

Klein wanted to see how strong he had gotten. As he was about to take a fighting position against Supergirl, he felt a sharp pain in his spine and he passed out again.

One would except Klein to have some illness, but that was not the case, instead, he was getting stronger. Inside the suit, Klein's skin started to turn gold, his psionic powers started to gain a boost and his body was now filled with the energy of the speed force.

Klein slowly opened his eyes and got up from wherever he was sleeping.

" Hey Martha, what happened? " Klein asked. In these difficult times, the only one he could trust was Martha.

[ You finally woke up, huh? You have gained new powers, your body has upgraded, your mind has been upgraded, and most importantly you can now use the full potential of the speed force ]

Klein heard this and was happy when he heard the last statement, wasn't he being scammed? It had said that it would let him use the bomb speed force once he completed the mission.

[ It is not his fault Klein. Your body still can't handle the bomb speed force. From now on you should not trust the mechanical voice. It didn't really care if you died or not, the bomb speed force is being suppressed by this suit. One new information, you can now use your powers, without the suit. ]

Klein listened to all of this and realized more of his flaws. The only one he could trust in this world was Martha, she was the only one who cared for him and loved him.

As Klein was about to run away, suddenly,

" Who are you? " A girl in a black leather suit asked. Behind her were several people with their guns pointed at him.

" Hey, hey guys - " Supergirl was about to say something when Klein jumped from his suit and noticed the difference in his powers.

Everything he could see was frozen, not moving at slow motion, it was literally frozen. He examined his body with the help of Martha and noticed, his body was now had multicolored lightning.

Martha had said he could now use the full potential of the speed force, did that mean that now he could control the speed force? He decided to try something.

He willed the speed force to cover his hands. The speed force slowly but surely moved towards his palm and covered it.

He could feel the power in his hands. He felt like it could cut anything. His hands were now glowing with multi-colored lights.

Could he really cut anything? He decided to try it out, he lifted his hand and put it straight in front of him. He swiped his hand down.

Klein had expected the space to be cut, and that was exactly what happened but Klein didn't like this because he was again falling through another space-time hole.

As Klein was falling though he didn't even try to outrun it. Any universe was better than the supergirl earth, it was just a soap opera.

As he was falling he saw something that shocked him, that would be an understatement, it astounded him.

On the walls of space and time passageway he saw, aliens. They were not Krypton, Daxamites nor Martians. They had a black body which was 20 feet tall with a star sign on their chest which glowed red and they were casually changing reality, to be exact creating.

His was very scared, he didn't know where those places existed in the dc multiverse but he didn't want to be in their universe.

Just as he thought he was about to see some normal things he saw another scene involving magicians. Their body they possessed wasn't a human body. They looked like their bodies were created of some kind of metal and they too were changing reality.

One of the small kids from that race seemed to have sensed something and looked around, as he was turning his head he suddenly stopped, staring right at Klein.

Klein's heart nearly stopped, but then he passed that scene and looked at the next scene. This scene shocked him even more, three teenagers were roaming in a jungle where they discovered a hole and entered it, there they encountered some kind of strange material which gave them physic powers.

How could Klein not recognize those scenes? The scene was from the movie chronicle. But the thing that happened after surprised him even more, in that movie those three kids gained minor, physic powers, but in this scene, they were granted the power to manipulate reality.

Those three eventually ascended somewhere and disappeared.

Klein was no pussy but he knew if he stayed here, he might get plunged into one of these places and potentially lose his life.

He didn't want to go to Supergirl, but he didn't want to fall in one of these places either, so he ran towards the hole which was above him.


Klein noticed the notification but he didn't really care, he didn't have time for this. He finally reached the top and got out of the space-time hole. As he got out he noticed that everyone was still frozen.

He didn't know how to close this space and time hole, he didn't want to ask Martha, he seemed to rely on her too much.

If his speed force opened this, then it could close it too. That explanation would sound ridiculous if he wasn't in the ArrowVerse.

He willed his speed force to close it and the multi-colored lightning slowly covered the space-time hole and closed it.

Klein wanted to come out of his suit, he was in it 24\7, he needed some fresh air.

" Bye Martha, " He said to which Martha said bye too. His suit eventually started to disappear into thin air, he knew the suit was bound to him so he didn't really worry but the next thing that happened really worried him.

Everyone started moving again, Supergirl, the DEO agents everyone. At this moment, Klein knew, he fucked up. Klein soon got the idea of using the I am a good guy, from another universe, accidentally dropped here.

But why not just activate his suit? Klein thought then suddenly,


Now he knew, the only thing that could save him was his speed but he knew he couldn't really go faster than a speedster with red lightning or he might die.

Klein then suddenly wondered, why did he feel like he was going to blackout?


Klein's body fell head first on the ground. He hadn't eaten for days, how was he going to use his speed when his body couldn't even handle it? The only reason his body could work perfectly normal was because of his suit providing him with energy.

Klein then today learned another lesson, he should never leave Martha.

I am too irrelevant to say this but....... Sub to pewds.

Not hating on India, just saying because I like pewdiepie.

IseeYacreators' thoughts
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