
The Farm Girl's Charismatic Fortune

By Xishui River, there lived a family with the surname Ruo, whose luck was so disastrously poor that it was as if misfortune was possessed by their very souls. When other families had bountiful harvests, the Ruo Family harvested not a single grain. Their planted vegetables were devoured by insects, their chickens got chicken plague, their pigs got swine fever… Despite the household being full of strong men, they were either mad, crippled, or blind… What would have been a family of great prospects became the poorest within ten miles. The only thing that others envied about the Ruo Family was its thriving male members! The old lady of the Ruo Family had given birth to six sons, who then gave her four grandsons. She dreamt day and night of having a granddaughter. When she finally got a grandchild, to her dismay, the child was mentally disabled: at over three years old, she still couldn’t speak or walk, couldn’t even eat or relieve herself without help. Everyone thought the Ruo Family would never turn their fortunes around in this lifetime! That was until the half-old three-year-old mentally disabled child suddenly called out, “Mom…” The heavens began to change. The world began to turn mysterious. In the Ruo Family’s courtyard, the persimmons ripened overnight. The vegetables in the fields, nearly nibbled bare by insects, turned lush and green. The old hen that had never laid eggs suddenly started laying… While others faced famine, the Ruo Family’s granary was full. The eldest son was no longer mad, the second son was no longer crippled, the third son was no longer blind… The old lady of the Ruo Family, with her hands on her hips, laughed heartily to the sky, “Who says my Xuanbao is a dimwit? She’s clearly a treasure of blessings!” (This is a farming novel with a hint of fairy charm, where the female protagonist in a previous life was a just-awakened daylily that has reincarnated as a human.)

Fade in and out · História
Classificações insuficientes
89 Chs

Chapter 2 The Most Pleasant Sound

Translator: 549690339


As Xuanbao's childlike voice fell, the entire courtyard quieted down, and even the chirping of insects and birds ceased.

Zhao's mouth dropped open, and she was so shocked that she forgot to wail.

How did this fool know that there was no child in her womb?

Granny Lei stood rigid, looking down incredulously at the child in her arms.

Had she just heard a child's babbling voice, was it Xuanbao who said it?

There was only one child, Xuanbao, in the courtyard, right?

Could it be that her Xuanbao had started to speak?

Madam Liu also looked at her daughter with disbelief, her heart lifted, and her lips trembled slightly. She rubbed her ears and asked cautiously, "Xuanbao, did you... speak just now?"

Could she have misheard?

Xuanbao did speak just now!

And she even called out "Mom"!

Was it a hallucination?

Thinking Madam Liu hadn't heard her clearly, Xuanbao repeated: "Mom, if there's no child in her womb, why would there be movements of an unborn baby?"

Madam Liu burst into tears.

It was true, Xuanbao could speak!

Granny Lei's eyes reddened.

Ah! Her Xuanbao spoke, her voice clear and delicate, so sweet, so nice to hear!

Zhao was nearly scared to death, shouting loudly: "Xuanbao, what nonsense are you talking about! What does a three-year-old child like you know? It's the doctor in town who said I'm carrying a little sister in my belly!"

Zhao intentionally mentioned a sister, knowing that Granny Lei had six sons and four grandsons, and the Ruo Family hadn't had a baby girl for generations, which was why they cherished Xuanbao, the simpleton, as a treasure!

But no one paid attention to her words.

Or rather, whether there was a baby in her womb wasn't important at all!

How could that compare to the joy of Xuanbao speaking?

Both were completely immersed in the joy of Xuanbao's newfound ability to talk.

More than three years! They had been waiting for three years!

Madam Liu, with tears streaming down her face, excitedly said to Granny Lei: "Mother, Xuanbao can speak! Xuanbao just called for me!"

Granny Lei nodded vigorously, moved: "I heard it, heard it!"

She wiped her tears with her hand and coaxed softly: "Xuanbao, I'm your grandma, call me grandma."

"Grandma," Ruo Xuan obediently called out.

"Good, Xuanbao is good! Xuanbao is amazing; she can call grandma now! Hehe... Xuanbao can call grandma... uhu..." Granny Lei cried and laughed.

"Can Xuanbao call out 'Mom' again?"

"Mom," Ruo Xuan repeated sweetly, not tired of it.

She knew the two people were her grandmother and mother reincarnated.

Her memories were filled with their care for her in this body.

She not only had a mom and a grandma, but she also had a dad, five uncles, and four older brothers, all of whom were kind to her, often talked to her, and played with her.

How wonderful!

In this life, she was no longer a lone flower.

"Uhu..." Madam Liu and Granny Lei couldn't help but embrace Xuanbao tightly, weeping together!

Being hugged so tightly that she could hardly breathe, Ruo Xuan: "..."

Zhao was dumbfounded, how did this simpleton suddenly start to speak?

But, she actually knew Zhao was feigning pregnancy? Then it would have been better if she had continued being mute, remaining a simpleton!

At that moment, the Ruo Family men returned from the fields, and seeing the trio crying their eyes out, they were stunned.

Ruo Shui, seeing his wife and mother embracing their daughter and crying, felt like his heart skipped a beat; panic flashed across his face: "What's wrong? Mother, what happened?"

The others were also terrified and asked what had happened.

Seeing that her husband had returned, Zhao, with a guilty conscience, took the opportunity to hide back inside the house.

She was afraid Xuanbao would say again that there was no child in her womb, causing Ruo He to be suspicious, to find out that nothing had actually happened back then, and to divorce her.

Madam Liu and Granny Lei saw them coming back and hurriedly wiped their tears.

Granny Lei happily told everyone: "Xuanbao can talk! Xuanbao just called out for grandma!"

Madam Liu said excitedly: "Husband, Xuanbao can talk! Xuanbao, daddy's back, quickly call him daddy!"

"Daddy!" Ruo Xuan obediently exclaimed.

This "daddy" was like a thunderclap out of the blue, erupting into a bloom in the Ruo Family's small courtyard!

Ruo Shui, a man of imposing height, was moved to tears, standing rooted to the spot, at a loss, with one thought in his mind: Xuanbao can talk! Xuanbao can call daddy!!

After Ruo Xuan called out, she rubbed her eyes; just now, she thought she saw a cloud of black energy envelop her father, but it disappeared in an instant, and she doubted she had seen correctly.

"Xuanbao called me brother! Xuanbao called me brother!" The little boy jumped up joyfully.

"Xuanbao, I'm your big brother! Ruo Zhou big brother! Call big brother! Big brother will give you bird eggs to play with!"

"Xuanbao, second uncle, call second uncle..."

"Xuanbao, second uncle's wife..."

"Third uncle! Xuanbao, call third uncle..."

"Xuanbao, second brother..."


The family eagerly jostled to be the next called by Xuanbao.

Granny Lei had six sons, named respectively: Ruo Hai, Ruo Jiang, Ruo He, Ruo Shui, Ruo Shan, and Ruo Chuan.

At this moment, only the second son's family, the third, fourth, sixth, and the four grandsons were present.

Ruo Xuan obediently called out in turn: "Second uncle, second uncle's wife, third uncle, sixth uncle, big brother…,"


The sounds were crisp and pleasant to the ear, like music from heaven!

The Ruo family members turned their heads and secretly wiped away their tears.

It was so beautiful!

It was the most moving sound in the world, bar none.

This call, they had been awaiting for more than three years, through well over a thousand days and nights.

They had finally got their wish!

They wanted to see who would dare say their Xuanbao was a simpleton again!

At this moment, they thought Xuanbao being able to speak was already the biggest surprise, but they didn't expect even more surprises to come.

At dinner time, Xuanbao could eat by himself.

During the bath, Xuanbao wanted to wash himself.

After the bath, Xuanbao dressed himself and walked out.

Xuanbao could not only speak but also eat, bathe, and walk by himself!

So many surprises made the Ruo family almost unable to believe it, as if they were dreaming.

The night was deep and everyone in the village was asleep.

Ruo Shui and his wife held each other and wept silently, out of happiness and also because of the past hardships and heartaches.

They didn't dare to sleep, for fear that upon waking, it would all turn out to be a dream.

Ruo Xuan, whose soul had just recovered and still in a child's body, had already fallen asleep from exhaustion.

Ruo Shui asked Madam Liu how Xuanbao suddenly started speaking, too many surprises had made him forget to ask until now.

"I don't know either, my mother and I went to deliver firewood to the village chief, leaving Xuanbao alone in the house. When we returned, we saw Xuanbao... But I beat her back!" Madam Liu explained what happened in detail.

Now, when she thought of Xuanbao's pale face and the bruises on her body, she wished she could beat Zhao again.

"You did the right thing!" Ruo Shui's heart clenched when he heard this, and he clenched his fists—was Zhao even human?

Ruo Shui wanted to check Xuanbao's injuries, although his wife had already applied medicine, he was still not at ease. But it was too dark to see clearly, so he only felt for his daughter's breath: She was still breathing.

He then felt relieved.

If she weren't pregnant with his third brother's child, if it weren't for his principle of not hitting women, he would have wanted to get up and beat her again!

But even if he couldn't beat her, she wouldn't have it easy!

She had nearly killed his daughter; there was no way she could stay in the Ruo family!

Madam Liu suddenly said, "Do you think Xuanbao's soul woke up because she choked?"

In the past, they had taken Xuanbao to many doctors, all of whom said she was born simple-minded, with no cure.

They did not believe it, nor did they give up. Xuanbao was so well-behaved, how could she possibly be simple-minded?

Latter, a wandering monk said Xuanbao was not simple-minded, just that her soul had not yet awakened and she would be a normal person once it did.

However, the monk didn't know when her soul would awaken, just that it could happen at any moment, but also might never happen at all.

Nevertheless, they all firmly believed that Xuanbao would wake up one day.

Ruo Shui believed in heaven for the first time, "It's heaven's blessing, Xuanbao has finally woken up!"

Madam Liu also felt it was right, "Husband, I want to pick a good day to go to the temple to repay the gods."

"Good." Ruo Shui wanted to ask if Xuanbao's first words were calling for her mother and if she had said anything else.

At that moment, Ruo Xuan turned over in her sleep.

He immediately fell silent.

Fearing they would wake the child, they dared not speak anymore or make any movements, slowly drifting off to sleep.

In the middle of the night, Ruo Xuan woke up because she was hungry, her stomach rumbling.

Last night's dinner was only a large pot of wild vegetable soup, but usually at night she could eat a bowl of egg custard and drink a bowl of wild vegetable soup.

This treatment in the entire Ruo family was exclusive to her, but that bowl of egg custard had been eaten by Zhao.

Ruo Xuan knew from memory that it was because their family was too poor, without silver to buy food, and they couldn't afford meals.

The reason lay with her eldest uncle who had been bitten by a dog in the military camp and contracted rabies, causing him to bite others and compensating a lot of silver.

Her second uncle had fallen down a mountain in the county town on a dark night, breaking his leg, and spent quite a bit of silver on treatment.

Her third uncle had an eye disease that prevented him from seeing at night, and after seeing many doctors, his condition couldn't be cured.

Because she had been unable to cry or fuss since birth, and couldn't speak or walk at three years old, her parents had taken her to many doctors, spending a lot of silver as well.

The silver earned by the family was not enough for the three of them to buy medicine and receive treatment, so they became poorer and poorer.

Ruo Xuan looked at her family members and felt the Ruo family should not be like this.

It must be because of that clump of black air.

Black clouds lingering overhead meant they were entangled with bad luck, but where should these misfortunes be coming from?

Too hungry and without any spiritual power, she couldn't find the reason for a while.

As a Xuancao Flower that needed only sunlight and rain to grow, this was her first time understanding the feeling of hunger, which was slightly uncomfortable.

Ruo Xuan thought about cultivating. With cultivation, she wouldn't feel hungry!

And with cultivation, she could have spiritual power!

Ruo Xuan immediately began to cultivate, then she discovered in dismay that the spiritual energy here was too scarce, almost non-existent!

Furthermore, her Dantian felt as if it had been sealed in ice, unable to store any spiritual energy.

She glanced at the moonlight streaming in through the small window.

Luckily, as a flower, she could absorb the essence of the sun and moon to cultivate.

She quietly lay under the moonlight and began to desperately dig in her tiny Dantian!

To dig a hole to store spiritual energy.

It wasn't until near dawn that she managed to dig a tiny hole and store a small amount of spiritual energy, just enough to cast a small spell.

Her stomach was still a bit hungry, wanting to eat something.

Ruo Xuan thought of the unripe persimmons hanging on the persimmon tree in the yard, and the old hen that no longer laid eggs.