
The Fate Of A Trickster In The Magus Era

Starfall_V · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
1 Chs


Devon Empire, Heinburg City.

It was a quiet morning for Allen to open his eyes. The chirping of birds and the morning light coming through the window signal that a new day has begun.

Allen got out of bed, took his glasses and casually entered the bathroom. He squinted as he looked at himself in the mirror. Messy black hair and square glasses like a nerd. His eye color was dark brown, an average appearance of a Devon imperial youth.

He tilted his head and lifted his bangs slightly upwards. On his forehead was a cross the size of a fingernail. There was no mistaking that it was a scar.

"Not yet healed,"

Allen was a little disappointed when he realized that his wound had not healed. He immediately took a deep breath then continued to clean himself.

Where he lives is a simple house with one floor. There is one room, one bathroom, kitchen and toilet and one work room. Of course it doesn't include the living room.

It was the house left by his parents who died several years ago.

After cleaning himself up, He immediately went out, went into the kitchen and took two slices of bread and a glass of milk. Breakfast seemed very normal to him.

With a house and life like this, Allen is included in the group of normal people. In these times, having a place like that was a blessing.

Even though his house is located on the outskirts of Heinburg.

While eating breakfast, He read the newspaper carefully.

"Heh, this time it's two houses at once. Actually, how the church acted regarding this, doesn't make any sense at all. It won't be long before I'm the next victim."

While talking to himself, Allen made jokes to himself to relieve boredom.

After reading for a moment, He quickly looked at the time.

"Damn! The show is about to start!"

He immediately drank his glass of milk and went to get a tall hat and a small bag. Leave the house quickly.

Heinburg City is the westernmost city of the Devon Empire. Because of this, not many people lived in this city.

After leaving and locking the door, Allen was immediately greeted by an old woman who was his neighbor.

"Oh, Allen. It's rare to see you late."

Allen smiled, looking hurried as he waved then said, "...Well, I slept very late last night."

He didn't even say another word as his figure retreated to the main road.

He ran, a place where not many people lived, Allen freely ran around on the street. With agility, his steps do not stop even when there are obstacles.

He took off his tall hat and threw it forward, immediately jumping over a fountain. In the air, He kicked his hat with his knee, then it returned to his head.

He forced a smile, as if He wanted to enjoy this but couldn't.

Soon, He arrived at the city center. With a heavy breath, He stopped for a moment.

"Running for 20 minutes already makes me tired. Starting tomorrow I will start exercising to increase my stamina."

Allen muttered. Looking at the road filled with people passing by.

This is the center of Heinburg, most of the activities take place here.

Passing a road that He recognized, Allen finally arrived at a large field filled with people.

There are large hexagon-shaped tents in several places. Allen immediately slipped into one of the tents; lifted the edge of the tent and went inside.

It looked quite dark inside, but many people were busy.

Allen first looked around, He seemed amazed by this sight.

"Allen, watch out!"

The woman's voice made Allen startled, He immediately took a step back and caught a knife that flew out of nowhere.

"Carol, do you want to kill me!?"

Allen looked annoyed.

"I'm sorry, I'm still not used to my newest trick."

The woman who spoke was a woman with scary make-up, her lips were black and her face was pale. Her hair is black and cut to shoulder length. His appearance is like an antagonist in a drama.

"Carol, let's do it again!"

Another woman's voice was heard, Carol immediately took the knife in Allen's hand and ran in the opposite direction.

"Who's performing?"

Allen said to a clown with colorful clothes and a white painted face sitting on a bench looking in a mirror.

"The twins, Timmy and Tommy."

The clown answered as he seriously adjusted the position of the red cotton ball on his nose, then put on a striking green curly wig.

Allen held his chin, then He felt a little relieved.

"Does that mean you're next?"

Allen asked again, making the clown feel nervous.

"Why am I performing after the twins? Damn, who would laugh after being given a touching performance by the twins!"

"Go, and complain about it to Boss."

Allen looked at the clown's expression in the mirror. The same as the clown, also staring at Allen's reflection with obvious annoyance.

Not long after, two people came out from behind the wavy curtains. It was two boys whose faces could not be distinguished from each other. With a look that can make people pity you quickly.

"Oi, Clown. Your turn!"

The boy's innocent look immediately changed, making Allen feel like laughing.

"Is this what is called two-faced!?"

The clown squinted, He immediately got ready and walked towards the wavy curtain. Just before opening the curtain, He started to change the way he walked, looking silly.


Allen saw the busyness of people, He sighed and immediately entered the circus performers' bathroom.

"Huff, Don't be nervous. Magic is easier than acrobatics."

Allen tried to calm himself down, adjusting his glasses slightly.


A loud round of applause!

The sound of applause could be heard from behind the curtain, immediately the clown appeared from behind it. His face became a little relieved,


Allen walked casually, He wore a long robe and white gloves. On his head was a tall, round hat, holding a stick with a curved tip, He walked in place of the clown.

After stepping through the wavy curtain, Allen was greeted by hundreds of waiting spectators.

Several crew members have prepared a long table in the middle of the stage.

As Allen stood behind the desk, Allen took a breath. Then He threw his stick up, his eyes scanned the audience, then from inside his hat came a dove.

Not just one, it was probably more than ten pigeons. Flying across the stage.

When attention was drawn to the dove, the stick caught fire and seemed to turn into a firework.

Usually, Allen would feel motivated and excited after seeing the admiration of the audience, but this time he felt empty.

Even though the audience enjoyed the show, it couldn't satisfy his heart.

Soon, Allen was done with his performance. With a bowler hat in his right hand, He spread his arms then bowed, thanking the audience watching the performance.

Applause broke out afterward.

He walked to the wavy curtain and walked through it.

"Good work."

The clown, who now took off his wig and showed his bald head, gave Allen a thumbs up.

"Carol and Amy, it's your turn."

Allen glanced behind him, where the scary woman was chatting with another woman.



Break time arrives, it's midday. Allen opened his wallet to see the contents of his thin wallet.


His face scrunched up, But immediately felt calm after knowing that after the performance, He would receive his salary.

After finishing a piece of wheat bread, Allen decided to go outside to get some fresh air.


This place is in the center of Heinburg, very large square.

Large tents representing different circus groups, This kind of entertainment has become a normal thing in the Devon empire. For Allen, this is his main source of income.

His father was a circus performer in the past, but an accident occurred which caused his father to die. Perhaps from then on, Allen's interest in the circus began to wane.

Even so, He had no other choice, this was his only skill. And because of that, He continues this work to this day.