

"Come on! Fight me! Want to make me a slave, I will not let you live another day". I did not expect the first thing I would encounter in this new dimension is to run into a lizardman warrior father once told me. What a luck. My name is Iroas. I'm turning 21 this year which is 2377. Everything was great on earth in 24th century, the world was in peace then everything changed. Around 55 years ago, the earth we humans lived on faced the biggest calamity. Our only Sun which is around 10 billion years old and said to live on for another 5 billion years suddenly explodes. Luckily some scientist managed to confirm the calamity a year before so people were able to take counter measure to preserve humanity. All the nations gather together to plan for the future. Some suggested to build space station to live, some to look for other planets habitable but they lack time and even if they managed to build a space station or migrate another planet, how many people can be saved? How long can they survive in space without our sun? even though some disagree, those with their own ideas were left to continue their effort. No matter ow much earth's space voyage advance, even in the year of 2321 no habitable planets were found and space travel still limited since non-renewal energy source on earth almost depleted and became more precious than gold and diamond. Then one day a professor from a well-known university, professor Dylan suggested that humans have around 1000 years before they extinct if they live in the underground bunker and letting children to be put on cyrosleep (a person will be put in a deep sleep in low temperature with the help of a device so they won't age and won't have conscience) while only around hundreds of best brains think of a solution. All the world leaders agree to this suggestion because it seems the only viable solution. All the nation put all their efforts to build an underground bunker which oversees by an ai system and also mass producing cyrosleep machine. Most common people around the world has no idea about all these events as all the governments around the world hands in controlling the information. Only some selected wealthy people know what's happening as well as those who were contributing the effort. The government also gather food supply to sustain for at least 1000 years. The leaders from each country also nominate a world leader to avoid any inconvenience in future. My father is the first leader and I would inherit his legacy one day. In the year 2322, as predicted the sun exploded and almost 99% of the world population died. The whole world was managed to only produce less than 200 million cyrosleep machine which were only enough to accommodate the children. The adults were in discussion about their next step because the food supply will not last for another 1000 years for this many people and they need to make decision within a decade because no matter how hard they planned, during the sun explosion most of the food supply were destroyed. All the survivors were forbidden to make babies no matter what social status they have to avoid unwanted conflict to happene and to promote unity and those who were ignored were thrown out of the bunker where they have 0% chance of survival. No matter how cruel the punishment seemed to have a pregnant woman and husband to be thrown outside the bunker it was necessary in times where the survival of humanity on stake so everyone agrees. Some suggested so replace one of the parents for their child but the suggestion was overruled as it might encourage some people. When they were in the brink of despair, again professor Dylan suggested to create a virtual world were the minds of everyone will be transferred there and they can live there but they need to abandon their physical body. Most of the people did not agree but for their children's future they were willing to make the sacrifice. Fortunate or unfortunate, during the research, some unexpected thing happens. While researching to create a virtual world, they accidentally created a portal to travel to another dimension. This discovery brings hopes for all the survivor left as they might have found a place to live their life with their family. Year 2325, After 3 years living in the bunker, they finally saw hope but what they don't know is their hope will soon be crushed. Every one of the survivors excited except for the researcher team and some leader because they don't know what's on the other side and will humans able to safely travel through the dimensional gate. They tested with many devices to check what is on the other side but none of the technological things were able to travel through the dimensional door. Finally, my father, the world leader decided to send 1000 bravest souls to check what's on the other side and report back. March 29 2325, the 1000-man squad which lead by army General Malcom went on their expedition and hundreds of thousands of people send them off and waiting for their return in front of the dimensional gate without moving an inch. Everyone waited patiently without a moment of sleep, after 2 days the dimensional gate glittered as a sign of someone entering the gate from the other side and everyone gets excited. A person came through the dimensional door and it was General Malcom but he was in a bloody state and shouting to close the dimensional door. He looked so terrified and one of his arms hanging helpless. All those waiting for the 1000-man squad to return also perplexed with no idea what is happening but all those present were able to conclude that they can travel through the dimensional gate. While everyone in a panic state, my father quickly ordered the guards to shut down the dimensional gate but before they were able to close…

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