
The Final Transformation

In the year 2067, an age of rapid technological boom and superhumans dawned on our civilization. Soon after, the world is unified under the banner of the world federation. In this world, Tian Long will set out to ascend to the heavens.

Daoist_void · Oriental
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs


In the Year 2070, 100% of the world's currency exists as a virtual currency. Wars are waged in a game, oil is now an obsolete resource and schools are different than the schools during the 21st to 51st centuries.

Elementary schools' general studies now encompass subjects like history and English, physics, and mathematical equations like E=MC2, as well as quantum theory and the uncertainty principle.

During a child's middle school days, they learn how to wield multiple cold weapons and they learn the basic martial arts techniques.

In high school, they learn about the Arcane Realms' history, discovery, and all the essentials necessary for the students to be prepared for the new world. It is also when they first receive a government-issued D-Grade Standard Access Bracelet, a 3rd Gen [Link Connector], and start body tempering.

Colleges are a must because the most outstanding students get a lot of resources to train and get stronger. They will be able to access the Arcane world with their [Link Connector] when they are 18.

In the distance beyond a city's walls, a man stands on a mountaintop with his eyes closed. Strangely, no animals get near him. As the winds blow, the man disappears as if he never existed.

Anyone that reads this, let me know where to improve as this is my first story

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