
Chapter 12


"What are we going to do first?" I turned my head towards blonde bitch from the council room. will fight? I raised my eyebrow at her and did a double take to her outfit. While everyone was dressed pretty decent, she stood out in her short shorts, white sports bra, which looked two sizes tinier than her actual size, and sneakers.

"You can look all you want but you know you will never have it, honey" she sweetly snarled. I lifted my eyes towards hers and walked towards her fake body; everyone moved out of my way as I did so, they parted like the Red Sea. I stopped walking when I was a meter away from her, don't want to get too close to this one.

"Your fake looks won't be the ones who will save you from getting murdered, your skill will" I paused and looked around. "And right now, I don't see much potential" She scowled at me and lunged towards me. I sighed and moved from the way, making her land on the ground with force. She hissed and got up with her unnatural speed. I remained where I was, immobile; I'll give her a chance, a little hope.

She came at me from behind, grabbing my head in a dead lock and attempting to snap my neck. I smirked at her and connected my elbow with her stomach, she groaned, I hit her again with my elbow, this time in her jaw. She stumbled back from the force, but remained standing. I turned around and crossed my arms over my chest, waiting for her to do something. She hissed and at me; I took the fall and moved around so that was straddling . She glared and trashed around while scratching everything she could with her long nails.

I rolled my eyes and raised my fist, ready to strike, but the flapping of wings distracted me. I dropped my fist and pinned her wrists above her head and on the ground. I started to look around, searching for the owner of those wings. I grinned once I spotted Nico and Dexter, along with Lucifer, at the top of a tree. I locked eyes with Lucifer as he smiled at me, amusement filling his ocean eyes.

I turned to look at blonde bitch and raised my fist; I connected my fist with her jaw and snarled at her once I heard a wonderful crack. She stopped struggling from the force and almost dropped unconscious. I leaned in and whispered, only loud enough for her to hear.

"You should learn your place in this battle . I will not tolerate you and I will not hesitate to kill you, just like I have done to every single one of race. So, stop being a pussy and follow orders" I growled out.

I let her go and got up from the ground. She remained there and looked at me with slightly wide eyes as I walked towards the far trees, away from everyone. I stopped walking once I was on my spot. I looked around, observing every disgusting race, and spoke.

"Your task for today is to catch me in your human form; I will test your speed like this" I looked around and saw how everyone prepared for catching me. "Oh, and you will not stop running until I stop or you will do punishment along with the King and vampire over there" I looked around and saw how everyone nodded. I raised my eyes towards Lucifer and winked at him as I spoke. "Now!"

I sprinted in my human form to the other direction of the forest, with more than a hundred idiots after me, trying to catch me.

Ha! They believe they can.

My naked feet dug into the forest ground, making me smile in delight as the fresh dirt and grass tickled my skin. My dress flew gracefully along with the wind as I ran in my human form; my black hair flying everywhere but my face as I ran in unnatural speed. My silver eyes scanned the forest area for a route to run without being caught, not like it would happen but, you can never be over prepared.

*** We have been running for at least two hours and not a single drop of sweat has been dripped from my body. I turned my head to sneak a glance at the rest; I sniggered as I continued running, they were covered in sweat and almost everyone had ripped their shirts off.

"Shift!" I heard the crack of bones as everyone shifted and grinned when I heard growls and howls. I sneaked another glance at them and saw a midnight black wolf with green eyes in front of everyone. He is bigger, faster and stronger than everyone; he is the King of the Werewolf's. I locked eyes with him and winked at him; he growled playfully and ran faster. I turned around and laughed.

He thinks this is a game!

"This is just foreplay! Let's get into the real game! You will keep up with me!" I jumped a log and shifted mid-air into my black lion form.

My big black paws hit the ground with a soft 'thud' when I landed and took off running. My legs adjusted and stretched as I ran, it had been a while since I ran in this form, and I missed it. I ran faster and made more distance between me and the rest. I roared in delight as I ran.

*** "I can't believe they haven't noticed"

Dexter and Nico sat on my right while Lucifer sat on my left. We were sitting on a tree branch; they joined me once I left the suckers behind and sneaker out of their track. They have been running in circles for at least an hour, tracking my scent.

"I wouldn't expect anything more" I chuckled as I turned towards Lucifer; our eyes met, he smiled at me as his hand made its way towards mine. He entwined our fingers and I dropped my gaze towards the forest ground as my cheeks burned.

Why does make butterflies appear in my stomach? Why does make my cheeks ? Why do feel like this when I'm around ? It doesn't make sense. I barely know him; well, we have been talking a lot but still. It's impossible for me to have these... feelings.

Besides, what is this I'm feeling? It can't be , I'm too wary for that.

Or is it?

*** "See you in heaven"

I jumped from the tree and landed behind the most slow ones; most of them vampires who were too exhausted to keep up with the rest. I turned my head around and waved at Nico, Dexter and Lucifer goodbye. Nico and Dexter vanished once they waved back but Lucifer stayed watching me. I smiled at him and turned back around.

I shifted to my black lion form, and ran faster. I reached the slow ones and roared, they flinched and everyone turned around to look at me. The fast ones ran with more force while the slow ones tried to keep up. I roared and ran faster than everyone; they parted for me like the Red Sea as I ran through the middle. In less than three minutes, I had reached the front and was running in front of everyone.

I shifted into my human form twenty minutes later and started jogging. I turned around and grinned at the beautiful sight; they were dripping wet. I stopped jogging and walked in front of everyone so I could talk.

I turned around just in time to see how they all dropped to the ground; literally, they just stopped walking and instantly fell. I looked around and met the eyes of the little King; I motioned him to come to me along with the blonde vampire. They looked at each other and rushed towards me, they looked at me with questioning eyes as they reached me and I looked at them before walking away from the other races. They followed after me in silence for a minute until I decided it was enough distance between us and the rest.

"Climb a tree" They looked at each other with questioning eyes but complied anyways. I looked how they climbed a tree, they chose the highest. I grinned as they finished climbing. "Stand in a branch" They did. "You will jump from branch to branch for ten minutes as your punishment" They widened their eyes in realization and nodded.

"And you are not allowed to stop or I will add five more minutes" I paused, waiting for them to nod and spoke when they did. "Start!" They started to jump from branch to branch, not stopping once. I could see they were tired and I scowled at this.

This just proves how much persistent they are, they will not stop this war, this of a battle. They are wasting time, lives, effort and energy; and as consequence, here I am, training them with useless stuff when I could be with my family, my town.

I widened my eyes and tensed as realization hit me.

"Stop!" I walked towards the other races in furious strides. They jumped from the tree and ran after me, as much as their tired muscles allowed them to anyways. I stopped once I reached the other races and talked.

"Training is over, get out of my sight!" They jumped to their feet and started walking away. I waited until there wasn't any more heads looking at me and vanished in thin air.
