
The flash twin brother with a system

My flash story following the TV show The Flash and going to add my own parts to the story.

The_forgotten_ones · Fantasia
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25 Chs

Chapter 11 Asking Out?

The voices grew louder as the origins of the voices reached the living room. Bart saw Barry and Iris talking about the particle accelerator and how revolutionary it is.

Barry : " Harrison Wells' work in Quantum Theory is light-years ahead of anything at CERN."

Iris : "You are doing this thing, you are not talking English.

Barry : " Just imagine that one single dot is everything that the human race has ever learned until this moment. And a huge circle outside of the dot is everything that we could learn from the particle accelerator. It's a whole new way of looking at Physics. It will literally change the way (stop).... "

Iris said : " Change the way of what, Barry? " while looking at Barry who was staring at someone who was with his parents. Iris turned her head towards the same direction as Barry did before exclaiming, " OMG, Bart. How are you here?? And WHY?"

Bart said, " I flew here and just arrived here a few hours ago. And I will be staying here permanently to practice my doctoral skills and will be finding a house to live in. " As he was explaining, Barry was hurrying off to his room, and seemed to be searching for something. He also asked Iris and Barry who just came out of his room, " Anyways, you guys seem to be in a hurry, where are u guys heading to? "

Iris : " Barry and I were about to go to S.T.A.R. Labs. We were on our way there, but Barry, here, forgot to bring his phone with him as he left it in his room. Anyways, do you want to come with us to S.T.A.R. Labs ?"

Bart answered her, " Sure, I like to go with you guys. We can catch up on the way. "

Barry said excitedly, "Let's go now if we do not want to miss Harrison Wells' speech ! " He hurried Bart and Iris off while saying goodbyes to his parents, same with Bart and Iris.


Bart , Barry, and Iris reached the S.T.A.R. Labs. While on the way, they caught up a lot.

As they were walking towards the assembly point, Bart whispered to Barry, saying " Are you not going to confess to Iris today. You did tell me that you were going to when you called. Don't tell me that you are going to chicken out today again. "

Barry : " I will do it today, shh. "

Bart : " I will leave you two alone for a while so you can do it. Good luck! "

Iris saw Bart whispering to Barry about something and grew curious, asking " What are you guys talking about behind my back, huh? "

Bart answered quickly, " I just told Barry that I have to go to the toilet. It's kinda urgent for me. So, excuse me. " He walked away from them and winked at Barry. After they lost sight of him and continued their walk, he stopped walking towards the toilet and turned back and just maintained his distance from them. Bart put on an earpiece so he can hear their conversation as he did put a small and almost unnoticeable listening device on Barry's shirt when he leaned in to whisper to him.

Iris asked Barry, " So, anyway Barry, how is your trip? Did you find proof of the impossible in Starling City? Or did you make my dad mad for no reason? "

Barry said, " Actually, while I was away, I had a chance to think about ... you know, relationships. How I'm not in one ... and you are not in one either. And you are my best friend, Iris. "

Iris said, " You are mine too. Why else would I be here ? "

Barry : " That's not what I meant. "

Iris : " I know what you are going to say, Barry. "

Barry : " I am not sure you do. "

Iris : " Even though we grew up and spent a lot of time together, we kinda became brother and sister. So, it might be weird for me to talk about girls. But I should let you know that it should not be awkward. There is nothing that I want more than for you to meet the right person that totally loves and adores you for the amazing guy that you are. "

Barry stared at her for a few seconds before saying, " Took the words out of my mouth. "

Iris : " Aren't you glad that I know you so well ? "

Listening to this, Bart was sad for Barry as Iris misinterpreted their conversation and went up to them.

Bart asked Barry and Iris, " So, what did I miss? "and they answered back, " Nothing much really, oh the speech is about to start. "

[ Crowd cheering as Harrison Wells went up the podium to give his speech. ]

Wells : " Thank you. My name is Harrison Wells. Tonight, the future begins. The work my team and I will do here will change our understanding of physics ... will bring about advancements in power ... advancement in medicine. And trust me, the future will be here faster than you think. "

Bart thought, "So, this is Harrison Wells (Eobard Thawne / Reverse Flash). Also, Iris's laptop should be getting stolen soon. " Three of them listened to it and clapped their hands. Not long, a young looking kid brushed by Iris and snatched her laptop bag and ran quickly.

Iris cried out : " NO ! Hey, my laptop. It's got my dissertation. "

Hearing and seeing this, Barry and Bart ran through the crowd to catch up to the thief. They sprinted and panting, Barry reached the dead end that the thief ended up to before Bart. Barry walked slowly and turned his head left and right, looking for the thief. As he turned a corner, the laptop bag was swung at him by the thief and Barry found him on the floor and got up quickly.

Barry said to the thief, " All right, kid. You don't have to do this, all right? Just give my friend's bag and we'll call it even. Okay? "

The thief slowly moved towards Barry and swung the laptop bag at Barry. Barry closed his eyes as a reflex and opened them to see that the laptop bag was stopped by Bart and was a few inches away from Barry's face. Bart kicked out his right leg at the thief's arm and it was a clear hit. Bart then pinned the thief down and grabbed the laptop bag, which he then passed to Barry.

Iris, who had just come, said, " You okay, Barry? " as she saw Barry looking injured.

????? shouted : " Freeze, police !"


In the police station, Barry was holding a tissue paper, helping his nosebleed. Iris came and said, " Who is that guy, and what is he so proud of ? So he caught a mugger and it was not even him that helped me get my laptop back, it was you, Barry." Bart, who was there too, gave Barry a wink. Barry instantaneously understood it and told her," Yeah, it was me and Bart helped me a little."

Iris hugged Barry and even gave him a little peck on his cheek before saying, " Thank you, Barry. You too, Bart "

After that, Barry told them, " The person before, he's transferred from Keystone. Started from a few weeks ago. Eddie Thawne. " Iris said, " Ohh, so that's the person that my dad talked about, Detective Pretty Boy. Says he actually keeps score when it comes to arrest." She looked at Eddie while saying, "He's pretty though."

Barry heard this and was sad, but did not show it on his face to Iris. Bart saw this and tried something, " Barry's good looking too. Maybe you guys ... Should we date each other and watch a movie? What do you think, Iris? " Iris heard it, was thinking about it and replied, " .....

Author Notes

have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.

Thomas A. Edison