1 The forbbiden Star! *Prelude*

Satan: My fellow demons a child has been born by the name of  Sutekina Xo  is foretold that

the boy will resurrect and become a new being and he will unlock secrets that should not be discovered 

Allmon: My lord what will you do?

Satan: I will make his life hard I will break him to his knees so he can give up on life, friends,

love, he will never reach the goals that he desires when I'm done destroying his life his heart will

darken he will become a demon by the name of Dantae Diablo! but I can't forget not the boy is a

stubborn one by looking in his heart he is at half peace but half fallen not all stars shine Sutekina Xo is forbidden to succeed!.

Montae: My lord if he resurrects what will his new name be?

Satan: His name will be…... Kxion Tategami !!!

Rumors say that the name Kxion means "The path of life"

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