

This was it, the awakening of the food elements. When a person reached the age of 16, they would be able to awaken an element of food depending on their potential and maybe a tiny bit of luck. Today, Leon would be turning 16 and could awaken his first food creature. Whether it would be a radish or a melon, it was all decided by fate.

The food element awakening ceremony was when a teen would go to a special summoning station and choose between various energy orbs, each of these energy orbs contained a random food of different levels that had been captured from the wild and in the interdimensional portals. There were 7 ranks of food creatures: Edible, Enjoyable, Tasty, Delicious, Scrumptious, Mouth-Watering and last of all, Godly.

But there was almost zero chance that a starter food orb would contain any creature above Delicious level. Most people would awaken an enjoyable level of food and the unlucky would awaken an edible creature. There were only 3 food masters that had godly food creatures and they were the strongest in the world as well.

Leon wasn't expecting that much, he was just an average boy in the average school with the average household nothing more. But there was just that feeling of hope that stuck around him making the butterflies in his stomach increase in size.

When he made it to the gates of the summoning station he saw the familiar sight of the old walls that had vines seeping out of the cracks going along the sides of it. But Leon still had the feeling that this wall was alive and breathing, it was very familiar as he had come many times but was not let in by the guards that prevented people under 16 to enter.

A long time ago, a group of 13 to 14-year-old teenagers sneaked inside and stole some of the orbs but ended up dying due to an uncontrollable banana snake. Due to that incident, at every summoning station in every continent, there would be guards guarding the gates of the station.

This time, Leon had turned sixteen and could now enter the station. He showed his ID card to the guards to prove that he was the correct age, then he triumphantly entered the gates of the walls he had never seen past before.

Behind the walls was an ancient building in the same style as the walls and also seemed to have a living sense coming from it. It looked like a church but was in the style of a restaurant. A calming and mouth-watering aroma was mixed in the air along with the flowers that were planted next to the crooked stone path leading to a huge, brass door on the front of the building.

"Wow what a spectacular scene, I can't believe this was what was behind those walls all along, I thought it had to be a modern tower or something like that!" Leon exclaimed looking at the building in front of him with shock.

After calming down from the amazing sight, Leon started to make his way towards the doors of the building. With every step, his curiosity and his anxiety increased drastically. This would decide his path of life, it would decide his fate.

With a creak, the door slowly opened and in walked Leon. The smell of every delicacy in the world filled his nose, he felt that he was floating into the heavens above. These smells were all coming from a huge pot in the middle of the building, he carefully walked over to it. Inside was a mixture of swirling liquids of rainbow colours, what a dazzling sight.

"Welcome, teenager. I am the food master guarding this summoning station, to see the orbs, you must take one spoonful of the liquid inside the pot. After taking the liquid you will be able to see the orbs that are placed on top of the tables going along the sides of the station. Then pick the one you feel a connection with, that will be the orb that will start your path of a food master. Remember, always pick the one you feel a connection with!"

A wise voice came from behind Leon. As he turned around, he saw an old man with a long white beard fading slowly into the air.

"Wait, I have a question, how will I rank up my fo..."

But the man had already vanished into thin air.

Leon was a tiny bit irritated by the man's sudden appearance and disappearance, but he couldn't do anything about it so he went over to the huge pot of rainbow liquid. Taking out his only spirit tool, a bowl that would automatically boil liquids inside of it. He had gotten it out of a trash bin, these items were not worth that much.

Compared to other items, this bowl was like a drop of water in the vast ocean. Nevertheless, it was still a bowl and you can drink from it. So Colin scooped up a tiny bit of the rainbow liquid into the bowl and with a quick slurp, he demolished it.

As soon as his mouth had touched the liquid, he felt warmth flow to every one of his body parts, the sweetness mixed with a hint of salt was unbearably soothing. It felt like the waters of a volcanic spring was washing all of his sins and sadness away. Happiness bloomed like a flower inside him, this was the most delicious food Leon had ever had before.

(Even though the only foods he had ever had were the foods he had obtained with under 5 dollars.)

When he opened his eyes, the scene around him was no longer an empty room with a huge pot of amazing liquid inside of it, it was more like a market with lots of stalls that held orbs of different colours inside of them.

Each of the stalls had a huge sign showing which category the orbs in the stall contained. There were 4 categories of food: Vegetables, Fruit, Meat and Sweets.

The vegetables were mainly healing class, the fruit is mainly for the support class as they could replenish the energy of the other foods in a team. The meat was mainly for the defence class, a huge Porkchop of the Delicious rank could withstand a full blow from another food of the Scrumptious class. Sweets were mainly the attack class because of how agile and playful they are.

Leon still could not understand why this world was focusing on cultivating foods instead of in the stories he had read, fighting with different weapons and also having battle pets as well. It was weird how in this world, food was here to fight. But the benefit of not having to eat any food was very pleasing as well!

Pushing the puzzling thought out of his head, Leon walked towards the Sweets stall. He wanted an energetic creature that had immense attack power, even if it didn't have that much defence, it would be fine. He also wanted it to have a good ability he could use in battle. Because he was in-experienced and also he didn't know much about it but a food ability was transferred so that the human owner could also use the ability.

For instance, if a pet had rock hard skin ability, the human owner could use the same ability to protect themself. There was a variety of abilities, there even could have an ability to produce milk or food products that could sell on the food web for money.

In the sweets stall, there were 30 different coloured orbs, each of them contained a food creature ranging from edible to godly. There was only one godly and half of them were edible so the chances of getting good food were low.

Leon carefully looked through every one of them, he saw an orb that was really flashy with the dual colours yellow and orange swirling around. He reached his hand towards it, this orb was mesmerising to look at, in fact, it stood out among the others. Just as Leon was about to pick up the peculiar orb, the old man's voice once again sounded in his ears like a warning.

"Remember, always pick the one you have a connection with. Remember, always pick the one you have a connection with. Remember..."

Leon quickly pulled his hand back, but the orb just looked so powerful. "Argh, should I choose this orb, it just looks so powerful and strong." After deciding for a while, Leon ended up giving up on the beautiful orb and moved on to look at the next ones.

Soon, he came across many of the same dual coloured orbs or many different colours. He shivered at the thought that he might've chosen that orb even though there were many of the same afterwards.

"One small mistake like that could have changed my fate from bad to worse." Leon felt the butterflies in his stomach ease with relief.

By now he had finally come to the last orb, number 30. This orb did not have anything special or interesting about it. It was just a plain yellow orb with an occasional orange spot on it. But it seemed to be calling Leon, it seemed to be breathing and yelling, "Pick me, Pick me" to him.

Leon did not know what to do, this orb wasn't attractive, it didn't give off a strong aura. Instead, it was calling out for him. The old man's advice was coming true but it just didn't seem right.

With one last look at the others, Leon still ended up placing his hand on the plain orb.

All of a sudden, a bright light shined in front of him, he heard a faint voice murmuring something like "Thank ... I will ... protect ... grow ... help ... you..."

After the light faded, Leon saw a creature float out of the light towards him, it was like a ray but it was made out of pancake. There were a few cubes of butter on his head as well, it was irresistibly cute. Leon let out a smile, from its aura, he could tell that this ray was not a creature of the edible grade!

I'm hungry, maybe I should grab something to eat! :D


-If you can please check out my other book : Starry Night Cultivation Store!

Bamb0o0creators' thoughts
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