, multiple women and men had created little representative stands to be chosen as one of the contestants.

Tomus had been chosen as someone who would be not be voted, and would be Kenzo's assistant.

Tomus walked through the path, as he saw a woman.

Her hair was brunette, and her orc skin didn't show much, being a pale green. Her eyes were blue, and needless to say, she was beautiful. The way her dress fit her, or the way she shyly would take glances at someone who got close to her stand, it was all beautiful.

But Tomus wasn't interested in love, but the person behind her, Kenzo was.

However, he risked not looking like he'd favor her since she was a representative.

"Jeez, Kenzo, are you going to check the OTHER representatives?" Tomus mocked.

Kenzo's face reddened, but he decided to follow what Tomus said. He began taking glances at the other representatives. One of them were drunken, but were getting many votes. He had a sign above his stand.


False information, a trick that the Japanese knew the United States suffered with.

Their upcoming presidents would tell lies that they couldn't fulfill, whether it be too lazy, or be unable due to issues that would clash with fulfilling it.

Kenzo let this man go, however, he wasn't even sure this man wasn't telling the truth. It was just a thought, after all.

Kenzo then watched as the young blonde-haired orc came up to him with embarassment evident in his eyes.

"Hey… mister, I'm really sorry, I was so pent up with Luminara and I thought you were a guilty knight that had came to beat some of us…" he looked down, guilt swallowing his pride.

"Don't worry about it." Kenzo replied, then ruffled his hair.

"Really?" the boy's eyes sparkled with happiness.

"Yeah, it's not like you were talking to me." Kenzo said.

The boy ran away with happiness, still not providing who he was exactly.

What a mysterious boy - huh?

Kenzo gave it no attention, as he continued to watch and seek valuable representatives.

As he walked back up after seeing them all, he'd seen that she'd racked a ton of voters.

From hearing, she had disturbed a lie he said, and due to them realizing this, the drunken man's voters mostly changed to her side.

Still, some who really didn't understand she was correct stood with him still.

"Alright! Tomus will now be announcing the winning fifteen members who will be selected as someone in the Capital Building!" Kenzo loudly said.

Gazes of the people who had wanted to win fell on him.

Tomus first took a glance at the woman.

"First of Authority goes to… Lomia Beatrice!"

Some clapped, some didn't, some groaned.

She jumped up at the sound of her name.

Her voters happily jumped with her.

"The second of Authority is Ralan Germudi!"

The drunken man simply smirked.

His voters did nothing, as they realized he hadn't won.

A few still congratulated him, though.

"The third of Authority is Chumo Tami!"

The blonde-haired boy jumped up.

Kenzo didn't put restrictions on age, but Chumo was the only child that had decided to volunteer in the voting ceremony.

"The Authorities should introduce and tell their goals at the capital now!"

"And, all Authority picking is over, now regular members will be named!"

Tomus went on to name the chosen individuals.

Tomus was tall and thin, and had sharp features, but a smooth nose and tanned skin from spending most of his time outdoors, he has a scar diagonally marked above his left eyebrow, and his dark, jet-black hair stepped down the stage placed on the right side of the city as he announced that selections were over. Groans of disappointment came from the ones who had lost, and Tomus removed his suit as he was out of view.

As Tomus stepped backstage with Kenzo, they began to talk on how to keep his confidence in front of the council they had developed.

To their surprise, as they set behind the buildings, sneaking and stealthing around to the Capital Building, a media group had already created themselves.

Some of the people who hadn't decided to vote were aspiring newsreporters, and as this was a top-grade meeting, it was natural for them to decide.

Tomus and Kenzo made it inside, the wooden interior pressuring them into a sharp, respectable form.

Tomus clasped his hands as he made it to the left seat of the table, and Kenzo did too, as he made it to the right seat.

They were seated far from each other, but Kenzo's stare that sent a 'Are you afraid too?' message managed to reach Tomus.

He nodded.

As they conversed, speaking about operations, Ralan began trying to back up his false claim he had made back at the stand.

"We need special guardians of extreme power." he tried to calmly say as he shot a cheeky stare at Lomia.

Lomia quickly protested.

"Special guardians of extreme power? We haven't even cultivated fighting after the lost war of us versus the MNOC!" she said.

Tomus remembered what Kenzo instructed him to say to command them.

"Order." he coldly said.

They stopped arguing, redirecting their gazes at Tomus.

"Lomia is correct. Besides me and Kenzo, there are not much good fighters here, of magic or physical potential."

Ralan gritted his teeth.

"Right. But, we do at least need guards on standby. Not to mention… do you know anyone we can hire as our public voice for such occasions where we reach out to them?" Kenzo said.

Tomus thought.

Someone like Lomia was good.

"Well, Lomia is a beautiful woman, the media is highly likely to take her as the public voice." Tomus said, nonchalantly.

Lomia blushed, and Ralan finally calmed down, realizing this is his chance to sneak a pervy compliment.

"Right, her curves are nice,"

Kenzo's glare stopped him mid-sentence, as he felt his blood begin to make popping noises, literally.

Ralan looked down, and Lomia tried to make the atmosphere better.

"I accept this position… may I go up to speak with the public right now?" Lomia asked.

Tomus and Kenzo nodded, and she went up.

The aspiring newsreporters took the front, explaining what was happening to people who just arrived, or couldn't hear.

"Amongst you, are there any who want to protect against enemies for MNOT?" she proudly said.

"Come into the lobby, if you do." she then said.

Some of them sprinted inside, but Kenzo, being within the building could sense their movements, and raised the floor to stop the newsreporters and beyond from getting in.

There were about seventy that were able to get in and that was major considering there were about 400-500 orcs after Luminara struck.

Lomia ran down, and Kenzo gave her a little boost in speed.

As Lomia made her way down through the crowd, she noticed the mixed reactions of anger, fear, and confusion amongst the orcs. Some were still under the impression of her as some sensitive girl, while others were curious about the potential positions she could fill in this new council.

"We are forming a new faction to protect our people and our homes from enemies like the MNOC," Lomia announced, her voice booming through the air.

Some of the orcs whispered to each other, unsure of what to do, while others began to shout out phrases like "Join the faction! We're going to protect our families!" and "We are strong fighters to help against the MNOC!"

Lomia nodded, understanding the urgency of the situation. She turned to Kenzo and Tomus, who were waiting for her just behind her.

"We need to act quickly," Lomia said, her voice shaking slightly. "They're ready."

Kenzo smiled.

"Have no rush. They're easily muted." he said with confidence.

Soon, a military zone was created.

By long-range trips and exploration, they had created a city with 800 homes, 120 buildings of various departments and were giving out jobs and finally creating a economy.

Now, the MNOT was going to be renamed.

"The name Voltoran has been chosen for this nation. Serve it as our true name!" Lomia said.

Their army, stationed in front quickly saluted.

They marched away, their swords glowing with a magical effect as they put it back in the sheath.

This was truly a new world.

Starting now, I will start hiring staff members. If you want to be one, please direct yourselves in the comments, stating your Discord. If you do not possess Discord, tell me about something that has the functionality of roles and administrators that we may use.

However, if I find that you do not possess Discord, neither are you a decent staff member, you will be most likely be stuck at a reader helper rank.

I will also be opening this server to other readers to state their headcanons, beliefs, thoughts, etc...

Server builders must show their previous work that I will judge, as I already have one.


All roles:



Solve wide-spread and high ranking conflicts such as doxxing, the use of slurs, threats, etc..

Create rules and order in the server.

Remove, kick, mute and modify the members.




Solve minor disputes, such as arguments of lore, etc...

Manage nicknames.

Monitor activity of users then report it to me.



lifesourcecreators' thoughts